THE 4VCISPORTS COLUMI eA -school oi sport huhta a e veloped since our nearly po-injtess efforts S in O-lympic Gam-res track;-field, wauldelmn ate our competition therein until such time as we develop athietes of a calibre, reaso- ably certain of points, an meantime, devote our funds to sending forth trap-shooters, padd-lers, boxers, in which diversions we might -ýhrw to better advîntage, It's a sounid pracical toghal rigbit, but thouLgh tit makýes s10o differenIce, I donlt agree-ý. '11he vie-pu1,Int c ' ey wellb disputed, if poui adhýere hto coldlly practýicai groun1ds, JBut amateur ?5port isn't founidednecssailyoneoIldly practical grunds. There's a senitimlental s'ide to. it. Every counItry doesîît en takfe4wintleis to the Gamets.Ie, such, entries are liiÎt- ed to a very few nationis, A'nd! it vwould be pulttinig thie finlal k'illing blow an1 the ambitions and hpsof younIg Canlada if thet Olymnpic standaJrds were set sa hligli, in thle Trials, thiat iPractical- Iy noue cotuld makýe theml. There niust be soijie soti tolet- an-ce in these tiings, and thec goal of Olymipic c peionan , Perhalps, lmpcvictory, musI't bc tkept alive for1. the futuireev-n if' we hiaveii't doue so welIl in the last couple of G;ames. The Olympic goal must remnain, beyond the Empire Gamne, So ive must ini Canada r each a compromise between thse prac.- tical and the sentimental in our Olympic out-look, Shail victory be thse only consideration, with none but reasonably certain win- ners sent to the Gamnes, which would mean r7educ-*ing the teamr to non-existent iproportions, or shaîl we maintain thse attitude that thse Olympics are a goal worth retaining, but thaýt if victory is not achieved, then thse competition itself has been worth wbile? We mtmust takçe either -attitudce or abandon i, e fruitlesýs en- deaIvor to distiliguishi between thie twýo in a Worl ere a-thietic rsuýccess hecoines thehalar almiost in thie grade school witb little or nio toierationt for Iack, of it. Perhaips theý attitudewod cbiange ifBaron deouer ic bsis was lhung on every sehclool- WhIien he succeeded iii restoring thie GameI's, back, in 1896,5 Baron dcCooubertfn. wrote: "The imrportant part in the Olymnpie Gancs b flot ta win ,bt to take part in them,ý just asinl ife the rot ssetil ting is 1Dot 50 6muicb to coniquer 2as ta have foughit l " Nations greater in pýopulatîin than Canada didni't fare sýo well i the Olympiïc track-field competitions, There must be heart-buýrni;ng and disappointnsient in many nations, as fond hopes were dashed, by amazing, performances th-at sent forr,-, records rollinig brokenly into the past. So let's look aliead, We'vje had a Kerr, a Williarns, a McNaughto-n, a Sherring, a Hodgson before, Why flot again? Your coamments ai Sugges.tions for thiïs caluiun wiI be welcamied byEle Fergusont, c/o Culvert' Houîe, 431 Yonge S;,,. Toroni o. Ca1vet~t rDIST L LERS AMHERSTBURG. ONTARIO It wias juet 25 yers ago t-bat Babeý RutI-s smacked Dont 60 four baggeiss; and althouigli at thle start of eacb gesc) on ombodly Is threatenbnig eta break thlat rcord -- Ralpb Kinerý vas the "pe-opýles' chaice" l-, 1952, remmbei'-oboy as(eVeil 'insua- etged ta cornec close. Lots of bittera efet away froin the-cbarnier nith an e ven greater 7bmi-t of speed thaln Th Bambinù iever soe;but uýhen tIse chbps are downin buSep- ftesber, ebst nuenRuti usedt t be e,ttiig bat, ail the others seem tae eoloff. Just for ise record, let's takce s tackward gluceý at 1bat hiStorbe M927 cmpaigui of TfiseBabe's - capaign duriig Wbcbmast of the fans were mare in.tercsted ju how nAliy 1opsers 1he'd bit eachis lis ýhan tbey niete ibu Wbo ctu -won br ilost. That record '27 c'm'aig b- >uan ibnnceuitly eog.On April Paksdtat W5aIsiforOtIse se- tou'slit month. Thse cuistomers began ta tbink bu teris ofÀaàni record, hnvr wihen Éthe Babe vair.ed tp -ta Mýay. HÎe clutedaneven dozen,ïîartïinig off Wtbtwo bin a May lst obe bea-der Wtb te 'at Neni Yark, sud tasppîug the ont itb h- otherpairfcbng A'S bbudIg at Slhibe Park ou tise 3lst. Thie Bmilbino s)owed as bý i bu June-> , gtthig apiete inie. wc ble got tna bu11 anc gaine - once Off -Buckeye ofCevansu a- Red ox. hat ade a ,.total of '25 wbhtse ason capproatcbbug e lf-niay mark, Rutb's July pace 5 xcl the smeas that of june5,,with bIis mille aaubcudn is one. gMe nt oi ýccasionIs.He did it off Holoa af D)etriu Aston 'of St.Louis. NoDt (onIy that, e ut iseitc orî three others. The miouith began w'beu the:fi> Babe bitùone off WalP.berg at Philadelpiaon the 2d, The Yan- kees soan thcreafer viitcd Boston and Babe gat fie more - two off Welzer, sud une each versus Rus- sell, McFTcnsu iarriss. By the lth the Yankees MId s;ettled at hiome, WhectheCy WereýC ta spcnd the test of the m(onth, and thlere cani be no do(,Jubt that this nas a fcrtuniate tutu! of evenits frthe Bamrbinio, Althiough l a thrcat a nwe e ewaS dobl s at Yankee Stadirm, Wih &tsshort loWetr grandstand din right field. Tie Pabc _>10N. . 0off Gastone of the Browns on the Wollth, the acddil twa ore pun the l3th off Hludîb and S~aute of Clçveand, BIanke*sý3Iïip of thre WhitecSo auýthred N!,;0 53 aud the popularot Ted 1Lyouis of thse Samecluhb thre., tle baIl tatresuledi No 54* * * Gibsooný-f Detroî ias ante moüuud WeN,5 5 hàsbitandi 56. Thse great etyGaete wil bh the A's, -,iasesosi, for the 57t14 arausing tIse suspe- Cýü ion tatperhiaps, sfter, RutIsW recod bouud ButouteeWere ouly twb maore gaImesta pîay. Ou Spt. 21bh UneSenators w'ere in tanind the Babe gat onIe off L isebee b an arly inuing, thecn addedaote ofHpkn later. TatNo. ý59 tîed hî(s best .pre- viaus pear, iri, 1921, Theu, as aIl f baealrase and ebeeed(,Rt I adeI it 60 ou, tbeh final day of ts seasan off Toml Zacharyý, tueWa sligton leffltandct - on0 0 corethe day may came ,when that 6-ar vjIl1 beýclipsed, or ruRybe not., But anceting you Cati give odds ou-tbe gu-yWh 11oc s id bul!nore tIssu a sprin-,. ter, Newis teattWa South Afcaný- exýpedîtion-s are off in Search of theý qulagga-a zba-ieanmlbelie v- ed ta be extinct for ceuturies- shows Otamsiene beieves iàts stories of mysterbous beasto that only jun'glenaivsknaW, Such tales of stran19e ailnimais are paricuary tldin parts of Africa, Australia, anid South Amric. Ad wve caulnat f(çer-get tfIsercentfly phor- tographied foatprîn1ts of "theý Abomj- inable Snloriau" -nibatever that c:reatture mnay be. The flrst Africani expedition, ledi by Mr., Bernard Carp), left CaýpeL Tanin laite bui atchfor the loneýr reaches of Fisis iveCr'Valley ,u Souh-WstAfrica-as ncr a par- til iidmrucs as amy lnd pn eart, The second party, commandýiiced by Dr. Tý , G.Ne, biogist ,.of l t: Naton l Prks Board, set out ta- warsdste esd of Amy for tIe gor- ges of the Oranlge Rivet. Wl!they succeed? Have pou seen a hairy frg? A cagr ago you mnight bhave lîaughied Bu tisudsan animial, inew to rznin- alse tshâsbeen discoveted by àë' B riis expedition bta the rivýer swamips of Afica. The, Congo pesi- cc k 7was zf ouin d bu193 7, asu-ýdftise culrions okapi, nonlu ni ,1y zoos, nias a front-page discovery at'tise turu of tIse cetuiy-ahough it hiad 1been laughed at -1ýas a ative legend. Iu Austraîb,-iexperts in animnal lîfe beîieve thereivs a 15-oo kaugarao. And there, taa, may bùe the thylacine or v'saua oif,i which nauai - eclare be- came cextbf nct u ar life-timie, Pres eut-day sto-nies af a stranige beîts large as a dog sud flerce as a tiger could mean thntthyacine stoi exis, Thei oddty s thatthe live ou red matyýt carry a ponich for tbir ynn.And one of ët eua sans for their disappearancce - if îlîey have- gonefor good-was tser u:tter stupbdity. amescould trap themij in enclosures wîth edges DIr, malre tIssu tnia feet iiigb, for the beast ineyer leained taC-,jump.) From Výcieeuela camles a Story 'of a 'kbnd of ape),aver five feet ibigbi, butnitb nowtaL. And in Patagania mmni ak of a liep et so fat un- eegiant Sloth clae1in bu armaur- Plate aud long h fait. lit i, ku-own ta science 'b-caunse it tidied Out, some 101UN ypers ago. And pet- fresh traces of bts tmrrbesb were fouud bu a caîve just ber the -w ar, Sbeer chlance samectîmles uneariýthis unknowu aiiinaIs, as nihen a French priest san qucer creatures bu tIse garden of Peltin Palace. Sendüinlg home the skbu su1d hornls aofe it was icolnlred by zoolo- gists thlat here was a nenw species, Due jcta the Duke f-Befodve spcmesnere ob-tainied, as 8 to-d'ay pou m1ay sec- Pere David's dee,,r in aur zoos wbble they are ex- tbu--ct bu, their native Clhina, nbiped onit irbuic tIs oxer Risirng. Top Hat Causcedj Riot In 1796 a Loudo01ýn nspape( te portcd the arrest of: a Mr. john Hetheriugton on sa charge af ibreachi of thse peace sud .f,)r obstructiug the s treet. His crime nias simiplywaina bat, but the jenispaper appeared ta be shocked at the sefbýousness (5f bis offenc&.' i"Mr, 1Hethcrînigton, i s wel] onete,"rad tIse te-- part, îiappeatred noutIebiwy iesrng ou bis hea li ht lbe calledl a -silk bt- tI! struciture 1bav-iing s sbiny îlute, sdcalculated ta frighten tîiirdpeople ,.> . When lietbierbngton iappeared ilu the street a crowd ,gathiered round hbml; ni c0 in e n faiuited, cliiidrei! screamed, sud ancboy nias !thîonIuI dîotni b'Y die crowd thltat(! dco,- lected aîlid had bis rigbitïai brokeri Iuexn uai D f !lis"rm, Hether-ington cîaimed flthbe wnia exercisîng b7- i rit ta apear' buina beaddIress OfaIlbs ~udvsiI rîghit thlat shiouf flot Ib eaiedt any Eniglishman.,t1 The ouitcome of tbat trial 15 Dot reco-rdedl, but thsefasloîz Eiattedj bp john H-ýetbetiiugÉtu-lias long CLASSUFUED AUVERTISINO ZOÂY aid oand started chicks. "Ibres, our five and sI wecsad for Iinmeidiate dellveýry, aie aidr milets, Ask about naw for 1953 c'hioeke and turkecy ale Plae your orde'r eri nçd secujre the ciisanda rey n the date yau d- sire thein.Weei eld3 Catalogue. TWVEDDLE CICKHAC IS T. 'SICK"ý-Wrlte CIinle DOocta-571 Dar- forth, Tomrnto. D ls-prtois suFellyirýl DYEINO AND LASN FIAVE ya nthn eeds dyeing or ciean- Ing? Write t a ts oor rmto.We tre giad ta ansýwer your questions. De- armnt H". PrersDye ok Lmt i9.1'Tong-e St. Toronta.- VO0 LSALE ,UL LETLI, eri housaýnd Heliywood Stin 11White Les;hornes, lamp 1$Rock, Rock -K Legborn Coses 4ta 5 manthsý aid ai$17 t $25 acb, nnow 'tbrough Octobe'r. itaised on green* ladino range. Shpsdl ew crIe. awklns Feed Cepc ltcherie, T'llisoniburg.On- tari. GARACES--PorýaIe, prefabrcated. rost- Proof. $120. $110. Sheds, Range Sheiter Rtoofs, $45. Sciaa EuIldings, shaw- bridge. Quebec, BfADONýNA Lily Builbs,0loh26 ach. Duncan1,1a dias, Du;ncan., Vancauver Be.,t Canadian Fric:- Ibelver:- 54 Sheet, Ilil (cnar1e. Building Reteniais. Lac Guindon, ube PEUD 5MILL. Sacrifie ai, 410.,s Terns.ltu, sibefore rush sao dIue ta lii eath. rite .ackRoio, 50Nsn.Waiiaceburg. Ontaria. PAINT S AN» VARNIHES, Eeti Matns EecriaiAppvliau-es. HTobbIysbepr macbcen Deaenswanted, Write: 'Wanco Grease and 0(1liTmited. Tarante,. CRESSWATIIEMOVR -Leaves n scar, Voer Dugglit selîs CUESS. BU-SINEISS Bildiing and Duplex, Phoeix, Anzoa. Icae better than 1% Totalpnc Eighieen Thausanc, "OJwner" FaulGre, asde tta. asa Clty i aneans Iliceý,s. 1Rush yOur ardr ta Il.Dolc, 15 )HastId et . rain1 N'Y., iU.S.A. The,,ebesof tie,, tano Abedeen Anlo rs AsocatoncdiaIy Invite",yenê ta atendther AnualFal Saileat th'e WesernFalgrond ,oLndon, an M-A. day Ocobe eitbat- ans ý>o'* 1-pm Pif ty hed 0 cair cttlIeof the"Wrs GraetBeef Ur!" will be ter. 128 Dacforth Ave. Tarante.II APPLE OrýCHARD near pved nod. ine eelid brick bre 10aceBenn Orchard, 4ù acres r- able., aanepatr -aqbuh ri te fan foupatîulr Othen FarcisBusiness &llcesLstd LONG BROS. Fort Hope Realtors Phene 3505 PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE Thie1952 catalogue le off the pýrees. Write fo eu opy an 'visit the nlew wans- houes and11 ses fer yennseif ie madl bathcoom d (ispîsys ie white and coloorsd ltanar ce baibtroociswith tilsd anr paînteli wais. t the Way yen 'M",t a baibreoce len yeuirQaomne. 'We 1have lsiis ac aIe ckabiet unlis, iaaoybasins ,ad aitets. pressure sys- teins, and ectiwater heates range boiler. ip e and fittinge la oppei .gaI- v'anli7sd seII'dcm ,1,mon, Septie and aI taks rfngeatrsand seinerange.. a owesliceettunaesfarCondi- iienîcg ,ucieand bot wtsLeai e s teins vithl etn rd.Wtdivri yoor inereIsi aiwystton ;ou pyn Streetviile, Ohntarl Mon eg10tawear Lbeaver b ats ornamileutýedj withr strings and tas- sels, buit of flic sameI shape as the1 bat lhich tcrrbfied thathotlLoi 111he nt eecntrythe "'top petr" rev,,rted ïthteçfashion set by FIetlheniugtonil dcaille ta be -ou- sidered as amr of distinctioin and -since ithen it hsrvvdcout less chan11ges Of fshon i(%t~m donta thlis centpry iviil 1t riia Rynti.afo)r formâ ev-te riulg &s"the' orier is "top hbat andý, NOT TAKE SODA e yIf u ifer frein acid indigestion, gab, heýantibur, ecientisis say bakýing soda cen add Gou upset, destray vit'amine, cause a ,kalosiesacid rehon(d. "Mies e ls I hsd indies -b sd ? pains, aud 1 praCccsly iivedi on bainie s-oda," oays Peter George,'L.thbridge, Aita ..'Thon I1atarted taking Dr. Pieree's Golden Medîical Discvery =1d the pains wênt aw,ýay ai l could est andeiejoy my meals again. îj geoned .1Q panades nd feit mucli better," Thotusands wha snifered sncb diâVresn- due ta no arganlocansstied Dr. piercs'e Golden lMedical Discovery with almasing reýst. Over 35,000,000 býoit!es of ties great non-sic-oholie mýedicine, with is wonderful ot4emachic tonlec action, have been sotd ta date. And ina wonder. PFirat, taken regnlariy, it promotes mare normal stotescie ctivxty. tins heipins tQ digest food bettes Cte yau wa't ha-e gas, heasihuu, sanr stamnachi. ficnwth stýrcach activhty imnproved, yen cenr est the fCods yau ike wthaet fean af 'Tyyt. C'et CDr. Golc'eden 1Msdi<,l biecove"rt ai our 4lrnggist, idyl ISSUE 40 - 1952 MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 EIgin Ot $1.25 Express Prepaid WH-Y-suifer If tlheve 15semthngtat will belp Zyou; Ilundreda o thusa d f etn ilave been sýolO on a mone'y back guar- anie. a esy a ue. After your yn- toshave been djiagnosed aso Asthmea, yen IWe hta yourseif to try Astbinefrin, Your Druggist OXET MSHEET AsH Used by leain Lndjon H,,seits4 surd ieîalSellit.seto eept cet Postal order $1108 Dollar ta: rlets Det. EDICAL & flRU(ýGISTS SUPPLIES, 42 Tveok ltLondo, NURSES WA"~ -Gradaie Nurses foc g",eent duty 1lna aflyeeeo5-e opt Gross stanlng ea' slar Zy cf s1000 o üp a'r neionth.,(nt) solit shî ta, isix daywek.tirydashiias i qfy ttr ans e ar of service nd ail utantoy hliays AplySuperinteneenýt 0va, Saskatcbewar, WOnuyreswanted for Ueýited huc Misio Hsphital an1 West Coa"t Inte- etlnýg work. oc alr a-ote ESAND %W05IE.N ,ÉE À HAIRDRESSER CA±4ADA's LEADIINO CIO Gret Oporun îyLearp Phosana 0 sucesfuiManvel gradiesten Amelcra's Geai1t ystem iItellus ttdiatloguoe t're Write tor Caîl PIA-rVEL HAIRFDRE S1IN GSCH110OLS 15 l~rSi.'WV., Toronto Brniches. K411ingSt., Hlamilten, 72 ideau St..Ot_ BDE rindePendent! Manag;e own mgsn erature fres. Ellttt'e, 151 Ga'nb7r, Toronto., ATTENTION: OeIitalrio Huntens andi Fish- e rimea. Grouse, Duckýs, Mlose and .Lhe, Gaine pflentifuil ibis seasan. GrileelejS Gw 9anda LakeCm.Caie ate uds etc. Stuaisd lte Hea l e Onavio's Pi adGaine lBet, Wr-ite for particu- la, scicels sd e5naton N. , Gren, ropietr.Gewvgnda, 0Octante. PATENTS AIN OFFER te every Ivna- ist et la venýtIens an-ful Ifritensn re Hb acisay Ce. RePi 'lirolPatent Ater- LaeYs. 2!5 Sanie Streetc Oiaa IcETI -TESTONFA UGE Ccian ta- 'ay S'-reet. Taraneflnil tifom. î10n an reonesi FERSONAL puli et Mexia besfr$. ýn e9inry ermitifrain$1 N tcp> Filmr. 10- MaronPhar, jTex., IF VOen Have a Hobbyw 'îl eiyen TariT ý, W ipfi NEW r ug's Smade tanM'es adt, san wogeorns QWit frataloue nd rie W Il ALTE EI POLTR'vetrufl every pldesito as, larg ry inal uatelHSetcs esices. HOVrin DUýPOat-fiN'r PQULT1i;s PACr- E> etaisip-r0kali aneor geins -CANEA -iNYYHBNîmmeiasyl-Lier. Oas 7.,of 1-aLperrcatloa mairsv latle, bst0es ooN e 1sred ï O So1n et oire.beesse on 010 a, intber pistjeedgai od eenie sI £torine en d .5 or pSe.lie iovabia e dYLreIeDSOOte leanei;OluEIO. Maey pcTWi 'i 4 't N "t N N N N 't .1' 't ........ ........ p N N. s ~1 's 's t'. N 't N N. N. N N N N N N. N NI N N N N N N5 N N N. 'Ni ---N y NI N N N N N N N. N. N 'I N N N. N N. N. N. N. N t, 'I N -N -t N N 5. N NI N -'t, s 'N 't s Ni N s N. N 's t1 -t N NI NI N N N. N. NI N 't 4 -NI N 'N N NI 't NI NI N. N N NI r' t'