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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Oct 1952, p. 7

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~~s1fe By margarel Cobb He was rigbt )ehind ber when she lefttce buS ut Brou and Min, and shie kt îtIIwij otookingta itwsthe same blond youing mai] who bIad culi ereewbien shie boarded tlý b bs. Shre buried (up PBroad JStreeît.1 b- a miored Store front she couldscee fitbulie was beind bl er, saunterîng easily along wita jimorous twist to) bis wide mï-outhi. carefuly the contenLits of a number of dress sbop wnow.Two blocks iater she glaniced arouý,i i oncai- antly, just to prove f0 herself that lie hMd passed on bis way. He oas studyýin)g Oie sweaters displayed Cby tbe nx--as sore at whiîch she bad lingee Hier bigh-beeled sandals tapped angrily on the pavement. Her slen- der back tigbtened. She urned Kto the next Sbop. Whushec left the store au$ emlerged i nto the crisp suLnlighitlie wus waiting, leaning comifor-tably aguinst a plate glass indow. At Huaa',teneatrest de- partmnt istore, Shte paused 'Dily ta select a magazie from a yack on the llrst floot; ,lien, tryin to ig- nore the well-lgtedcomupact ,shiolders just ini front of ber in the leaoSI-e sldpped off at the s econd and beadeil fO: ýte ladies' lounge. Finding aqo ncùpe chirshewent tbrouglr the piaga- 510e -om cover ao cover SJe gatherecd p ber purse andi periodical and stepped confldenty thirtugh the bayswingng do She lingered inu te book depart- meuf For a happy ioment before tttnig htlsly0to la, thefeprt- mentand she Cad abuuost reàcbd die elevators lio# e steppred frontbb,ind a Sbo4vcase. One héOuples~gauce, ad w shrugged,"I ma as -,I orget you're bere and go on about my shopp)ing," thlle Shrù- aid.She ur ed on bier heel and etr~ the ilu- faiitF' eeartiest, "MY ittlc glu is wearinig ont, the things she in!héerît,tdfrýom ber bro- thier," shete old the cilerk. "Let nie se som1e) clothes for a si-monts She selected i bgws "'Il take tbjse," site sai'd, "Charge, pleasey rThe salesWom-an rededler little book."am and He bad taker a iposition witý-jbP earsot. ~Nevr tund,"thegirl said bsiy lIpuy for tbjem."ý On BFrad Street oCe more, she scornied display wiïndôws.. Crosýsing tire str-eet, she ç cu trated lber attetion on the en' Chop, Coin-g to a fil Stop before 00e whos windotvere crowvded wihathletic equ-,ipmienit, shleswg about ,andmrcu4 nd. Wbîe waatig ber turu henoed th dite 1blon»d yolung man as -,ýah r- sorbedly studyg a dîspla of trot liles at the other end of tbe cojun1ter. "Wait On you, Miss?" a clerk asked. "I waot a àbirthiday lreset for MY husbad, Itbouht-w lie ikes t0o exercise wîth those havtig -bars-you kuow." "'A fil ty n7 - ebp? ,,Oh, no"le a iagh ikd p)olitelY, "iepaLssedtriose years ug.And be a Dysues twô of tbemi. lie tiuks mo niwvbio use ~s onle are sI, She bit ber unde1(rhilt tbougbfully."Now,]et Imese- wblat was if hie said? Tbat's -t He auted serme weghing two huandrei The clerk ,,staîed. "A ,ý,two undrlled pouner? w of them?" "Oys"She sîe dmr, L "Al rigbit, MisS -M'am" lTe cýerk sh'gIl XV'I aetoo- der tbiem àthou)Igl." The blod youm a n seedt be egardiug theý troei¶ flile, witlI dis- laver, and evenu as site dat-ed a glan1ice at hîmteededhiidc o ward the door., On'!the street il;, sbê aiked a uît two blocks - mirulusy - i eauttiftiliy alonel e, euClt injtotile- confectioners and ioigered a !(jlg wblileover a. ban]ana plhanddnr one followýed, Wbenlshe let the Store Ifs patè u aSemidos weré innocent of 1In ner-s. Witb a hajppy s ln iss ane Granwt, sp)iwps,tir fîed bler pac], aIges lt ovnetrle-rv barrel, allowed bet consience a brief moment',S pang ove, the400 pond parcel travelling to a fictiti- ous address and headed for thje nearest imovie. Ulnder Ice To The North Pole It ail begaoi twenty-oueyer ugo wbien Sir HuLbert Wýilkin1s got to within nine degrees of the Nord-, Pole by sailinig iunder theicei bi's suibmlarine "N11autilus" This n1(ttbod was -,c novel and so un- ot-thodox tat11q tsbAnllrican, u d R n s s i a n L s c e t s t s e g t 1,1111k of thie psibtics of iug,2 suabminesii for oiltler ends thian Mhof ontwa. Reýseacb wrkconinueýd shough- oD it wasj"1,-i th storic occasio-n wbe, drin-g tie lheighit of tie raids on iMalt, he subarune "PorpoiSc'- deiivered gasýolifyCcOod, and amimuoi itioo toth(,de isilnd. For the fit-stt imle a submnarine ýwaIs usedi as a cargo carrier, Sir HqubeIt Wilkinis iad proved dhe pwosblty of samoig foir mils under aflee-ettikciigo soid ice, and lhe and Bot-g Mersb the Swedisb eplorer. pointed ont that 'àtwould be poss'ible f Saýil rÏgb-t througb the 2Arcdtic.e af witb muchgreatetu bckeso Thia, fthey argued, would cnt tern E urope and fthe AtpdS, ubetwenVaiotkadth t-est of the wvorld bIy ut least h ,all . This was !10 exaggerutioni, for die distance Riee ieroland Vo- kohlamia is 11,000 miles by thiePa naa pCanal rute, and 12,5û00 mles via the Suiez Canial. Saiilig dir-ct, u'n-sdie e ortb Polý, the distance is 0111y 6,000î miles. Secret Sehemne- SÎImon ýL aklýe, *lte wl-o Amneric-an Submat-ine expertws the i-st fo bacjýie theviewýs of il- kiois aMsndd i(Ihe ceventu-lty icoduced plans o& a giant submar- lue wbîcb conbld cary 7,000tons Of cargo M dtravel u the speed OI twenity kuiots, llu Russia Ithe eýxplore-r, Scb1aidf, boosted Wiikîans'idus frontth aniigle duit, if lty Ccouid be md wvorkable, the solid ice shoC'res of Siheria feed no lonýjger Ie aj bar- net o th a!l-fbe-year-rouind sea, trade. T-be Rjassian er.gineet - usso, developed Simon Lk' pans toýý the extent tfiat flot only cuda Feddy Gets The Birds--Freddy, i 6-month-old Herelecrd steer, hopes he pigeons roosfing on bis neck aren't an 01 mei He's been entered in the livestock competition at the Counfy Fair, and he ho>pes the judges won't give him the bird. His prety misfress, 4-H Club adviser Gloria, Ward, 19, has also enteredte pigeons in a judging event. suibmarinle sailiCIt dr agrea-itcr1 thiickuiess of ice, butht ithie Ccw would be sae.- j ~ ~ fi( JAotecineo7, devise d sil i1mp e r sifu pr o tc-c t sub-. m ar ine s from ja)rrinig iagainst -the c ceiiiog. There is nlo doub'dt fthat teRussians were taking thie i,,!ea- of uoder- Arctic 1travel ver-y ser- The -ast ews t filer tiougD beï(oié ajlI nomto a u prïessêd, -'as tha"t thie authorities 11ad( plnd 3a 3Ssem of aer- dr omeics, i c -br e a ke-,s supply7sta - ton1 s jrgIt acroCss dhe A rctic soE thiait two lundred iles, if ncs arfor rpuror refujeljiug, Conac btwenthle statio'ns oudbe minitainled by ýaer-olune adamrpbîbious tanik good we'ather, and »Y fdogs a oUe roses, - ABLE TALKÇS ýJaL\a.Ardrzws, Eatig bau-hic 50many do ofdoctors orders - needn't be considered a chore" ;Sien you l'se the flakes like tis. RAISIN-BRAN MUFFINS Slft togethecr into irgbw powder, 7 tsp, soda, 1 tsp. sait. Cut l iii pastry blenider 1/3 cup shortening, Strirlu, 1 cup raisins, Iii cup bran flakes. Combine 1 egg, WeilIbeaten, -3/4 cup milk, / cup umolasses. Add ailutonce to dry inigre- dienits; stir nhy unimtil dry inigredi- ents aýre wl oseeBte sbould bc lumpy. Spoonin ito greaised muffin tins, fllig aboutlà fui., Bae îin ht oven(400) 20 min- utevs. Makes 12 medium-size imuf- fins. Here' a very aucie cakeiuep -uatletacetr old anid prob,- abty imore thanl that - buit stil! wotiryiuig. An1dteauig CREAM CAKE icup sugar ? wh1ole eggs 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup sweet milk WýSTRALIA'S NEVV CHIF-Pield Marshal Sir William Slim, above, has been appointed Governor- Gener-al cf Australia. Slimi, 61, wbho will succeed Si, William MVcKeil in the position, isý expect- ed fa relinquish his present csppointment ais chief of Britain's< !mperiai General Staff, in N c, emiber. 2 cups fiant- 2teaspoons bakïng powder Wabbutter 'litwater (in szum- imer use ice water)adcrm nîtitil very lighit; add11ga0an cramweItogether. Add m--ilk ~owder wit las 'Àcup o lUr), BeaIt egg stiff and fold in very las tiulg. Linlo bottom o f pan wihwuxed puper uod rusb o-ver wihbrusbl dipped in mltdshort- enng Pt lu cool oven unmd 1bke withicreaçýsing hileut. After flrst 15 iontes of baking increase 1heatpu a littIe, and when cake hias rîýsen to- top) of pan increase ha iît- 'le mlore. Total bakinig timeshul be about 35 m'inlutes" eemn dooenes by îserting straw; whien ..o btter idlm-es to) thlesrwthie JFILLING 'FOR CREAM CK Iegg 2/ cup sugar 7,1 mcp flour (rubbed sm.ooth in little ilk) i plt rmilk (boiling) I esonval-ilîla Powdered suguar Bet gg stiff; addsugaraoid fourrtubed mo il!10à sl],l amun of miik; s'tir into' boîling milk; ad vanîiad Cook until tqfk sirillg couJsltnty. Spread, coeîgtop with p1owdered sugar, There seems. to bc pleoty of swet co ro aro und, so this recipe -nterreal old-timer - tvouldi seem fair-lv appropriate. CORN RELISH 18 eýars sweet corn.(large. or me- 1 2-pound ttead cabbage 1 medium stalk celery 4 large onions t1 5 sweet Peppers-3 red, , green iquart cider vinegar Sait to taste (2 tab'espoons or more) 2'l, cups brown sugar Cnt coru )off col), srpgcol) with back of knlife, Chlop cbae ce'ery, oon, and pelppers - or run tbrugb mhiiedlium lfood chop- per. Place al ingrcTdienIts in ,kcee adboil gently 0 inte ater it bein f oil. Seul ini jars xli1c bot. Mks41 ,to 5 qurts TIRLFARM FRONT You lks whc, uave trouble in gettinig youir mIIlngachines thiorou.ghly dec'an mu be infterested iu nitheisrutons p uiot by a Ï)i g iddle -"e stLe ro agricultural Prepare thIree gaills o wasb- ,ing Soluttion by, dissolvinIg one talsonof good dairy iwush-inig powder iiiheeglln of warmI water. 2. mme ieI fter ilkîniig, druw b.yvaimthree gallons of this s olution iu mitker, by lifting teait cnps in and ont o soin ta give crub action. Shake milk- er t0 riose Inside uracEmipty iinto original pal and t-epeat pro- cess with Second unit, 3Removemilker puil bead and rnbr-gas-er. Wa "nlu gouiouI amd letla-ce, Doino-t let plisato)r get wt 4.kaeteat cuips and m itb- in l wsbngsoItutýin and lbrnsb3 otiter parts. 5, Brush teaticr,, especially iouer edges an tmil uinig wit prloperly suzed lbruJShes. outsides o-f millker pail, By JAMES M.,'ONTAGNES TORONTO -'akrshus bas long been a, ý,syniouiym for a Phort worinlg fdayv. JCanda baokers lhavteotheide as. Take y' oung Ed-M ir, forex ample. baniik.lie iwas uproted tbcomie «acting imanageür ofia raocb lin the middte of oowere400 ile nortb Ilof Vnoue emiano. where a bigeecic owrdv- taioo(US COasf;. To sresvrltosn ok men v,urebis CUstmrMi M'ly start ontfrm isquonset- bult bead(quairtersut 6 o'clo(-ck o a Sunday moninii.n a blinidinig snrowstorm, as he -icdid one day hý ast Wînter, and dr If)10mites to 1meef the Mweekly sulpp!y bot. On thatSua. hr wa t 60-mile %-wÏiud of sorThe steamer couýldot get Cfintoth)fle dock, s Murn hasd he steb1mer in a tg elvndii ai u ladder", then hled b(A ishev ioig ladder. [Ris "banlker'sbot' ended ilate that igt ba-Lc k l Kemaooc. IfbukrMris'metn the staer [e's faciog equaîly rugged coi ions i a otor bout getting ]bis moe Ihgs lom ap I)obbing fyving bout Canda' yongbankers look forward toý rapid promotion as managers t1le5e a as new froin tiers like Kemiano open up. This past Sommner two or threm boarded a plane t mEdronton 7. Rinse bydrin two galons of Ibot waterf (180 degrees fabiren- heit) loomlerpiRinîse ont- sie of milke, 8. Place mlerpilneadan rubber, seal ring oni utensil rack to drain dIry; 9. Hanjg teat cup asýsemblliy solution rack Dand f£Ilwitb lye solu5- tion, To Me lysluion add hIaf cupstkly solution to one gai- Ion 0f1 atr, ye.stock solution is miade by dissolving a P3 ounce can of lye i-a gallon Qf -water. Short tube iunatons are dl-, mnaoted each morning, washed, with iidfiation bruish, rinsed lu bot water and storud dry. 10. Milker mus11t be brgh, ean and freeo)f ilkstonie be-foreadp tiog thîis mthod of waýshing. Wekycare of Imilker ivle dismiantling mnilker and boiling ail rubber pr larfý,ts tat Comne 10coni- tact with nmilk 10inlye solution(two ounI(ces lye to oýpe gallon -oF water.) Include a-ir Ihoses and pllIorsý in weekyclening and check up. HARD TO SPELL Mfaoy persons experience f rus- tration whien rthey encounter bïï their reading thie varied cuirnotf versions of thl ae (ofithe weep- ing traianm Premnier, The,.ir coiol o- s100 ;s tgii ate agance at somne highly rgre journals on theC desk discloses Mossadegh, Msd Whch isher;iht spelling? The fact is that any orm o-ths vros y as rcgqtas amy oh-~ There's a story of apoorar sendïng a miaouscrîpt back tio Law- rence of Arahia with aIcomlplaint thiat the authocr had spelled HeUjaz,ý the l'alle of the district of which; Mecca is the chclief city, threcec.dif- ffernt was.Which- is right_?"',he asked. Replied Lawrence: "Ail are rigbit anld icam give youl 40 other spellinigs of, it, ahl equlall igb." We bhav!e ltad heu e mdif fieulty of rendering lotoEnglisb letters names and words from an- guiages likýe Alrubîïc and Ru-is s ia n whVlich hLave alphabets differiog mnarkedly from ouLrs. Many of thie .Arabic lýetters hae no precise eqvivýalents in- the Romnan alphabet; the samin is tue wîih the Russin T-be best we can do with Rus-. sianand ýicIArabic namnes is to rep- reseut hemphouietically. As, lu mnany cases, icither one cf several English letters or grourps of letters will serve as vwel1 as anlothar wege± varied results, For eml.l Russin leters\bere i oly iole righ way ïb speâ Cte namne ôf the ters o-f Our alpbubet it Can be speil- ed twelve dîffrent ways, any orie as rý.ghi as anloilher, They, art a;- eq1cally pbiooetic rendurings of te Russ1n. u s cp c ajaioe 1a do is, to adopt 0egetilerally used form aýnd stick -to it.--San Fran-1 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE,, THESE BA NKER 'S HO URS?6 ChitasShould Be Different Matt. 5:1-12 MIery S7 election: Let yows ligne sa shinI bel ore men. thàat they may see your good workuà and glorify your Father whieh ih ln heaven. Mathew 5:16 1The greatest sermon on record is the sermon on the Mout ai Matt. 5-7. The greatest part of that sermon is the filst part, the Beauti- tudes, which 7omnprise our tessonï for today. H-ere is set forth a way of life different from that to which, the natural imanincies api ness does flot corne to thei proud and seif-assertive .but i:)-tote imeek and merciful and pueàhee[ blessing for thos;e who hnger and thirst afterriheues.Ty sal! be satisfied, Thie peacemakP-. ersaramntehap groti'ùP as are those'ý who )are *per-secuýted for The word Christian is applied fo more that 9%of ithe people îu Canada. But imany ;of t oseo thieir own osin are nlot liv'. inge accordinlg to thie pteuset forCth i l te Battde. ay mr laef atier than rgtoses One wealthy vmanl conslting with a wel-kowndocto'r jabout itsI nervus reakownsaid. "I ma- giued I ýwas buyving pîlsurte and I dscoere I asoly buyIVing Man ustbe orti aainbefore be caoitrucily practice the pria.. ciples fthat Jfesuls Chri-st aughit. We mu -hv the heart for ia and that can nlybe urs 1by repentance fýn rom Smand faithlu lijesus Christ as our Lord anid Svo His way' brýings peace -wheýrever î,it i foillow- edi: pe'ace i, lu te home, and pearce in the wvorld. JesuisCrs presents thie ooly hope for tIiis sin.-stainerd worl. Let tus turn f0 Hilmn! SAILY'sSLIS Cold Cash For Frozen North is housed in this shack, bank brancb af a new aluminum refirlery ai Kifintcit, Briiish Columbia. mony t goinito bulsiniess. A îbou)tsaod m 1iles to th1e north, they were ï-lndeCIt utthe Canian gil -ov- ermn's uraium in iueut PortMm Radlium onuGreatBr Lake, iust soutîh of the ArctCirce Thet branch hank Is the mo sortber olie iiiCanlada. On thie Atlantic coast, o-nth Guspe Penjosula, a couple ofa young bunkers were givecti e smiafliroomis lui acoultractor's23 bunkous-on tobank ià h othier îtwo to live b Tey'I en out mnyorders for 50 oA ç mlen lat the camp aodýlal(] sadecfnn deal business for the contractors- - with de few wooudmen and futi- ers luî thîsiso lu-ted coper arva -~ t~ 'l'le air agç bias iliaade fronltiet BANKER ED MUIR pursuer, banIkýu i fe 'alot umore attractive M oe na/rp adr Jeun it usefi to be, despije th-bsmoe na; ee ad adveotnres managers lMe Muil wites in a tent Log cabîn bank!, face.,-are inot tuncommoli(n uII] inn Oly a few yeUrs ugo0. 1 Im ad umber camps. And! not so asigned te- branches Pt new old longciugo, bunkers went into new - amps inlthe sb-rci eot thie terr-itory bv canoe.

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