ouieni fety g the, win- lui Wg Fthe 'wayI Dut eveni ughhe fedno nursmiaIng mewitl. 35 cws. a wan't oo busy wit'h se he sitcbed over ta ikn thre tis a dy-8a.ntý)I., 4 p f-rm the qsanie cows Lý--. 25 par cent increase The only additional expene wasfeed, sinece hifed accordig taodcin but, if did th>rvaw the ,ýrest o! fha famuly a bit on uacedule.fi swýÀihd ba)ck !to twica edaily -milking wben haavy spning wor starteci. Haeay that if's e-aSier, ani both hinsl ani the fmi dJuringte uinr Youiddlhatryrir-te i- inig again iii winter? Sure, s5ays Stene Ha mkas eler>ue ai his labouir,.ni as ha pubs i, ho Iecari yuIigat 25- paent more prvot Swhouf laying ouf a pennm or tncor Wpel Cis taoanidea anq - way-, The npr 1swdidn'¶ say whfe Vi. Srene saei o that xtra ilkin, or atieth alan dockUo10oubl iuty Bu you can figure Atatpart o! f ý ouf foýr yore'slFil be thinle- ing ofyo, long a ýboutidngf 'higih bail" gurcstE!d by :dil aiiIwtiv - Jtio! pro-. iraI1, sur face atïintervalî 1s andinse I suces of unpeled fart apfpU. The theravya dei-cious fao quarters o! a cup of boiling cwaterl for eery pund f-hamburg Î,e nix n eat loafgetl and mrie tenider. This adton miljcal1d for by therei. m"o lded anciclfiad, cadd1a Jhtti f our tA hoid if together and a b-it o! sugar to marIke te nush browtin more uikl.A sn IilJI forget abý-out pastry and ity tee scoop otEnglish Tîmuffin hal;vas and i 1111 he cntrswith a wie fruit jani--peach, arcostrawv-. beury or cherry, Pileanunmw eef- eýne.d meringue o-rer the topan paeunder broimler or in fthe,, e tn brown lgfy o! rea or ricuddiginstead of raisis, use tiny bits oIpe serves ginger ith litm tie o t syrup", Set, thb j insces of fruîit cakein lenon jlyand sýerve withcreani or csadsauceC . To sev wifh alfish aldadd alit t lechoIppcfd celery 'aloda bit coaepie rmaýde w-Nith eay mined fiHlng is almond-flavared. whippdcraI rnkldwifh1 bo edcocout. To vry rea tostaddon- hall cucp of Stewed( tomnafoea, or jone-thirdcup of grated cheese c- f0 ,teceapic sauce. Ui Offlt t -:kb SFor a nicely browîned top on"' j custard padd to falespoons fore if s salde frnde bo!ng, A dlasuraideetal sprad ortoat i md by g i cnj, wellch. " *s oc 1 h inhtnC makîng sucah d 'akNe Iapsine faner dj be tand nrand m ouais n i1~ Minsta ar ae seht twans? h eqdagtrte hath this mn thiswtdom, and these mighty works'? Jesus tauWt any of the deps[rutha by -telling sjimple toe.Somre oifftheSe par-ables, as they are called, are ýaucco-ii-. paid by a funther detaied ex-. planation so that the mecaning cannot be istaken. Froni ce parabe of tue are and dthe wheat we seetha gether in thechrc ntl h end of the ge. 'Lf one seil FrOnthe parablOes afI he muse- tard seed and the leaven wevar assuired tbat the "K:!ngdom of g"in nings wilI iail1 y trj-ium ph, TIhemuar seed is verysml but the plant miay gros, toa heiglt Yofffeen fAet in Paesine. Thei ye'ast w or kiing';silenýtlýy, worksthrou h the mea( tfuiail is ~ S Iaee.Sche pChris- tian if îrind, yuare (-,!àthIewn- nrng ride. Longfellow express- eda ralutintefo1w 1n orSC Then-, peý,a le,-(7the ibeU 5 - mýorre fond Wn dep; 'Y',a sntded;ï n , Ci Ir de,1 Re sleep! The iWrong WUhaï u, TheRight peal with Canada or Che Lntce4 States Well,-t's Irih INT: uwrddeives fronm Fwe (Ers, aire-a ring) The ,ýring, mscýt rfinies itiu- tion, ,,wis eoed in the croo'-'In ed "ringdroping" fride a14 the gullble began to asociatê the trick with someýthing cro- ed, Mtatiownfawney." Çoroatia PreiewBe Peeresses ' rinae exzt re iiBeRbi u manded to attend the coronaio 0f EizabethfînI nexL June a1re planning thle robes trhey will weaýr moniald ress have as yet been isudbyconainhduaes in Beigrcave Square. ,ýBut il i prett,1y cer'tain1that So far as he ethere will bc, no depar1ture- from thstiiionaml cAri mswo velvt rbestrnimmed wt mn -ver"e- n)wîc ee~r for ilheocoronatLion Of King G.orge VI anc ý Eizabýeth -the CQu ýeen' thc old-Anesilk velvet and enn- me wlIbe replaced b yatiil siJk ve!vet ami " mock amn" shaad rabbi t. "How many peeesse itdayý cnafford to spend ,over,£40 around $l000-for an ermine- rmmdsilk Velvef oumti hc wilprobably be worn nc? ex- plained Pte ussel1l, one o!. the il mebersof the Icroae C'cetyofLondon Fjashion De 'As it îis, the robas, o! ifca telvaf tried with mock an- miecosit over $600. There are, of course, a certain numnben of the nobility ,y-ho have kepfthý,eirs froni the i a.st crntoamiý hseare alnadâ(y beinig tknouf, of Storage adbrouight to us te freshen Up." A pearess's econatinrobes Ç!nsit"aIa Uit1, a SQo! co lanleasredingt th sh r wieigout fowaFrds the hern rep>ali ngthe front îof the dÈre,,s benaath if Over this goes a maurt rin ,hihsartS !rom undtiýer a dep, cape in white ur and lifste9ned at the shouldens in front &At gold! braided tassai. il, is by the number o! rows o! blac f r "ail" taf yoCU nacog- nize thern of the weare.r. A baronestranka wo a VcmUnte~S, a ducens four. Bath he rte and train are., linl it)hjphtaSatin and C1tni- med awith a wide deeply mP1loed band tuf fur mn ce Mure and aý sraight band on the tran. The dress worn bnahil i usullythea g e ie sp s, nder shaath typaý,wt a ge.naru e colte ashjoned either ofr nich Cornonetian Robes for pe-eresses have- a redinigote-like "kirtie." Cand aý) court i inir "Robe Red" velvet trîmmned with "miock emn, Bath a rre lined in white sattin. Underneath is worntrdini shieath.îype gown (ist} his onecreaoed by Peter Rsath iI emboidredpeariy white satin. embroieret I ThQuecaand tSe Rýoyal Dchsss o not er h kinfle, anly ,-the court trin. iiTha: latter 'has ta trai!l fo.,ur yards on, che grouni, the former wo yards,. Th', e Britiah Colono Councilha alreaýdy dcddwhlat tha "on- onafion Clos"shal ha. But t quota, Peter Russell. who ha dre4ssetil the Ducheasïof Gloýuceste-r the lasi 18 yaars, "evenybotyiy l wa)ifing' for týhe Lontion and Pri Sprïng showings befone selecting' hie gowns for thac national anti owthe conona3tion." Uher'e wiillbe two saebn quets on June 3 and A at Buck.- jrngham Palace as,;well as arCour Bal, andthe Queen will attnd a galapronea 't Cvn ,ardan, on June 8 or hefirat tn's naw perai, "loa i, n the rmneo! Elizabeth 1 IanA Essex. Beidasthese tet vis,th wi.ll be m uch formnai dpoai entterta ining, ah a!o which wil1 cafl for sumnpfulous eývening gons.. It la probable that next Spnîng'se f ashionswillfnti inspiratinin the robust, virile Elizabethan an in details rather than actual lne Corsels, Tenad Lace collars, ruftene-d and beatlitj1eeveit as wonby teVirgin Qeen janlkins, beatied caps, flat veivet' XVIth Century page' hres feathn-fnimet Hanry VIII ha guise.ïlýh roewonn idurfing tha coronaianr ai, Wastmninister Abe ejdder than RyalPurpfieanti n-tiuch e dan than Ksný]Ig'S Purpia. robes o!feesandpeesswh wilI ated hecernoyi light Bordeaux red. th slvrmatai s hritijei blema s anýd is a lnaturalcmpe mnaysh-atuie o "Roba Rad"eý ustifr od lu the--iteain pi adaiowith dep eti,ý "Emral,"froi the precluis atniasal s oetiin British color~alaysoassoclaetiwt appens a thecolo a! ha ionh On b tih otsofani, 'tU' r orne eso aýI nor tawýny- nuish a slight green casf as in limporta- groups1 ratiioni binth s 3 the ng made li Ai il