to s [ -Adi 1~ ___________ ery i 0 Christmas No ~es ANID LAUNDEREI Agent îne 's Restai Phlone 13 r 16 oilections and Deliv( esdays and Satu] Fni. - Sat. - Dec. 6 Abbott & -Costi, lu Their New Coniey 'LOST IN ALSA ÀAlso, la Techink oie -"DU$L AT SILV qCP VlhAudie Lî' rphya Faitb meu Paull Douglas, Mit2i iGyoDavid Waynle Ginger Rogers TIhe, Levl Make AWuit Enertaijument With Gene Kelly and Pler Angeli 120FOR BEDROOM c lu Natural Colar Wïth Gloria Swanson and James Warren 1Do Yo [ -Xmas --Now the wddingin Kigstonof thir son Mi Vrnn audes an uos Àatuday îhh iJS:is pardent s ran r. d î. rthr auner c1lýtS 1' d frindsa185-1 aon-55h.s day. Fe. tuSu ndes, n Is _Mre- Serv Ml-. Ed Graharn, arlnea TL' pa- eryI s ited onSunay 'ee1iwithMr terau. md Mrs. -Ol:iver Gisn aiy tîft anfunaro' n. Hmlonl ireemol1 of-U. rd-,ri ~aig Ms.GaiDor 'ot a ofy aneid sedeai Mar Lnday -spii ert S nd it . and Mrs. Çaýis.(opd~ mi Mr .antd Mrs. George Cane, Prty Rs Lakopel visited Snayevning w,,ith. Miv. and Mis. Hel'er Soch.nad lf Mr.TneFrserWaton Fores- ten rs. onald s Alhesatne ýery Mr.and Mhrs.Chas. Wood. Wo irdys IRe r. a rls. Tong and ay i. aad 'ývtMrs.AlxHaso Uspent' Loang ast eek in Toronto vting thin màm l on, 'Alr. and Mrs. HNdArci W1,tMr. and farni.RosAl adýonI i eryLast sohuMrîsday ils. Chs. oo rdays and rs. dMry.Phose ofrshad on____ M iled reth Mr.haro l urphyj 6 7 Mr,.LongSalt oester mpîoDvidnbavn hooelt atrherboueeoationy.ý SmdMr. ad Mr.HoadAlM. ýd tnA. ndds. RossAi ndn had dino- A,, wavMr.pand Mi. m. Gra.d nd aml ae ov e tther nehnîd -- fl on M niii SteetMo.thand M. an oved tOio te ouseVcatedby iVir.îl and ~d Mrs. Grady.k )0onlain ý( n on, Mr. aTnd is. Alaeý,Nn Stie ow- manvile ad Mr and Ms. Dna With . an dMut. M. H. t ais thir new ocaien, ex lasheOrii - 9 the village rsd' a oniRoesevinspaers lias My, Pacial ailMor. te bookshave been ii aad Orositno Tiba'- 4l ml swin esd to Mro. and Mrs. i\e1-i\e to Oronio and aIre living- in a cottage formierly owned by Mis. Wtes. Dairlene Cooper, Bwavle n spent the we-n with her grand- fil parents M..nd Mrs. C. V.-C~pr '~Mse "Flienc and Evelyn Gray, Toronto attended Orono Continuationi School Commnencement Exercises o)ný Friday evýeing and spent thewe- end wihMIr. and Mrs<. Robt. ÇChater. On Satuîday evening Mrs. C'hat(erý had a dinner part-y of teaehers andl thleir ladies, la their honor. MI% and Mrs. W. JT. Leamen atten-- de-d the funeral of MVr. Frýed Cudm-ore. lai Toronto onSardy Mr% Harvey Ghin is progressing favoîably at Malton Hospital af 1er a tiafinful accident at Orono Wood Y ~?Wrt1~ Th'e Canadien EBank of Commerct sh'ou pr'ompt you to cail upon lis in time of sorrouw. We str 1ess simple beautifuLl services that prove consoling to tlhe bere-aved. R-1ARTLEY R, BARLOW Phione 18 1r 7 Orono, ont. Phole 18-r9 tamakes hischiea AR STfR ONG' Latest miaterials an' styles in Dresses, striPed taffetta, shot taffettaj, velve(-ts,. crepe, (waals jerseys. Price4l front $15-50 ta $24.50. Winter Coats in ipoaole clotit Elsa elotit and Wadl fleece-. Calor0s Of blue. grey, check wýinter white with vel e t t. Prced front $65.00 te $69.50. House Coats in satin flower- ed bengaline or Plailx. Priced front $9.50 ta $15.00.i Rand Bag-s in cordced benga- line velvet, plastic and leather. Price $4,95 ta 95 . Hanse Slippers in ;'ll kinds. Priced front $1.95 ta 4.50. Slips in silhknkit cr-epe and nylon ,Iace (or eIlhiraidered tn.Priceel at $2.75 and$.9 Nrylon Nightgowils in, Pinkh or blle. Pnced at $,8.95. SiIk kuýit N ight Gow ns. P i e a-t $3.95 and $1.95. si];, Pyjamas, color-s blue, green and yellaw. Price $4.95. Flannelette lPyjamas in flow- ered or stitie oolette. at $1.75 and $4.95. Nylonl Blouses in co (rs red, gr en'hi e, a n k . J) e. ý v ello w i Priced front $3.50 to$,6.95. -1,ecoiOffer plus a EMPIEROR GRAPES- Large dlean bunches 2 pounds for ---- ... 29c. SPANISH ONIONS - Genuine 2 pounds fer .-. -........ 23c, CRANBERRIES -Fresh Pound bug for........... 39c. fura -Mr. and -Mrm Harold Allen enter- anedon Monday evenimg in honor of MrAlln's biîýthday rs.* R. McCaltion and-~ childpen have been v-isiting relatives iii Toi- osto titis weeic. UNITED CMIJCF Reverend John Kitchien SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7t BIBLE STNDAY ORONO-Sunday School 10:00. Services 11:00 and 7:30. LESKARD--Sunday School at I1:45.1 ÈTis being Bible Sunday the nren#eh-1 Sweet Mixed Pickles, jar..26c Medium Cheese, lli .,'.. O6c, ïe Sugar, 10 lbs.......& Popping Corn,pk....1 .yr Neilson's Chocolate Bars 4 for ......... ........ 25e TURKEY York Choice Bantam Corn, 20 or ounce tins, 2 for....... ,35c. GOE Fresh Peels, Raisins, Dates.GOS Icing Suyar, 2 Ibs ......... 29c. for Fresh Chopped Suet, lb. ..-. 25c. XA Shirî-iff's Pie Crust 1 Mix and XA Lenion Pie Piller, both for Early this on>py . . . . .. . .A.4 r Cabhage Rananas - ' aus- (elepv - Y-ear BEEF