Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Dec 1952, p. 2

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"'Dear An ie:Ourdug- * tep, 21, is cheating ou ber fiance blu Korea, and lier father andIci are aiL brvoken up over it. RIev fher even werve ta have been mrrej last MsY, u Ilie was seýnt off suiddely. S h e ing, and she, j>, gettlng hie slotmIei, ,,Now shelegaing onteer New tokFahin MfOTHER-TO-BE! Lookprty B3e well - dressed! Here's the maternity ensem-ble yau need for day-to.everling!lJce es ;3mart w2,ith fsshion's best tuhs slm iuunes, SKIRT nt out te comfart, fao! Pattemn -i48M0: Misse-s' Szs12, 14, 1(i, 18, 2.Size 1G6 takes 4½Pý yards 39-incli;Am yard contrst. ple ta scw", 15 festcd fýor fit.Ha com-,ýplete iillustrated isrcin Seud TUT-IE CENTS '3~ in cz-oins (stamips 'annot ,-) accupted) for thîs patterni. Prini piaiuly SIZE, NAME, ADDiMREýSS STYLE NUMBERZ. Send order 1ta Box 1, 13 igli teenotIi St., New Toront)lo, Ont., or better stili, give hlm up aiý- tgteHem boy frýiend feels smtigis wlronighelen eauD - elerfro-m Jaanta DS1kif' sie was going dult 'with an1ybody - ndshe said s1le'-1 tell him he Secameiis homre! I tvee, so hanik y",ou ol s "ANONYMOUS" A MATTER 0ý F 1H0N10P ! f i hartbreaking Uenougli 'ffany man1,1 who lave7er It iS *donUbly cruel henthat a *isz figlitin-g in the serviuce0of bisý countmy ani d hlerS. csud l is- spimts depends sa iargey upo * ler unswervilg f delit.\-. IËf your dugit' ann-'tex ist oni 1e asrnc fhi, *love asud [lis .letteis; if h * uthave otherimen' S atten- tions ta keýp li content, 1.n *she shouici not have proised *ta marr-fy hlm. Sh sh ouid *break OU Ithe enamet *na, and openiy. TCo) have by- *paissed lis telephonced qeto -wa'S acoardly at b(Wat *mustit, have Clone ta hlmr?) If a girl has na integrity,sh *is not woth imarryig; certain- * y sIc is nat ft ta be tIe w of any honorable mani. 1 Ian cncemned tliat ste is acceptinig the solir's atlo- 1 en.i havc macle inquilies. H Ifshe 15 takiTig thls money as * his wif e, she is f acing a grave *c arg iad dragging hîm it * ler for ýomnmit1r tin raui. *The boy she is dating isý aîdiug ini deceivinig a sailier * eaize slie cannot be truc to any imai. * "Thrwin lier ou'," is nc *solution. No mnatte'r how hem, *coniduct shames "yoc, she lv" *stili yourdaglierand enx- titieci ta litProtection lier, "parents con pro vide. I samrow SihyouI. hope -htat when she mreads this comn- mient, and seýe herseif as ahr are seeing lier, she will turo * t the rigbt before slie encaun- *has ever knawu. If you have leeeiv*cd onJe h loves you, niiake --if ight. insedi- ately, before lic lo"ssbis f aithi if you write bei- at B'ox ý1,41; ont. A pampaus lowakra proaceci cuaomerand saici, palfronizing,-ly:"Goocu orig sim, su.ld ,wi,-t Jisyour-desire?" "My desîire, i, eotdfi mian, "-ÎtakiseRita fHaywovrth,ý but what 1 need is a bowlverba. 14mperitllegncOld znd New!-Ancier design imeet iii the ýcourt cress of Great the etaborate coitumne wcrn by Sir Geaiý of Arms as hac arnies the seal -of bis Iead a procession inta the Housýe of Lor-ds historicai signîificani-ce and ,vos designec hýistory, At rightis ci apreýtty English im Greatitanslatest Downs; offer-ed for Eiizalpethliland ci rsister, ?incess Mcrgc colaureci silk satin, is draped into a fa skiri which is fraimed by a. r ful-w h n ou haveZ',VC got"L it At :45ancmarning last ek thlfle ,wind Ibowliîinglike an Iangry imnser, we wenepol ing arounci in ticeclark-feelin for the fiashilgîtliunfingmach-, et and cands, wmonerngif I fiacre was enouli firIe li ic( ranÀýge taobailth ket.Ha Ilong was he power ikel taciex of)f . , .-outd the mlighv ta0lie clone by Ianc] . , s there enouIgl oI ai I h lxte ta lat undtilclblghLt? Th'ie iitchen f ire wasstlaigt but, lia-ving beinig ba-nkeci heavily because of flie wind, it requîrLied eonsiderable conxýIing ,ta "'et îit go- ingaganAffer about tet mi-nutes we d angetabail tea. Th)en Prter acleý tracks for flicbarxi - vwia ilking mnacýhinie as usýeleSS asa, JýeaJdless axe "-. Buitofcourse, .you nt-eyer cajn tell abot r-t igliht be off severalhurs, r i t might lie onlly a matter i-minutes, uone xitualylpes f oric bhes One hnour, two ue tie h)ours went by - and stili, no hyr.The cows wriljked lby hand-w tlifehe lp of.ancof auirvsta. Two heifeýrs, that lad neer ber.ikdaniy other' watýý hani by machine didn't likeý flic change at ail When the mfiklingwa clone, and liglits and power fPia0lan1ger urgently nee,- cd, then- o-f course the breakwa flxed and service restored'Ne don't kuow mm'at causccltliein- terruption but we we-re cert ainly tnfliÉ ,was noa w.orse. TIc, way ithe wn wsblowving ny thinigcoui hve happened. Anth ientfl itrnedi colci anci Partnier sad oIlId y,,OLusu!" 2Tha1t ws eaue i haid sicl wc liud av lic strmcoor windows pt Ion. fBut huecool iiilnci wale but, having fhe doors open. and let- ting the freeli airbow in tcheugh Iflice 2cexis hcl;-ped conisideraibiy. S50, whven 1theL.air bicamne s littie f,)(, fresh',whIat rigît laI -ani- pain? 1Noue at aintrl but 1 complain1cd jus;îtWîlesame.2 Andthitat wavFs whien Parue sic - 1WIl told yau sl On the scodday o( urud,ýt- den wînter anc of aur neighlaours p'hand-coud fhy borowaOur cliecie eter their oid epae leer wauidn'fwork and they eouSLd' get hald of alnyone fo flan aam OK 01. One mpair maný Andentw Anso0 fort hbut -nwh ui it there are timles w len Wecon- i i he gamte is worth the can- dlewold' e b bttr o itotthese so-called Conveni- ncsthatare iluety h aueof cnieal n~nei th- hydra ornsona gaini, then it is ur ipr that breaks cwnWeflip on the liglits witbl gladnes, wecart t h e' ilke aroui-d as if it wihdonily tei pounds, anid we a aousle -"Do witliout hy-dro mwhat a crazy i'dea!" t'hinkinig thie otherday 1h1W Inice it would be if wve hui-lans had as miuch instinct as animais, thien nýo ancwoud et caUg-l3It1n st-ormns and blizýzards;. Several tiedurinig 1the Iast tenl days, Partner hlas, flot lîked the 1look tf te wahrand bas triedi t drive intû the bryrtolt tle heifers that have ltl a the r ýun of the farm. Bt tdoyu tiktliey woLd g ýo in? Not a bit of it. Then Partner Vwouldsa iripatiently-"A1I right, stay aut, if yau want Ït--ater on youay wish you hadnt.' So the heifers s'tayed out an1-d The next mornînig they wýould stili be-- quLite hpp andramn the fields. Blut the other îb-h even- ing before the ,vindsiorrm - Uhe heifers camne up ta thne barn of theiravn accord and aimost tsedo be let in, They kniew iît was going to lie a rough niglit. Sure, cattie take heed ofth we.-ather but we -who hlain "ýbrains" to help us make deci- sions, we get. into our cars nd( goplaces, no mnatter wbat the wete.So, inwiertm peo- pie get, cauglt in blizzards; cars are abanclnec on blocked roas; passengers èget ciifrostbite andsuierotheri, ncaniveniences j-ust because tühey wreset 0an going to a dance, a card party, or soeother form aof social enter-, tainm--ent, And tisn'talways the young folk -citer. Apparenty ma--ny of us îare ndever o aid ta be foohli. You'Ilisec , , it bas happened befare, it wilI happen cagainf. The thing ,is, -will it hap- pen ta you? Ah! Finishecd just in timae a car outside ,. . aur famlly ar- rivesý-autg1htei, Art and nier-ce Betty, 1Now thereý wifl be a chnein the atmo,,sphere! 'Bye until nex-ýt week, Yau cr ae ade ast tw,,ice as lone, by giving them a coat cd clear varnish. Tbýey'1l not anly huim longer but the finidh keatewax froI ripig ISE51 -15 curecd fh.à1t i dgng cfu tori Of his wr1 A ~r- ne He showsý,- sitive tath -e e of fIe re- cdaýrdcs of val- tis jvdcgm-rents -dpofitable [i numnerols ýy ani apt ai- -Jesse 11. A brýringa rteally comfa t . ., t1- :ular ahsat id thfereifa and get quit*r is campouldeil )f three prov"i You ý dca depentI tting relief riom ainis, heýA<aCheý witic and lnei- LCt. JtflU efloulO foel that happy 't stay gunjc, gat way* have thoa, d uggiaf - ~~iy!heIs unw'Lo A teatyou can moke eliytIi-l îrchgoeî s liey 'read that "Ail îary box- tbem Iii nts ta ga Surely what ha Que and own fastr

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