E Rs 510. Llm 1TE D = it record rs by There were sýterner atsi, 'l evr thlat til mmac he Amnican 1 -iunting sýeasan look ik He the rost maçalint. spot an the ~rtu calenidaî, last w'efek. ai just five states-ý2 lùor ý o !Îi(hïga,,- Wis- -' New YVok-faund 4F, ýad. -laine neachad the af another long seas- tbraulgb Nov 3 "0 vitb id, 45 othiers sýhot, whicli gimly wihh e15 dI 53 woundings that. lu-ing lasli ycèapZs rec- ':il ai 411,30i. A mani derbrusli w ,ýur;àed ns.A -'g ag- en-age boy kiied lis ai in n-day a ai Wiseon- ai pracluced SomeF FooIed Yokhad knacked oi-,sxceÇr staîkers :1inuclictssLiead haontil De. 5ta aise th( Cupnio~YeL ta cone wereCý sucli otbecr ondeis as a towe stanld l enslvna ib 0 wIch lst yeai, kiiled -.2,534 deer and eigit huirian -bingS-- îanid a six-day ssininMss achtsetlii whclislew k onIy 3,428, jeer a, yLar ago but ùbliteraîted thuntders, if anything, th(- chancessoee morbidly certairi that" deer bh-unters wýould at-do ih 4 ataliUties sco-redj against4 thçmcompred iîh33 for rab- bit huýnteris au3d a mre for phaathunters - ii-ji the198; hnigdea-tlis nepoted in 1951. Exnper that the caton, l'w aL ws, aa sill e P5 - alties. Inr, raa-hee unt-1 eýrs iast year kiiled 75,00der 10,330 elk> 5and 530 bear %i'.tSe loss ai only three lvesa unt- ing "C o1kge" was canidbcted !Wi year b The Deniver Pest, the- Univ ersity ai Desiver, and ibe states i fýih and.am dpartment. !n MainÀleThe otln Sna Teermiin eitrilttld 0LtsTa',e Their Guns ta, suggested a law tliat would pro- iribit îuîîting witb ih rsb nyone unden age 18. Amore widespnediea tf fer penalties f o ri cidna shboatings. Thec fatal slooting cai a 'hunte.r iiin .i i a but i Vmn tbene is siin law ,thait even requireslutes JCaviars cor hospitals t aeort su!Ch 1acidents. For, tbe (ý masi part, The ]3aoston Hraipointed a'utl asL w -;ek a i ter eau kil i P=ntlirnman and expect, othing maesevere than a fine ai$10 Unden thie cons(quent"ds ed uWe1]breathe nmore ceasils wîth General ýJ Esenhom- i Kor- ea, thacn wewoui if hie came ta lie saent here. And wdi te end (ai that ,ýi our s. Un;ýdaubteii a and-mutliscajre kcpt 20 an Yanike deer huntersfomc- in- èrethis ,ýAuýumni, Bul, js tha qite aLiew Cnda i zesare stili in the land aý_ith lvingwla tbrwsewolçb 'SEAlCK"FISH an, ias iLs eiem . TAe which wR2, once abundiant off lNew Yark bumt which died b-y the nmi- lin -i 82. Nat untl 192wa the tue fsh cauglit again for the maret. loida's "a ie lraced ta a'xsudden "loig ai; paisonausmircpiplns Eldemic disêases have alsa de- stoec a m sh errning and D)urînig 1the lifetinie çf the Frnhartist Canot, no less than 27MO 00pintingýs -attributed ta him wene umbenedin America -mvoreý thanli could have exge- eutcd in a cendturyaf conditinous, The reacisonws that manly tai- ented arûtss rather than esta- bash a name i their own right, had f ound it sirand mre prfiabe ta forge copis ofthe matster. MNaýny oai tbem iwene ne- ma.ýr'kably scesflin lood- inigthe "exper-ts."ý There is nothing new inWthe practice. It probably began when t- h , e nciet Romans forged "Greek" statul-es, ianrdlias been gipug on even since. A sixteentl- century German artisi named Durer once sued an Italan by, the, rnme aiMarc Antonia for forging copies aifbil engravingsw Today, tie (,Antonlo faers hiave become sa valuabie that theýre are forgenies ai the for- geries. A yongFleis pinter lna--. ed Da-vid Teniers once ale a practice ocf forgîng Titîans. La- ter, lie himself becamîe a farrous pahiten, and in turn eeOf the faontesujctis ai forgers. The sc ame cýan be said of tlie- gratMchelangelo. As -a ya-un9 man lie macle nmoney by making "a'tiqtie" staittes and buirying th-emi amang the ruins ai Ramne, period ialy"dscvain"them and1(i ingtham. a ït ahadsm it w-'as once saidi by a famoulos art expert tUntdile artist Rami- brandt in lis ietime bad painted 700 canvasesai wliich 10,0N Bu bs&sme expe-rtwas the victimcaioane icheciever'est ogeis.As the directar ai an art fiueumin Berini,, lie bouight a iurerU-ca bust supposedy by Loadm daVinci. The bust .was liaiied as a great Mindnex- parts fnom ail over EuroDe nie ta admir e éwotk. poshi'ed by urcaedfgr- cenlye'braidered bidns trees an statuesin Sokam idýyHic cexam-pe ci the beauty. produ:ed by the o raret~eeoro- cwrMey ?ëuit m fa ani s o C'id l d t maiin celet aenrts. Foued fry foUn une? Wr ietens foar infraion. Ws- pes-n edt anastiermu qustonsve-e ~teni ilparn'aOe slu lmt as5a TouStTono XMSSodiialPuy Wbolesle. 100-- mati i OSergyfe W.PaOn, 1426 tN iftb avnue.1l'as A n42 ialfiorea nSd -DEvELOP motir bustîla,T tyhoroe ('am-Bs. Pt1i(averta sred. ix LARGE ad 0far-scï't and acleasores for ai cars anC frueka. forts ard, t , aitwlu t il fa' 'ou. romptr seervice unteaig, Ca nada to Stfore25ySPasst)e eSCahain Ota r a Mtul -ucc0, ssu.- e CR1el v d te RN pLe-Fot sreaelef Tour Druesiet selle C or Soul stresn Remsd-Ery sfli echniqueRs,. mntw ins-,or N7-aeits soul tr Don's Rmae ti hay.sbrulfrb $1 .25 Expres PrapidnoM- :hlomo'0Hudr ou0ftaus dest tole s Su ey te poe.afer morkarme- une i-tA os -sefte styesof eiu nl O',sis c ur ir'ega Soetime la0ý wtr a junre-- ployaee at hemseum dtisnoviered stip s aimnewspaerumix1d050th The dsupsed cixent-entury as a ,,-ranD. sýn ie -i sutcss m isakes li theetat fTe btray the fore.Wen pnt, Lite cfanvas, ýpeven jthe-ý dretetoi srr nedta a forgry pases thetests sOne manbwo sucessful,y ' amed-Aceo Dsen Frome yerslie okda a r e stier, erigtetcnqe aith isterpPs and how t imitate the chnges brought out plovmen ti t ore, iemal a livigcrrigou nhiodr of are dales H nyecn ïWeialat 1 5, $ 5, Get it fOm U o BLEMISIiES ORRECTED? TW EKSWAPL 10 NO,827-76 rANv lE ST1ý VANCOIJVER'AB.%V y-anda hEip1 1 etd ite Ature -d ;Zib, Ontarlo."" 9" O1TU'TE c.n ,ilV010É!q. j, Doasnt dîgn'igfldorfan .gcs IL ~ad zof sctesafl Meael gra Àmerlcs's înate r Syste N tliung ratredataloguüeicn pcah NolKne t., IfaSODA J lideu v.,Ot o u 1 , Lik b swa" tb em for dIffreieus For detail uWrite yo riarne nd adie 1, on a o jarcn il te' i,>ý, o ý TIe SWAP if.krnins Oitt5,t'i rp ,Ï3 fîF o Oliget Lon Ithnetoe JwSryforplsit'n orI ' -t CGO, LLIoiS, Wke anwr aIl qutions conteIn,.~ amu iy