Cd <>nutip'n Preview. 4 EnglanÇ's Crowning Question l n view coo I-ccs ýor posi-riatol trectfmenf, the firît hin televisin's Denver, Colo.> reported repot onRieteleviewvers '-nnur ris- potas] Thle beat homoes in BntaL re, stili being rkofer! the old-tAab- laner! wy w1tn siate,the naunal maeilthat defiesmotue fiame and aie. Au-id siabe is sili being preparer!in the id f ash- ione4 ýtpy, alniost entirelv by hanid. BlIaenýau, Festiniog,, inMeln ethatirie, , is the bo-art ofl h-c in the vwonlrd. ThecsIate- wvorkers are tC only Europeans inho bore Pm-ountaina for it. The reaýt get i, tram o peýnqun ries. Wifth ttheouý:sing programme wvellund'r' wa, thene is an aver- wvhehing der-and! for Weah siato, yet to-dIay bbtheinduýStry'a labour force is le' s thas taIl wila lb t as befCone tih ar, when thleroe were( abou-t 8m-Uuarrymen uI i Merioniethahire andCaravn sbireý. To-day flore are fwe abo ulock,wbcma eral tons bas becui a foin strategic points eouma-,tie dnîICI, a f ci 's w'h iallot îl O plit ieahpicos 3ce't',,some of! -eibm in'h liu ticknesa. lbi such latS wMI in Jofac ' they calï nais"» QOersates, oL atm, reknown udn'.. 'utse if. iiorney, :e 1 Page St ata bisob Pt theboitto" o the roof and w> rks Csa wayup, ua'ing glansrnails toprevent ruaf.-A patsdoe-no nmeas- uinlg bols -- onaures that tlhe lates are laid isa snisof jegu- laroera.Corcalg en is Iprat isatroli tegroun.-d any deviation is ,very noticeable. Gond satats are bncaidr able, do not api' easlv tram ex- p)osure to cagsof tempera- bure, orta sture. anduarec u-suallyry-btacbublue-blackw in clour, ihougb grceen red ara motloed vneisare found. In addition 10 theil use form roofing ,slates n uch nin de- miand for billia'rd tale, isterna, mîante'lpieýea. M1atle p te, n C i I a, Q.1flw so«Ioe ae ave ot plersonis tetam one lias julst beeninoue? iN. You eau ray, &lCkod-b)y, anveýry glad to haive met ou. Ta one whào ha,-, beîsi espec:ially iinferestinig, or "wo ksoeha of a pesong.t you May May, " l bas booýn a 'rreat leaur o Q. Whlat la <lie correct prote-, dlure iîhes i aman pieka up ea glove or hnkee iet roppýed by a wêm-an whe la ýwalking a ahei-,ad 4o! hloi uthe street? A. 'He >shoui!d pic lb p, hr ry ahead of ber -on no account sbould ho nPuc$ erolerth alrticlýe to er sud say"I"thin you dropped c-a"She rpis and tur'ns away, Q. Is it -prop;er tie use te k1ife to eu'(t open a mutflin at the table? A. Neyefr!B oeadaiail kind ahould be broken open with the fno noverc ut. 7 IDAISIIO B Rev R1B Warentî. BA. B P cati du anme JESUS: for lA salsave h13 )epao piefr;'omt- sins Mathew1:21. The engagemnent orberta was ve'ry sacrer! amlong" the Jewa, Wben bbc e moywaýS com- pleter maklling May h e boà- rother! wifo josepb their rla- tionship wvas as sacrod, as if tbcy h-ad lr-eady been wde.Any breach of iti weuir!be treater! a actulfcry; nor could theu band be diasolver! oxcepf, as katter ar naýge, by\eulrdvoc.Yet montha ust itevene btieo the betrotha and mairiage. During the perior! of engage- ment the angel Ganil sairt Mary, "Thie Holy GCihost shal Comne upon bhe, nd ttc pow"er of the Hlighest shah vrsao tbee; thereforo alo tat 1boly bhing whicb hail be born ào!Utee shalho caller! ttc Son o! Goid." ~eedeasta ayJoseph winas dlistarbe'd wben htfic, 'ha the m ictn a hontc ('. n- gra t imne s Bn crop" cd an -substa: accord etan du c In o applie< year i- vielda ja sannounierrnent uy0m Eal ashal's conation bead- qureain e3grave Sq u are thalt the cactuali tes o f he coo n1ation of Qucen EiaethIil pext Jun[e 2 'wulfot b ele Now th coonaioncomm1itte e bais reconsidered, and ther-e is a strong possibility thiat uin- counted mwillions throughout the ,worl 1d will w i tnýe ss England's nmost solen moýment via the firstintraioa eec,-iast l ý history. comnmitt(ee considered thé Sup- - erne religions moment of the, coronation --the annointing, or- êonisecration of the Quieen-tooý sacred to b-, eithe(r ilmed or tele- vied~ Wei-ifored Brifons who sympathized Aw te decisin theught TV would te an addtd *orde'al for.,the younig Queen her- self in ia ceremony wiceven ifsotrtha-n tfilcustomar tioand a haîf tô three h-ourls, will nievertheless Ube a severe strain on her -phy'sica and ci1ervn- The tact * anhwvr that nover bas sucb a decision raisedý such a protest nor castedC sucb idspe d disappo int- an0Y thouranda o! poople in England alone inýho, before the days of 'TVnover couid Ijave- hoped f0 icinthe cerem-ony, have bought or had plaîined to buy a teeiso et for- thismo me(ntons ocýcasion, An estimated 10 million in Great Britain own -sets noin; it's figro te numberi m--ighit ielbedouibled Iby'Lune 2, Thoeliber-al Mnhse ur dian joined thicry in an et)-i tonal which suggested that "given a revorent approach and sniieesta the peý,r so0n all feelin1gs of the Qu[eon, it should be possible ,ýto present the coro- nation to the vorld as one of th0 most deoplyý moving of pca cles.", Thoso ,h didi not think the baun k too drastic find tlhe déi- sien an eýssenially human one. Teeviinthey poitot mnagnifies the slightest slip-up which dlestroys the solenmnity of the eet Eeywoman wili ap-proe th,. at fUIleQuceen caUn- noi> for istace, inldulge in the înstsnctively feinie gSture Of powdcning bier noseo or u-sinig a handkrchief duirring any part of the long cermny. Steiih ihave to preserve"let, uisuL c[ ha;rmiJng and erneap- pearance fhroughbthe% corona- lion and during her triumptant reunproces3ion to Bcig biain Plc.And lhon mtakeu.p miuat be dsret lméaot incon- spicuonaij. Elzobeti, bsiee, 1nii lee!as fewiomnare in c)that she has a nIatuÀrally "milk and -roses" Complexion. Whcn ste vws 18,an expert1 beaufticiani was calledi to Buck- inghamr Palace te in)struýct her ii bile Correct use fc Dmc-akeup. Snethen-, ber beautyv routine bias been simpe-a kia fnesb- ener, a lighl y-tînti edci liquid toundation, fnd auperfne peach~- olo'rd pôwder. Ste Luses fouar differnit sae o! ipatick, incluing i,,"Balmorat,> a Mlar rer! whicbwas created for her wedding. Ste utses lti or no rnàscara unigted Ail the Qpueen's makeup ingre-. dients are Bitish produets. Television Or not, thlecoo niation ,of Elizabeth fI wilbe ar publice,5tolida-y througbouitWtu Uniter! Kingdom. The proces- sional routin-ýe is fixer! anid street4 decorations approved. Stands will le erector! for ut toast 98,000 and possibly 1110000 pJdple And long the rou-ter about a million peopliewilb wx.atchijng the procession frokJt public and pnivate stands, freind w~iindows, and from ito-oi& ou paveml-ents 10 de(ep wt uat iby fttt 4*', -c Routie 0f Royal Procession: Moip above, adopted Afrom "çitingEvents In Bian' oal oteF Queen Elizabeth Il wi!iI olwfromi Buckiniglxam aletoWetinte bbey and bock. t'ne anqgeýl 'oftî? Lord appeaner!d ta h)bi L tclli jng-lm ithat "Thaýt wtich ila ca icciver! in lier is Of tae 1ol01 ho-v "The prophecy ho) Ispa"ih7:14na quated. This pred(1i cti oni of tie birto f E-Pi- mlanuel (Gr! itb us) lad been made m-orue bilan 700 year betone. Somre comnaosbeievýe État ilb bar! a relation ta bbc bîtb of Iscssen-d son:' (8:3,4 ), Ttc Ro-viser Standard Version uisesý tise exrsso'ayoung ,woman- iof o vigi"Th lebrew wýord is notc mIe u11ually user!- for- "vribut is comm-onllyde fndas "ae oh nmna mairniageable age." Tt' chng bDy bile Roisesbs disturber! many.Hoinoer l doca naDt altor bbc tact ofIle virgin birtb withC, respect ta Jeans; nor tio tact fIat Isaîaih's proCpblecy founid its c(omy- ploe tlfIimePnnt lu the birb o the moast tevenont and ifting wy of bni»nging aqbou-,ithbbc incarna- tion. Hore tbbcarayoitn Son Io! Gar eh-edupun a uw Josui Christro ct btchcsn% g o!n i vri brh Upsideown t Prevn eigl 4K j s r- I s' Ti. Soenme Moment: Thiswasî the actual moment o! the corona- iion o! the Icite King George VI in 1937. Britons hope they'lI e the scelle on TVé when Elizabeth is crowned. a bushebWý timeAnd agreed point blishledi be pl limuidp be batý fertili-zir v alue c s s t" s t' St t' s s -s s. b e