Bij! Foun, anie Founi tain St. If i pron ig triencis ii. etiix nti sitiMng Ws Achr i tma iwt t Cobbledick Lro<11wna m have been MssM l'o E blefick. M.and MrUs . J nt Christmnas N1-1ti ndT MstrTerry niskillen, b-as FHeron had their th. and Mrs. Bowmansple Ho morning. ent Christmnas Mr. Newton ;KAT RI 1Estate1 rY LIMITED y, Lnsay, T. Oshawa, -ind faily 4rsz. EverettU alnd lune a i c ,Ub -Ail for 50e al Gar MNr. and Mi, rid Terry sp 1r% aInd Mr-s. Mr. -ind Mi Mr.Addison Ric' Toronto and Mrv. and had Christmas dii Mrs. jim Rickaby ai Christmas day Tore Forrester were M~is- Ethel Bouck, Maluske, Mr. and M Toronto, Mr. and M Elaine and Nancy, John Forrester end dream c f ulfilled Hlappy New Year toi UNITED CHIIRCH OrcnoPastoral Reverend John Kitchem 'EW YEAR you a New Ye on,- l wish- for a