these end sao-oigbswyt dlerpah and rad, stamping lxm 1ourtime; coach Casey Stengel ig to imake thcse amazing pitcher Sworld b?ýebal series; Joel Black, pither sartng the openn game ebcAce, and nustsoght amla- ,îng up ) lo of ai is great iree- logt' o scoe as itheQebcr er Tjrophyîl; MÎlLSchmlid I Bo - t i mode ice tars--, itlg Marlch 8 ad of Eur, ec ofShi~-unx Baiwer, re- ai thie ig Time, to score a goal; d ra-hotiî sta frm asa winnig for Caoaa tu unly W% astthe besct 'lots nw the world, JA' be complete useyouwere i1 Edmonton Esimos overcamle a elemninate Calgairy Starrieders ini alu aîong be. I'd1 see it and 50 would tions fee this cclumn w»!li; e Mwelcomed0 irlvrt House,, 431 Yoerf St., Toronfo. Frrt ifyin g Furty Lbs -St behïind regulation padlc mor wNOrn by hockL goalies is Troy goolie Clil &f Otawq.. Before hi spread the 40> Ibs. of, p acfs, stock(ings, pont. gloves he weors, "Disaster River" Vanishes, Again Viages ;at Chalfont St Giles and Chalfont St. Peter, Bueks, are worried byv The RBiver Thatý Won'-t. Stay Puý t. Vis theRie Mýisbolru, which rîses na Great, Missenden and CI runs through Amersham and the Chalfonts ta Denhaým, For: the. river, they say, is disapipearingj aýgaJin and iithe Chlafont areas, its bed wasreetyprtcal dry, WVhy are the residents wý,orrîed? Because the oder ones declare that every time the( rive-r or portions of it vanish, Ïit is an augury of disaste. It dried U just before each ofi the tlwo worIcd Foriy.rsthe local Counicils hiave been trying to fnd o7,t wythe mysterlous misbour'ne disappears. Oiie theorg- is thaPt periodillyitgoes unde-rgroulid for a fewv miles. it has beený knrown to reappear nve-rnight, flowing StrogY Trhese bewildered Bucks resi,- dents nmay lbe in terested mn" a Noýcrfolkrie which left its bêd one Friday nighit ami vanished, leaving hundreds of flsh ilun devring on dry land. The fishi in.- eluded rloacýh adlarge breamn, sanie woighlg as mnuc as six pojunds. IMen h-i theWmohm dIîstricts q-paickly gathered up hefisli anid took tihem home IVwas f ound that part of the river Aed had given way and that ail the water had gone un- derground Woimen Live Longer ,,,-Eat Less, Wear Less Womiei are hardier, tougher an,,d heaittier than mien. Aiso, myore womren thaii men i ve 1,0 ai ripe fold age This is no imere aiccident; teyeat leýss aud are, moreseletiveabout their food> and wear far fewer ýclothexs, Thus wonexx re r-arely the vie- tîmas of gluttony, andï they suf- fer les's from cold f eet, cO1d handcs and bad, circulation. Children, too, seen to b brought Up rmtre e,siblIy to-day than they u;ed to', be; though there are exceptionc. Re-a" CI, Dr, R. 1-1, Medîcal Offi -1 cer for. Healthl at Bristol, des- ;,ribed the case of a small boy w7ho simply Could not0,'obey theý instructzions of the P.-T. ntu tor. When she went over to see wh"j-at was the matter ihe is- cerdthat he was wearirng th-ree sets of thickunecoin ~wihrestrieced his rmoNvements! Parents ail over- England are being a)sked (!ta see ifims on phy- sialeducatiom, h ich ,teach them that to,-o maniy cothes are ha-rniful A not only restriet movent but reýtard circufla- tion, WYhat is more, the skin shudbe exposed Voe the air in ilj except very coldi weather, mI order ta itnure iVtoextremes af temperature anid enable t heý pores taý breathe. Mlany ailmnri are cIme ta pe-ople moIly;oddflî-ng them8selves. resh air andI cold ,,alt-r are, two of the mO5t neg- fiabilics to the public Biaiance of Prfit and Loss Accouint November, 1957 VALUE T] HATCHI t t t, * t t e e t e * ,e . ." ic 'x > r,