Gus ilsn an ~ ~ruyt1wr~,Now that 01d, Man 1952~ is leaviug us ma wth lier parents Tn"Tesdalr 23rd~ ~~~Iarke,~~~~~an Siakil~tê~I~~ ho a t nuNew Year is egnig-nfo~r lus twelve GeogeMoto, ~neein,%-areortïq evnio nth visit .we think iW îs abaut time mdMr ' ed1 WXi- 4eartm-oerts ofthe sc',hool showed a è toi) o-hw mtuch weve eiijoyed your g y,1mon , h i st- very su essi,1 y ear, É t yo n1ag e <i lsn g th e p 'a st y e a r .amd h o w Mrs, w1p aw1ll cuntinu ad rs fl0The cIe eriý iies ti-s w oetqï u rendsi) 4fi'rie A. MVcaren and baby ti uperintendeit, M i s. . ÎU s s~e~'i1 ui~ 1953. îeto s lith i. ari4Mrsa owery; Assistant, Mr. CGis ence- d. l~~~~iin; Secretaýry, Miss Erna Gapnn O stýk< Rnalad±aîyA anMr. Lloyd L eyp~iest, lRe,~it irson werect Chistrmas n r, MissBrbara Reid, Teti-eiper-~rope>u ±1e M ;S, nce Secretary. Miss Shirley Quan- erev. t' r111; MisLsiona1ry Secretairy, "MissVii en Copping 0rgiinist, Me. Wi,~ 7Wannan; Assistant, Miss Erna hap- lnanr Teachers: Nursery lass, MYiss JRÇÜ Jean WVmana; Assistant Miss Bar- baraiReidi; ?nimary Glass, MI. xay- mn lamn sitnMs u yrl' rg ~ r Wils;o1; Itllio)-ias Mrs. Wmt. AI- lin; Assistanit, Mr. Jamtres LOwý%ery; Jr. Bibe lass, M.Raymý)on-d Ghap- 111,1n; ÀAs i sta pt, Mr. Ilartwell Lowery U -Adtilt Glass (1)> Mrs. Wm. Butlwr-, ior f her od; '(:a) Ms.. Reid (3) Mrs. fainjy visited Mr. and Mrs. G. War- W n(4) Ms .Lowery; toshaoni t7 Auior, M.Stiey CGhapnr; Exe- NE d Iaday.A R12 S. EYa cu1týjvc rep (-"elentative of congrega- 1CMr.sta s y with M. and Mns.Lt Mlr. ma and Mrs. o id If i -s.L tien, _Mn. ÀlyGapa.&m. Goco a tor ugh ited . and Mrs. Walter J~ oS aturday. We ne orry o hea et Hrry Bry. Gallitaiore of Toronto ilaace i - - hlidayvisitor w1th Mr. ad rs. 11, Daveys accden a failand hpe li A 1oely G anie Lýght Service N wcs C m unt Fii will s ~ beupndaonagn. eld l n thie Chu çrh on Chi istmias Eve. M4r. anïd Mrm. Jimn Camaeron .and Rtoy Theu Chuirch was beautiuly decorated spntChitms nToonowithli n te on a ne\ lbeaty ilu,.the retaihhfgwît hî ~rndpn sfor-gow of the canie liglit. As Padhl few aaol was suing, . nitchen told~ aýio ie m e i eor. f its co.i-iposeýr and the country~ Mr. Mrs. Charles; Prust and fromn which it originated.r We are' tyn e olidayv ýisito1rs ;ith Mr. grateful -to Kirby 'Choir for turninig Dancinrg 10-00 t5Z:2-30m '!nd Mrsý. 'Ienoy flmlonit nd àsis iag tl i h jniic. M ndM.Ocr kIi~served la the Sunday S&hooe oonu. RSSRT o S -~enGbX~rnaday ih M.C~ On M9nda-y cen~iug the mnai l~ ;inan ead Nornman. nýet11g ef Schedi 'Se.,,in No. J15 as'ý 6-p1eeRandwlfý-iw o GC i ; i c it s ý,toîF w 1Mn. held in the La,ý_skard' sehool I Mr. Angus ~~1v 17, Duval w\ere Mr. ptmd oucks wa eleeŽed as the niew tr-ustee i . .~ ndsn r ii o he erternmto suceced Mr. - M ._MiMiirM. adnormje Cle. îû e~ d~xpired. fie ~ M . G rof ru,1itlan1d "' nae ta led twaae1ty-one ~, N'ho sb aîing ene for a few days. ratpay r , WIrs. Jack - P1olekand Pil fTororto aýnd Mss Do "cthly- bos~ i ~eoI n~ h~' ~Ld' ld it wtc ùuOrn ~ an MisR. McDonld rd ~drs.viciit~. dem eta act Miss MDnald Sr.Au y1gs. ]?hone 7-r ono Mis Jan yend n.Lb e r OntniTHn New Years reeti1jy tehe Ms.S.e asben iind ailSWANCOTT, iiiauin kany-At i luihenaseeyieevr. Our Bowmanville M&meniaI ospital, Wil-j symath isais etenèd o te ~erliam Henry Sw cott Oonio, Tues- famin!i iy n teeath o Mn. Syem'i day, Decernher STth 1952. Resting brohe, n.J 1r~xeretTonnt. t heRalo ue HoeOrnp i*..' Txçnr rind o O~n ad is family Marthe o Fra yo M .I d, Ue l ope rn A M r..Davii Fe 9fGoenf mis os 4isit-and(dis Th iirg b is ts beMr. i-d a n d ntri.. NarmF daanuaev2eti ter ish $1,00 Sore durin . .... ,CMRENODh1Mrem c]ne s n Mn ai onsD avid e .- r.- 1 o Cbistm s yin To rt. ' à A t") Fancy its, g yor 13d 1rs. ..McGll*Wdu iy, W-the RoIr, Star Yar'sdP y . a,,e n Mn rg E.Ietan 'mi adote trS !ira a ith Mns. '. Dvyad "U F RLADGrsdfih ow gau a coi-..........26e - Wit Stavid G1emof ts - Stuffed Olive oive e jaan Mn ii2 pretM. ondGeMr.Nct-a iee etr-b $1.00- - atoregg Stewar Fo Bmarte ildsaw. tn M.Lme - ti~ irt» 1 aaein heriêered ue as.,.,2 à 'R, iL Armsteoe 0o 7 - 8 Momnshugw~neweekend iVitrs -Wd.-thurs. -Sw tIM3e Pcle- 1 o. ar 2 Goitli Mw.E.Dey ando gpstHar ry i'ss S1hî len -c martnofmSt iCavh ~ d uï~TI1 I in ~ iynToronto. Fancy dyUi Br-BQ elsI. 5 ozjas...300