m iienship, 1\1JÇ ~5 r. and Mrs. Len iA11dread and Mr.1 Fren iBand Leaiders. iSKE Shr and Mrs. John Moffatt were in Mimii-Iiand .rs. M. H. Stapl es and IMrs. co- for, New Years Day. give Mvr. and Mrs~. Cliff Anderson andy TA C. Wo04, the retiring presi.. famlly, St. Thomnas spent a few daysI poebriefly of the work of visting- frîends here last Nwee, T" iety in~ 1952, and nt gra - r. aiid Ms. _John Mffatt held a!Mi -eports wer'e given hy several il enoonSda big The Afternoou in iryfiiy eno n Sndyr eSin(- aNt otai of 57 membeirs and Sent their 491h weddhig annvray oewt the Presilyterial treasurer;twnyfe persons were present. o [werede by sevel e1n Our -synpathy goes ot to the rn here are 12-1 books 1hfil e iWannan family il, Kirby in the death The 179 bhooks were read by the o ubn n ahr Mr. aes ps - copi.es of the Msiar Wann.Star ywere talken[. Th(, Mission epýeo Vody 'eport was 1mo10t encenlragn eho e-pndon',la. ci -ea spoke of thie bdi taken duizing the co.uz-riig year and,~ and fthe ledr isEdith Sher-linspîred the meembers to gofo ar it hose work. as well as th'at of, ftoigg, a cete things in thei assistants, was very 1mucil p-Chrc ad boettyean ,d._n execetive meeting will ha hieid 1 -,t oM Fr-iday afternoon of this week tol of Drilnmond, the President forl1a n. the work in d7eotai1. DelegaLete pcut) ýpoke brief]y of many imipor- jPehtra are l4rs. C. S. MCLa"ren pr ýes of -work that may be under-1 and Mrs, W. E. Armistrong. lo rmer Orono Bo%%y Member In Quarter Ceitury Club' 1ty-five yea-rs' continuous ser- P.Ci. Newell Purchases pa" th the Ontario Depnrtr(mït of'2 was recognized Decemîber .19 L f M ! ra laodC. Rickaby, the DePuty AdamDs Lumber C.o., iNewcste r, was handed bis pin signi- pall n--em-ibershi*p in the Quarter 1n Clubof he Otaro P~lic After establi.Shing and xanaging Mr the Adamns Lumiber Conpaury 1, the St. presentatioil, made by Minesi village or Newcastle for the pastI viiir ýr Philp T. Kelly, wa,,s ah 1l.n- number of years, P, G 1oe Neel has 'T ed part 0f the prograni of theaie Chritma Patyinowtakzen over compflete ownershîpde Depar-tment Crsmao.ary'f this bsne The rcom-pany willma RickbywhojoinEd the d-jnov- ho known as the ',PG. Newelco nt as a geologist in 1927, ýLumber Ioipny in cflose association wi th 1 payMa- e Dr. Burrorughs;., .fter Dr. Besides having the Luimber Yard WO"'l gb's death in 13,Mr. Rick- at Newcastle, Mr. Newell owus a va cceeded 'hioras- provîncial geo- 200 acre Tobacco Farml at Ke-ndali A In 1938She took ov7er the Of-. and alsomnae six Tnoacco Far"msý the Deputy Minister. in Durham Couuty for Caada Tob-1 _ Rickaby, who "s rcgie as acco) Plan-,ta-tionls.