othing onlv ure it stems Iogical Ieirc-ll 'neeti edd. :ory stil i olds tu iootnerq ana siu as -'.-i ItF4 M~yAit DEATH SEuh WANN,,AN;-At his home in Ki Vb, h Gertrudice E. ?utleford), a ýý 7 8 fn ye5.rS. Rested it his late r ýidenc, e s Kirby und! l onday, Januvry 5tjh1 ,(oe we Thience to Kfriy United Churchi for servie at 2:00 l.m. It tOronlo (Çhlitinaed pa>!ge 1) I -, 1. THOM~ JanuLary 1W dresses and clainis and Cies, if any, fied. hy stati ewhien ï nu-w uvng notice. .Chrisbras Trees on a icipated that the charge ~ Oon il provide an inducemnt Dceber 1952. lic to take greater care LAURA MAY FISHTER, them. Chargecs for treesOn. distarx I ail States of the U.S.A.On, drittuc for trees are as eoIllOws: R. R. WADDELL Q.C, .000 for Scotch Pine. $10. Solicitor for the Administ ACTffl GR05S TON MLES FRIGH *. Mem~- 't dmn 1*