CRISPI DuùTôop anid $ of Toronto, Mre Ii and 1 M rge xOTO 1;)p and fanxfly r / an ~&rc~u $Vfè7tof Orono andi Mrnd Mia Jaes Rutherford of 4 Kirby. Piea a n-tii e 8 do'ck nd give MOfluay Sgt. and MmPo~y E. MNils, Davidi ~,Kenand Donnie 'n'RC.,FCampn cha üetwsttt ten BorAn, e egue taforChr-istmast' ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____ wek with Mrs. Ken am"Shy and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MO$DAY--1 y1,1 ri T ,.ýDAY aiAÛR ari ersv&tr 'hM SMr. GorgePune» ere My. 4 TIr Ma LI&x Duniop anti$ i !Yil ttely.v i-t.dSb C. Jl f.ounej th addt2onof Mlrk HnlH2r r~storswith nd ifod rniEvlable eice On4o Fa, flo1lD worth oere M. ndxM 1WsMKnght, MsrIy cKihanisellwg fampoete as hie is nAgc wîllý o * ýgladly miake vlains hm Mr.________________ i i d f i s. i ytPrvae roef wllalo e nde lioan, M n ti M T r snt. WhRdd l p nt n service ee r. K i t lan d f r fric ~ ~~ Snda <nTornto Me-jeffiicit servite SHtRS5mAn IMrs. W .Stainton iTain luhe WL1ERENATRELT - riai Hospital, Bwnnvleandi herý RelTup EsaterokersTY à;cond itin arepori as revrn W%4EDNESD)AY - WIJ DAY - ÏNLJARY 14-15 faycurably.I Mr.x Wm. Martin 1CiiitheBo a- fi vle Memorimal Hospital. I1V Sîng ý-Bilas 6.40>and 9.<0Mr.andi Mrs. Fteson ofSaska,-t- Do4le Bis 6.40 anti S.20 cea r usac 1v niMs Satu nys- 2 00> - 600 - 9.<0 j Ktheý n ate Prs of -(V n d H -o MOWN Fil Mas. Keith Wood THr1 E a 21Gaines and Jackpot-Afilf RA "M"STNà H AVACE" rn yviit Ma. a tMa.ile aoh it hrto etn Mas. Georg-e W. Anýderson cf HamiIj Special Ga -es and Sh e- the N nlovrgJOIIfIIY SEWART Ssn ere ton on their Stli Wedding Annive-2 Y FLL FMoWr TitiW S an Wt'Carleton Carpenteri wam iehn orno _____________________________________________andiIan Sterling set eÏYo n teweek- endO ______________________________with Reýv. andTiMsJ. Kitchen. f NEWCASTLE COMMU')NITY' Mon 1L'Thurs Jan,42-15 I Mv. sud Mas, W. T Leamiein -pent f New Yeaas Day with MaFI. anti Mas.. G ordon Leam)en. anti famiis, Star-1~ BINGCnKo9y 1borough. should prompt you tW cal Up)Ofl 1 O8 """ 1Ma. anti Mas aneTesati Af IlO T lfl oro, estress Btw£anily, Petevhorcough viaiteti a.W.I A lmVE- Ià IjÂUIC Ut SOfl.N>W. ~.1J Stainton oves' the week-end. f r'U VI I l simple beêutlftil services ,that DoIthym prove consoling te th'e bereaved. Doih aour Mr. antiMs Oliver Gibbs ant'i' In '%he Graû- Newfamiily cf Dunhar-ton apeut New,\-Years latf ne NwDay wIith Mv. àn4 Mrs. Ei. GCanhamnu y u ,medy it and family. uARfLZT ML SAALOW i HM"RBa i j M. anti Mrs. Burton C. Richarson No n an éBli c f Ottawa anti Mr. anti Mas. Chartes f Ont nlblack Cent, S.'irith cf Geelong, Australia ,n0 o "....... Phone 18 r 7 Orozie, Ont. Phone 18 r InilaTechnicolornl visiteti lasE week-end with Ma. antin iiI av ot jt 4 Charles B. Tyrreli. f39ne0 ory,..n..vy......... New Years Day guesta with Mr. Ïne only, black Gent, andi Mrs. Carl Billinga were Mi-ss ' -Audaey Billinga, Oahawva, Mr. and eonygeyCmt Cf , ~Mrs. Neil Porter Mr. anti Mrs. Alex fýeolge ot Watson, Ma. anti Mas. Heber Somcl, fO oniy, grey Cont, Ma. anti Mr. Jin Rickaby anti Nor-f t1l5 o ) ~~~~~~ ~mani. Mas. Dcaothy Baly aie1oStfnWg ani ar Lnn j k'-~andi wîe. Size& 14 4 9i QjMas. W. C. Heuay cf Newmai-,rket $50n----- wisle ývth MssMabel Day1ast~ w naSai-N New ýýYeaas vstr with Mas. Wmi. a tv weaCcbbletiiek weae IMaI. and Mas. Liane 'P7homipacu iianti tiaghterJenc 1 Blackstcck anti'Ma. anti Mas. MartinU O ( Boeeren cf Teronto.W Mr. antiMsd e Sutton wveae OQICES-- gesta cf Ma-. anti Mas. SuIas Souch on! Choice Mats SIvrigr DArI Q1 COOKIES---_ Th.rgnloatmneal .cookie NwYasDy Feature---S eundtthmak. FrshShulerJ>tJ, -6 sreuredW hemake.Speciay- M1ixed ( lbes., pler P 5-6' moun STRpackage 25 cents & UNITED CHURCH Lipton's Nuts, lb. ilologna, Maple Lea!, lb 83e A Rea Taste Treat A very popular bleni. SU OrmoCr mr Chickens, phup eaon Custom g round, lb. for 93C. 2 pkigs. FehDts b (6-8 lhs.) ...1b. ..55 e_ SLMNSAVE on CANNED 0118) on ichn25 . CantinMtk wfiole or hait Cherries, red pitted, choice .r# MniCtrnaQicob ihoo Select Blacik IRA Our 4e 5ntn o... 3e Large 1 packages for Brand, 1/2 lb. . ..... 4c. 1 We expeet tresli Miucemeat, 2 pile aize, tin. 39c.- SUNDAY, JANUARY luth f PRUJNES Il RahÎta ~ ~ ~ ov'rnt PASU d1O STR Stockely's Cream Cern, 15 OýjRONO Suntiay &Iurcol at 10. Mernu-IDlPcke,5) z Tlaitçnf 'E SÛ TP rôit. -anna - na ICI, 1 .- - . - 11- _ -. il.111Pcke,5