0 'S j 10 *Thar e h oualo imt run! or ife. Ail yo It is 'oas you ndobetybl 1gode)rfl. You will have o asser -ou- self, Date any nice boy you * ow riht nd ill do what,' that liecano e gire man «a icegil thug t'd the bellnged to,( h o unLes h 11mt' gJvee you th came otyh NoLteru owi uci yo lave, yo auldner b mar- sr -e ohma oI oa.H mt arn thsols'ý atdliehs taie *a see your doeif e w ould i Yr .ou ll otrl lielist rounesl, bt e if you o t win ,ehlmr yuraxo1wPt, tlhi l *o, fo ite ý,h, lonwayfo asc ir* ceed. JaI you fal, yau ar b mae ever winhri ese "y nd a-r t. roub led eii r;me Hiret probleme p sabn eai ade ipyo. eenth S"zT, N eluLIreto,WO, tod4eam11Y a tic PAIN-' God ec ortos w'lon fr ele frm huGti ai, uLfMlhpeey hOUnsgT OFed rLfrOmVrEu Wnaican aShi 1.1suFen Eyusn rggi* A tip from the (AS. G-eeal Servics Admi istaton coini- cides with adcoefrontexperi- wife will start atthe 1hom This le lotso nresna ts fro fte bottom u, oujust easîy and neatly dean upnthe mutse s yug lnnvradd- f aces and neyer acuiltn moe irt in sireaiks. if yOqur :;wr urfaýces are rtrel 'ean as~ ~ ~ j- yotpraeo ipper vali aradrippilngspnewi d lee daage and i3rY emali, triekles can, ïbewid off at one witi o sùalin ,i. n] U'pward spiral c, e elte w]occuir at the top i!con1trast'ý Kithhevypantsuîrfaces chieut T-ry the împroveod mto Mod(eni Etiquette a-ie f-a otion pleture tetemr, tue man or Ihe girl? A.)The girl rprecedesý. AnIu- !e-,thle iman sIle swith je lierf hýuebard, fiance, or somneone sithe ta, hlm ýiand à a sk,' ethi-s aL ýgh This gives him lineslol hou be n)ear or far-sighted- ta suggest a sea't tat loser orj f artier away. Q. If grapef'rit i, 1 be served as te fruit couarse for a i.cen itow should iU be prepared? A.Ctacrosse i hua!f cLte setosfree and rmv h dividinlg ekin and seeds, thoni putî sugar ,-,to i'tand alo t tad fa an hour or so QLsit proper wrie notes of condlenc onthe typewriter? A.N.This type of Fnotew ll express more thoughtfuhlëss and sympatly if it 1 writenby liard, Q. How &eos a. ho)use wedding dîfqfer -trbm a eý hurch 4wüdding? A. The bride an brdegoo .do niItake a ingle ,,tep together. H(e" moeslier aI te pitwhereý the service le te be read, ond atte Vit coenany'tereisno re- essaaThe çlerg-Pymarl wit- draw. anuSher removü'estc pryrbencil,adlieb-ridean bridegroom .leroCe turi her *is,,"ý+-d l 'IJr1 vvive Itle n r use )tlese dc i aeCIru A. site M them. Thoi wal) nwil MILIO-N; b een causeai irj DDT durï-ing forihosaid. that ýy a e ïi mean syand lits( af e th1,t nl bhe ùailý -e ime 'e urs, nas 'they )ter iave' . SAED' >1 et- tjr uOTII obflgaliofia >art.