Batbinq Beaut;es and Bath Tu>s-Cc,4nôe-iig off 4fiami8 dea port for bathiriq becouties Jean an-d Jo asý they sea, in their liqht-weight bath-tubs, Qr-ig;-nally desigi house , ýailers, the tubs, mocde of fiber glass ai-d Plaskon 20 lbs. ecch,' î-rd;nQ i5 funl" thir ils agr-ee. ned focr When Fourteen Judges Couldn't Agree The trial of Will (Lord Haw-haw) a- public interest becauý everyoeringlanadl himn, But if was flot lety o! the mnaxi, or o! his ofneor theý awadedta raitoýrs, thee memnorable iý to ry, *if waýs the neculi; lonj Ha~ I our othi and -therc siZe aid1 ats-d ý .a friendP Tr 'i JcyZhc ed girat how the fh~' .urecy 1. UtUioc CnbS vas ittle difference inr el befween a sovereign l i n g .Anyway î, r5the ceing tu the request, take and handed over in. himrself i ot find riappened iutil later, mnete olok at the gifÉ ght, adteinsteadC aCký honestly land de- err9rQr applied tlhe .st fIs %own needs. tlt, in due course he self arraigned before a charge o! sfealllg ijlingS, anîýd af!ter egal from the judge, h ted lm. s no Court of Crim- d in those days, but ,y points of lw were wjas possible to have, ewed. lI this tîîcaseno frouren iudes Pa at the time of takig For at that nmment he, top, thuh he sr')eîcý'gnl w"as aý shilinig, and ws bu !tlyin ocn.No amounjjt oIf au, )cèurring later, couald altev !hi sýtaf e o RIdatthe tm hc the law si was the m ïate(rial' ie. vhicoy «r sensu' Oh, said the Crown .l awyers, but here we mnrust understand the tieof takýing îto be not the fiime of the physicaI fanding over o! the coïin, but the mioment when he dis-ovetred the m-fista ke n dIecîOed to keep the whole twen- ty shilli'ngýs for himel. e an- ,,lot feIu exactly uwhen that mo ment was, but wecan-,dedluce wýjth ab.soILufe cerf ainity tatif mnust havne existed. Anid if was thien tatAshwvell >rok'e the lawi and became uityof larceny, At thîs pjoint aohrconsider~- aton came in, It is a. broad prin- ciple of pnlulaw that juLdgesý mnust not ea into any est mient, to the dlisadvanitage o!L< clised, mlore than the words that are acuaily therce. The CojimmonLa can be cýon- strued to ft the different circm- stances o!fferent cases but, stLatuLtes7 are the1re in black ,<andc ,white, andi must be taken-ý to mean actually \,-at they say. The Larceniy Act said theâre mnust be a guilfy inýtent "at the time otakin," nduthe forne oW ta'khing, ic- the ordlinay meaning of wordswps Ude tMe whe tMu mney passed fbons one hand inf anothber. So the agmn went ba->ck and forth, aind in 'the end the judges rose etqtuaLly divided, gesv- en on oner, side and se(ýven) on the other. Unluck:l for AsheLlif needed a ýmajority ito reverse the(, affirmatiact o! conivicion, so he remained guil. Tïaken aIl roind, it wa-s av-îcfory ;or nmm en Se. b-Ut if w7ýa, Toll OC HII ÂE GUELPE ONT. -n>- _,Uo &Nu CeANI? t S ou ayshîg nede rain frl'a, in? rietoosfr 7--tlo. W HOW CAN I? o! thse carpet sepr A. B, e sure, when cîý -eanrng thne carpet sweeper, ta eut ailth lint an- hair fromý thebuhs Affer the o x e s ave + e empted, wie fem ouf wJýi. Cloth dipp.,ed in kerosenec, ;and also rub some oA the %11tuer the brsie f the brushes; tis wil' prevent dust fromr rising whil sweepig. Q. oweaIfeselete furniture and keep it from crack- ing? A. Put into abottie one cuàp vinegar cvndtwocups o! bék1d lineedou.Cork secureîy aQ~ shakete ntil ereany pl zpparirgly and ub intlo thelehr wïtih asof t rag or fann lad polish wlthsoft duster. Neyerî- use gasoline to W1en lether as; iýf will crak1if flno Adiceif Yeu NOW! A Pleasao Tastisg Cougi For suier -get, 'a P1NE~ r He giant. soing it 301 if it go~k And onda. L Cer est h Arm3 elijny = . E 0