Seedi ngs et pe enr may be advantageou wlth 2, 4-]) if b weeds arc a problem Iand is net h avily in weeds cf the wee grasses. Rate~~ un ta th appeat. II'u ond- bursar, Rev, L. K. ColIege. * are .pper and the aster re- I +k~~ suaggcs lent to e he cr'e as pte tlwo-firds eto Lde in crop mend-. 4-D) 1ceC the Jirst of Toror. torio for thie pasi 100 ye enrolied in ýthe CoIIeg ci contribution cf $50, 0 has -an objective of $' Centre is Hon. C, P. M C.S.., upeiorof S.l TEST VOUR INTELLIGENCE S'core yourself [O poýints, for eýach corrýectaswrin, the fircstsx questions. 7, Pick fltefloin kspaenplay whichcnarsteuo- tion "Nit~r a-orrwernor- a lender be,." -'-Hamilet --King Lear MuhAdo About Nothig _-Romeo and Juliet. 2. Seilect thec autho0r, listed blow who wrote Th--eRpuic -Karl M-karx -istnChurchill -sôcrates -lat 3. Whlich of the fllwig îshelegendlary figucte ,associatedwif * -Jobn Henry -Hl-ercu-les 4.The last Ulniteýd States -,Re-publican vice presidentwa -Yes *Y. ýcooper ,Ih N.Garn2r -'ILandon ~.Napoleon was exied towhich ef these fou!r lns -Brbados -adinia -yrs -S.Hln 6.WJaiCh of the following ees ot Imatch the other thr-cee?ý -Lio -Tger -Puma -wolf 'i, Thefolo imen a-re wllknown in thleir fieids.Macecht hieý particuilarprfsin Score yOurse_>lf 10 points for eah or- (B) H. G. Wells-At s (C) Fritz Kreisler -Scientist (f) . obrtOppenlheimer -H-istorian Toavour po)ints. A" score of, 0-20 is pooDr; 30-60, aveagç 7-84), suïperior; 90-100, verysurir ANSWELRIS TO 1-NTELL1GENCE TEST TCA can e applied ii nmix- ture with 2, 4-L) or MPte il susceptible1 grass weedis anld sus- cetbenon-grass edswf one applicationD!. Ia fé ing's sfan4s cf ladfino Cdover. wees lsîke cloer, red clorer,a alfa 'i u si and lespedea goigin flax or saigrain mnay be spray ed wifflý Id paer the sodium oýr amine saî1tsetof2, e and 4] or MtCP at, rates upilte andj oc the includling oeqafrper on ontel cidequvalnt er acre f or !the- catis-. centrol ï of may broad-.leaf anl- ryd an1,t et 2, 4-.D and MQtp thanl 1e a ldino,alsike anricired deverc-s 0ce et ad coneloss ot stand can be pray- epce. Aplctes madle foie-. henthe(s, llirainis eight te 10lu ches high uSualyiy resuit lu yiels tcs njuy te legumes t11,an1ap- wed pi:c'atiOns made earIeor. S p 7a.yé-. etr 2, 4-.D or MCP. Tbe dinitro sprays a fise a aýMinIe clclîgweet cla-ver foi, the con-. pfîble tro t smal] broad-leavedan- Use niul weeds, but more water î, re , requiredA and recuits aýre mor, lebuir, depondient on the weacýther. The mmonum at et DNPB cannlot be uLsed whewhewýlat, cals or bairley is used ,astecop- ion crop. Establish-ed ,sta n d s e i lske ladino, 5and red deovers maýy be sprayedwththe ?, 4-D, MCP end dinitro producfs listed aboveý at týhe raÀtes mentionred whe-n the top get of the !Tegulme j$ nearly dormnit -orimeafy MIC P anid 2 - «l sa reduI-ce the vigor oOf't eure at lasf ternpoxarily.Estabished stands cf taif aaandlci-,w eet1 dorr ay e praedat thei came dates with ïfive te ee pouds~ci euivletof TCA for control c oxtilbau Yard grass nld wifch g-ra Red dlover and askoe arcîe csuiscMîMbl teTCA terbY GRASSES - Invery weedy pas-. tures ghere qgod pe-renn!i;a pvmetpracticc. Plowing andc lseedinig f0 aat gaswhereý pracicabe; wll1amost eênlmî- niate rmany, of the perennial pas-. ture speies, This pracicesplmete b 24-D treatrnent bias gro mucb beýttor contre] et fal weedy spe- cies than ceier'2, 4-11) cor mow-. ing treatments i onereported Mowî e bs been thlercm- rn~ldpractice forcntoin s< reache< growth .rss jèdl1g "Shoe Sense" WiII Save You Trcmbe'ý JIf you sufefrom crn bi- fers, and achIinrches, then feu te onie your soaio]h'f ft. Ethe y,,ou've benbuying te rong size or you've chosen a mse hat is unsuitable. Your discarded shoes can tl you howý' you went rogTheyý wereto lo cos- ifthheling is riubbed aýway; too shortifUyour big tee- bas er a hiole in theý anLd look at the sls They sol turjn up sligbtly. IfL the'y furn up a great deal, however, then the pair was teelong. Now look te see if 0te solesý and iheels are wrnmore onCon sieth he oth-er. Iftheyaryuvben al- îng unevenly;. It mnay beý the fault cf the particular make, bu,.t if ail >our shees look lopsided, then it would help te have wedges of leather or met ai fxed te the sMes on which Uher is theý great-. etwear., Toe ensure t hat ;shües 'rmain comorabeavoid a CllLtiligeariy ini the day. Your fetare7 resfeý-d and at their srmallest thenm Affer fhey've beenon thI)e go for aý fetw hur, hey1ll sweil, an'd shoe chsê hentife tfeet were cool wHI become painfuily tight. WXhen. you) try on shoes, don'ft be tcempfed to-rcrnai sdtting. Asý yen stand, yowI feet spread, and this is particulaly true if youre a heavyweight Seated, yen miiay ïtee]that a* paticlrsîîýire islarge eogt b)ut whuen -you trolrudiu r eal ,i z e your m-,istake. 1 t' s thoen, foo, that you wi notice wet er he he lp 1ouf of the shoe, Teeýs should Ineyeýr reach to th'cI'e end ciashoe, b'ut should ) v shouidni't teel pressure on top, The shees needn't be like boatd, etj course; if [fhey fitsugy over fhe instep they wiil gîieveou plenIty c f support. DO't l)LpuI JtIu wih soos who is'des stick inoyour akebt choose a pair uihalwrcf Nleyer hope that initially un-. confortabe shows cn be broken in. ertanlya tee ýtighfý parcn beceprrl stretchred, but a soon as' yen ge ouftinto a danm Women sifer moe trots foot tro-ubles because Lthe- care mo1cre for appearance fhax\ f 'or ýomîîfor't and sutabUily. Ex'pertIs say, oeeta hihhesdo ne harm nles'a wonnwho nor-mally addisthe tnches f0 her stature suddenly takes tent lat wedge choes. Theshrtne mc sat the back of her leg naturalyachMe when support is remroved. It is important te eeme thtthe big toe sbould rmi straight and ne ot utoeed inte; acnrlpositýion bIya dy a~ ~ ~ ~~g' atSnasadlgtshotos wlfh ct-awayfronts and slin acsare su'premelýy cmotb the only snag i,, that theý foot in-. sîderi Cends-te spread., The.n, whenwntxcenes thdu la neyer an xrvgne Shoes Uthat p*,inch Icause nut enlY foot trouble, bnt baahs sinal disorder. and a greatdma! Oe bad temper. sleeved nurnïibcý e,,ng Brifish g'I Canlada, ara iu he pIr ghor ,il Dates M'ri 1 .1i UlIi U cý.yed Bh U5.o I hsa oreid the l-ideathn, ly, of r oany-e".hc elatives in 936sfaedthat e o on unelh, f945. lt ail 'peýne d. Birds Best Pa.rei Prof. S.Ctals ede thç Univvrsifty of Iln tains that "parentO al ar reached ifs highesf and young during the embryo as wlYLower tpsp but -.on-ry on,-,eneldreach mn-i ty te ak the place .,oi adluif. On the other hand, degree et parental care a the house wren te averageý about ten eggs in ifs lic yet maintin a highly suc fui aggressive species, Bi Iu j.iy, wha ei f0 eat, ,j I n 11 u -e Caeand lIfs1 A citizen O: V, caugit glwng ea' it tiey il dteelop arn thel gss treafedtý ý ý- cavd filon thbat b 'oint Pleas zant. W,. wiýthe 'l -