** ~,JKM~ ugh11 ulal car, rasl iplay, The rea 'reMett good,.ton. Wnc ws a real iv two-baded chickEn. A ift',ureof incarne fo-r Pyle wou'd be the njanufactu- ers w'ho wý7ould ,suPP]y th shes the chlewing gum, herunin loion and, of custhe lirýi- ietn3pay for te riilge *1-A quality chiclm gramme. Attr~ WFite ~Or ~rt Came First." Farm. narrie, 285e Sussi ToIls For Hliro by Swissý craif ch urch. Chili Switzcerlanid,F holdinc , whe t or the bel ýy raised by salk-5, sp4enorof tat happy day Thr wrn' s mlany runnerSi ini îhe race Pleha Xpected Heî' atd fhoped -for 1,000. The weonly 199. But t ws agood, fast fîeld, Pa friîsky set of runne-rsý. It h)Inclued Ch'arles Har't, a 003-year-old mraý.2r- thoný ru.nner ;rom England, one runrfrom Astaliaadon "TJhis is thIc atltin.g have ever Put over," puffed the are untold They ran and they ran, Te Fan through Neeies, riznaand AibuiiequeNewMexico. Theý njewspapel'5 began to ca! it the? Corn-plaster .ýSwe\,epstakeýs, and the Flaitoot Fetialad Pl' FQlie. her n truhTu1 s "I Okiahoma and -Springfield,, Mis- souri. Somebody discovered that the twobeac1ed chicken swas a perfe'(ctly prio0r m aI1 nehe1e chicken -iw ith an ext,-ra had strap- pený on,. Pyle found an Irish ilarm- c-, -hovas ossified frorn-CtheC njeek dwnnd imiade hlm tlle show..ý r taiue aed thi'ugb. Then,' one by onie, like airfpianeCs peeling off, they droppec ut cramnp and blisters and heat prstatonand s ee"IIaustio go YtW. hy 1van through Chi- On, the 28th of'May he sûir- viosof the incr-edible grind limIped into' New York.Th woni- deri, ful ting about it, as Dr. Johnson, said about th.e perforrn- ngdog, wýas not ihow it ws one, b)ut that it-got donc. Anther wonderIful thîng was the ,winniers got thi money. Ficst prize went to Anidy Payne, an Ilndian b ýoy from Oiahomai,. second p ofze if 1,000 wenti to 'john Salo, of Passaic, New Jer- sey. Whird prize ,,of $5,ü00Qwet t Ph.illip Granville of Onttario, Caniada. Four;th placel was $2,5W0 anýd went to Mi'fke Joyce-, a bar- tender front Ceveland. Tlhere weme ix cnsoltionprizes o $lO0each, It wvas Pyle's plano as agndclimax to th-e marathon, to fi)Madison ;Square LGarden wiîth, a cheering, stamiping, pay- ing throng-thie féia source 9df revenue for' the derby en roulte. The great Tex Riekc!ard w,,asthe il, person t'hat ni'ghi toprsn '!-e YprizeS. BuIt not evenl Rickaýrd could attract the c2 ustonlers.lin that whole va<ýt arena there weýre njo more than a f ew dozen spe- tators to see theC winnleis rccive thirarelswreath te i r rnIoney .1It w'as a sad ab1Le'j' finale to the fiascofao it ha6'ý been-from first to last. oting ad tumnred outih wý,ay Py le, had planned. Ile had fîgured the race woud take 64 dals; it took '84. ThIle fi$hts ai-d the fueds along thle way a-mùing ohcunes as well as the sala- ied lnpoyes1:would ae e stroyed the constituýtion ot a, ess- ei:jr an The freak show had been- a flop everywheme. N ôbody owould buy the Magie Foot Box. People were suingY Pyle tfr the mostunbelievable, things. One, z: Tii fI vr sfee eu NOStr ;z35 li Oftaw« ems )er îs ',5swinglngth av right s i s a ourfrn whef go.B~ the rear tumn ~ left o- Follow ithe instructionjs, acici bit of ueand you'll find your- self righ't in the cenrtre every tme ith o daageCtocurb, hca,yo ato , flis