symipathy of the community i d tVo I is. Evan -Quantrilliiad oni th eathof lher father, Mr. 1. Cooper. Jar. Wannan and Jeain and n s Hrold Souch ndam- irkviile visitedI Friday evenh g fr. anild mrs. BillWnan tnd M~ A. 'Walker spent evening wthMr, ýThompson. Ray Bryson spent the week- his homue here. in from the commnunity at- the funmeraoMte late bMr. Cooper at Kendal on Saturdayl on1. and Mrs. Fred Giaham and Ss-pent Saturdav evening -ç wi± il Cfias. Siapleton. Mr. R. R. Patterson, Port Credi spent Sunlday with hi,- mother and MisShirley Qualits-il; ,is inBow- mianvilie Hospital. We wish fber a speedly recovery. LE S KARD Me. ad Mrs. Leslie I a,wi, . erý,e reent and 'B 1' 'i Ha par and visitors with [Iton. shawa with Ms-s. Brad- M iss Ald-rev Bnoes, Me Veirna ' - Berry, -Mr-, Keith Fee and Mr. Ronild 27 Page visited Mr. and Mrs:. Jack Fee, Mr. anld Mrs. H. Berry wvith Mr. and Mrs. N. Fee for- Sunday supper, We are gadto hear thlat Feter Loîs i ecoverling from ia ha at- tack of Chickeni Po, but sorry to hear thfat Philip isnoiio iHurry and get better Pbili. . We were carry tVo heau th.-tMr.j Howard Belkoamy had ilbàeen sick. Glad to hear that he is nlow getting arouid again. Mr. Kichen vsited the W.A, for inlstallat.'ion! of officers for 1958, 'Re- suits 'as follows: President, Mrs,. Leroy HaImiltonl; lst Vice.s. A. Louclks; 2nid ice, Mrs. H. Berry, Recording Sec, drs. C. MaLrtini; Correspondingan)d Press S-ec., Mrs. E. Green; Treasurer, Mi-s. E. Duvali; Floral Convenior, MUrsa N.ý Fee; Lunch Coven rMs. E. Nich- oisoni. Mr. Kitchien gaýve an interestîng Pt NIî talk, on the w-o-k 'of the W.A. ifteir whIich a veey nice lunch was sqeî3ved, T'he danuce at Leskard Sehoo! in aid of thie Buiilding Fund bhad l a good atedac.We mwere pleased V'o, see so many friendq frons ron ýa Mon - "A À ' 1