.. - tjflFU~ ~ N * women. Lt' is acomn'abt ~Praperly approadceti1ilpani * mature and benefit ayon *mniii nany 'ays; t4coften * oofthc deep e, ýnd iindeeti. * No malter hwwilngIis wmnis tla becom-e yurwfe oue wI be edoing b ler naoin nreata QnCourage il. t hope "quili stop seeing ber im- medaey.Seek yonx f riendaý * among your awn general *another isiain B lafoolardyte act aganst ,yeu, but the other nueinvlve will have tef pay for ii t. Cesutt Aune Hirst aud knowyeu cea trust lher jduin.Atidress her at Box 1, 123 EgtehSt., New'TorotoOnt, AN» TKAFFIOSIGNALSý colors mosteorbln persans can't reconise, but ddjyý, enouh, clar-linidriveris are L w eVn1 ir Il malt driv- ftewe rIhanl re unable le sraffe gsi- le Amencrican, ion. Cae i , neglig- 3UN RIN- ,oie cme puff a om 1;1 quick n'wiih nelfi 1w ecd cakes of yýeat!Noor tripaý this ne fam o w WAli vx -,x:: a ntatafol Misss' WistSize 24, 25, 26, 28 or, 30! PButtoniai, si4e -panel effet-Patera4,500 hlias thtý sedrsbapely ilaok tht'sthe nerws Of th sasn!Bali ipe i upin satlm!Se:ýnd , or Pattera 50 ,sew xl naw! This patera-easy 1ta use, sim)- ple tasew, s eted -Fors fit. IMass copeeiliLustraýtet nsrctos SetiTl1ITY FECENTS (35< lucoins (stamps cna I be acetdlor Ii atei.Prinit plainly 51,NMAI)DRESS, STYLE NUMlBtR. Send OQr.der ta Bo , 13Egt food A. BThe slow achewirx mofft canIbe îtua strongly epa sizeti.Chiew s lon te whajt yuae aigandIbswl aid iinasraly l he proper, digestior of tct foaod. Q. Hw eaîIremoee bstxniaite cigarettte sais rom tht iengera? A. Try usîng wl-opdpu- ice stone and b 'ot alr.Tht igerstains cn',be eav wihplain lemon jùuice. Q.How Veau i bin eut t0, A. Prafi il lubb-d Jt b linoleu ill briagouI the cal- antiipr lss ufc.I a AtIle parafinohis gdq4 ta tcewater when washig thu Wn oluil ilitnanti palish mueb t asier. Q. Hlowv eau 1b)I ie leevsore- easily? A.MValke a railouti)a[ a Turký- ish Ioel, bginig 1wril a onte ýntiof tht towelDraw tï htý ral bouhtht ntr lngof thtîtee, henpress, ttnfiýng as ncesal' lapress ai] parts- Q. Hnow (eau iesuv ttpaper label on01%gabottie?ý An Ilt an be readîy iremveti' by forstwetlug iland Iben hold- ing rvear a fuane of tdt slavî. 9, Her eaui rm tehe, blaek sýpeekawhch omtiatur"i 0on cliver? sng, tal -,'ret)utgril , antiêlivu ail ighiypalish w iad ik Ifttspecksarobtaeser wit bonhpsteatilaelo A.By placijng Ier u ri jas aî-tlltiwiIh Carbon lIa ablrid; cvertht jar antishk eiorida ant han i nthtvpe airn il tvt freau ig acrai- prê'uivent- Hil ý c til- 1h, ý-ous hi 1don( ta go bis ai (q a iy OUr 1 ot .otier COUSIt ai Cc wilh anale] is, or riculti a hue farme audit praplen winter flow ül eeffe * theU