eR.N. Tor- swith Mrs. ie W A me7-t i the -mdaýy ý(!hrol president, M.Rg litin the in The meeting opened with the ýin-g of "Jss over of my so-,tV ýL nwed by repeating the Lords er iri unison. The i-Qll cail wais e a suggestion to ho1p in carry- shc out the worik -of the W.Y aind to y good ideas werê given. Letters on lpprý(eciation received for' Christ- the ba skets weýre read by the socre-,iSru Mrs . Stokur conducted tLhe Gis Aon of officers ani Che fèloing eswere elected for the --urrent T HonorarY Presidlent, r. .Put! n'e; Presidlent, Ms.Garlanid ligi rat st Vie% res. rs. j. leton; 2id Vc Pres., lMrs. A. SSecretary, Mr-s. eg Elliott'; SUIeSr M MusHlaPBll;Sick îttee, Mrs. M. LioadMs Ii; Pia.iss, MJUrs. J. Staple- nd Mr-s. Lloýyd Gflass, Conveners ~ 'He motly pogralms w d. The meetinig closed ih h ab Powidiction. J Tb-' 1Ws tell. J. dloor up re busy todays for the Streetv of Were . ROV Frrend~ her- f0' for ol vis lien rhe ic tute whio the ville. teeni The accor UT onlatn'p to P Mis. Datling Bowmainville o- Single Bills Double Bis Saturdays 2:C1 Fni. - Sat. Abbott an s Newtonville a soéld' )bers eels,.,an, part 4 le