is ca u! is the way casserole. R JAM butter or miar- flour Ited. lc s-or: unil browned. (;auo if you've bhought. a sm!all amutof luncîhceonmet xa cseoethisway: LUNCHEFON M EAT WVITH iCORN~ ½teaspoon sait Stetaspïoon pepper 3 euips m-edlm white saue I eup rice 'ereai 2teaspoons 1nicitedbutro m11argarinle Cube itreat and ix it drainlec corn ase.Sa son, Put layers of corn mnixture and(. whitc sucein greased, bakin]g diî, .Crush ceealsight- 1iy; mx imelted butter and( sprike over F. about 20 min- ute Serves 6. if you lîke 'a cseoedish us- inig freshý ground beef, here ison your aiywilejy i ound hambuirger 3 eup fine dry bread rub i cap mllk Zmediiuni onis 3 nediarm potato0es (about 2/ cups peeled and s!ieti very i ean peas 0. i package frozen peas, cookedï liqtuid fromi peas PAuS wate ta make 1 cup 3-i~bespooli-qfàour 3 -Sait and pepper to season Add rumbs -mnd milk tomneat aiimùç weil, Chop 1 onion very finle an-d add (to meat mxue Shape meItat mixture à-,1o 12 bDal s: roîl in ifour to coat hligh-tly,. M butter in ikililt.and add other onion whlich has been slIicedthn cook gý-ently until onion îs trans- paret), Remove en')ion 1an'CI sa v e, Add eat balîs fosklean turn vniti-i the-y aebrowný-red on al.sides. Airrnge eal als, peas and potatoes un 2 layercs in greased 2'-quart cserl.Add butter remr-aiintg in siilet anid the liquid. Sprînkle with season.- ing. Cover and bake at 350" F. Chain Drive-Shipyardi wor-ker Alfred Johnson, begins the long îask of chipping rust from týhe Queen~ Elzabeth's 330 fathorns of lo* anchor choini, as the huge liner lies in drydock at Southanio, England T he sýhip is getting an extro-special going-over in pre-parcficn for her- Coronation Ycarsaln. uintil potatoes are Itendfer (aboiut 40 mi s.) erves 6-8.2 For, an unusual eeal cas- serole, tr.y this sw"eet pDotato- pi une combination, PRUINE - SWVEET POTATO (,ASSE ROLE Cook 4 meduclt-mi sweect po)tatoes; reinove ikins and cut lntws ini slices about ¼ ,inch thi. Placealteratf lyeIs ol sweet poaosand prunes t'hat have been, cooked unsweecctened and pitted (yu'l ned 1½ cups). Sprinkl-enech lIa-yer with brown 'sugar ~ ui.Sait. Add ½ c-up prune juiceý and 2 tablespoions lemo juce.Pour over top ¼'ý cup mielted butter or margarîine. Bakýe uncovered at 3~ F. 40-45 minute. Bast witl ir iish. Bu edoesnl't ïneed anz-y coo'.ingý- HAýrD TO GET 1No Iwoul't ,say ihewa mean, but he's lefthandednd k-ýeeps Jis imone(y un Jis righit- hand pockýet." C U N A R D tEurope: SGetting there is haif the Fun,! Net dul minute ..ý. short the plemant hour, . ie dasspent aim;dst the luxurieýs of fa Cunard ig ta Europe., Whether businesýs responsibilities a..ctive travel program Ilie ahecd, tlhe fun you shre., . . the hbeclhffl relaxaition and bright conviiviality make ime --your sratnfyour ter-when YOU cross thOL tlaintic with CUonard. "Que.» 0 0, ft off tain down Tbc cuinpi[le eteu r±uia wo uuil, uuLI sqa l 1 assaÀIed the 1labnciui ng MHonkbarn-s. As shte reeledude this fre-sh bothe cargoI of steel rails in ber hold broke loose with a terrifying roar. Heeligovr wihher yards alm-ost the wateri, she wallow\,ed within ain ace 0f icapsizing. Bot the superhumran efforts of captai and crew brought hler. safely to port, her cargo, re- stowed, and ýwith the inJured É fia muate well oný thewy to recov- ery. uTh& story of thle Monlcbarus is not an epic of ther- gaIe-whippe(,d AtIantie or typho-oni-infeisted Pa-1 ifit happenied in the 'Indlian ocean, wvher-e the tropic -,1u1 is alasreckýoneid to b'a-je d and iridescent fyn fish skhni laziIy 0over smI-ooth gee-roliers. But i the southern wastes of this w.atery desert, shiips mieet some of the wildet wether in the a brave vessl a fought for her hf e down ùtere_ and lost, says Alan Villiers in his enthralinrg book, "The Indian Ocean." But thl'e 1InçijanOcencan Pro- duce other hapzardfs besides its "Boaring Forties." 'While theic twniehcntury Coiriet saisý overhead, linking East and WVest ln~aicociioedcolfrt the Ryal Nav'y stili patsro1s below t check ae-ldpiracy aPnd l- eMy in itscotalwaers. As reCenýtly aýs thlý ait ýcentury nio fewer than 19,000 ferociouis pirates, operating fý-)romi aseýs along 0the ~ ~lCn'south1 A Bet About Horse8,ý ýStarted The Movies Tlhe grýaet e ntertainme-nt in- dustry in the world starteci as aprivate bet bjetwceen two Amner- icans. Mlore than seventy years ago Goveruior Leland Stanmford, of Californa, bet a friend 25,000 dolas thaahorse at fUlispeed tonk ahl four fe',off theý ground Stonce. To prove his theory hie emiplo- ec'(EawerdIvUybr-idge, an en- terprisng Brith photographer, tO record ,withi a-camtera a sePÎes of. pîctuýres of The Enginecer, onie of Safr th oroughbred s, gai - loping. It took Myrdesxmnh ttý coordinate horsýe and camieras to prove Stanodps poin. FHe d it by settng a row of cameras se that they alil dicked wiâtin afraction of a second ofeachW other. As the horse railoped past h set off the first camraaC the oüthers vworked atmtcly H-e put the series of pictures ini istcand later, thumi-,bing them- thogto0 his amkazempent bMuy- bridge saw that The Engineer ap- -peared tro be runining as the phoi- tographs fipped. Muyride'sdiscovery started the mnanufacture of - iinated b,)oks Of pictureýs. LIt 1881 he ini- vented the zooph raxiscope, wich was tlhe frrun of tt workcector ciple as tt 'foHlowed Theç ThomasE eers of 't thir e- xpc The ci. ds slowly shis ab- quitc Ur)-, of the Persian Gulf, preyed on passing %vessels. hnthycp tureci an %nfdel ship she was first "p- uriie.Thnpseer and cTwrebound. and tdrag- ged sigyto the anwawhere thei thrats ere it. Cutthrat~Great IWeatlh Chne of the worst of these fiendi wa's Fahima ibn Jg1 r, ho bail- Ied fon Kuwaif, now a flourishi- ing ou'port. lie commyanded a ,of six ships and some.u coastal forts. Piracy brought int faýbulI- o)ui wealtha and a hare of200 W 1ves. ýýOnec-eyed adhîdeou1s, scarred ithisabre, ýspear anld buhilet wounds, Ralimia neyer al- lowe-(d Jis shirt toý bereoe or washed unless it eithier feil off or wvas t om ioff in bttielI Outnmbeed eventualy in~ a sea- fight, he fired bis own ihip's' maaieand blew h,ý imself anid bihencimen kyhih A bloodthir-sTy European pirate7 who once scourgeçi the 1indian- ocean was a man nmedc Taylor. Whe-n his cook, accidentaly burn.- cd the soup Taylor bad hlm- rci;stcd alive, rmrçn htS fat a wretech should burn weil! Front one prize Taylor took so man damonds th a, his 300 mil ot42 ape lOe of thentwa gîven. a singlelrsoe as hlis s;hajr e . Swearing hè had ibeen ched he seizd a hammer and ~mashe at te priceless ee unrtil it Split into fragme)nts! In fascinatiingdea, Alanl Vil- liens relates th te colour1jful hist1ory of this vast oc-ean and te rship and men who have sailed upon- dte waters, T he Legal rMmd We5 are assured that hs true story. At a Cocktal party, a dearold Jgegot into cnesainwith. a siguhrlypre"tty, bt sme what dumib, younig gbil h a enormuslyintprssedon har- igof is î,ýLordjship'sýhigh ffce fYou mut be terr;ily; clever," she emared, to be able t rmake up your iniin allthos caises and ithingswhc yo 'udge. Do tel!i e ow yCvý'ou do Wel»replied the J'ucige, " listen to counsel for the plan.- tifs andi the evidoee or theý plaintifs and.i then l akeup m -,iid5,-yOu kn owY, "Buýýt I thoughit uhdt isten ito, both rides!"exiimc the gir As a mtterof fcIue to"answered the oldéa. "u I fond d it osteonfusin VTMNB-12 Viti E fanemliamay s0oon be able to take their dail'yman tenance dose of vitaunin B12by mnouth insteaci of by îîc;n spokesmian for a f irm of pliar- moaceuitical mnfcues e ported last week. The co7mpany has developed a procusi sid to, mnake it praccal for the first time fo produce on a large wa in concentrated iforrm the elusîve substance kiown aî s thegatî itiicf actor. This factor j needed to protect the b1.ýood-bui'ld~ ing vitamn, which istheactiv< substance in liver extrnuct. againsf destruction. in the huanstom- a ch. The manufactured. gastr intrfinsic factor is e-xtrawcdfrn hog Stomnachis. Mixed 7,-ithjvit;a inBP-12, it will provideLr a twvo- tablet daily close which janemuÏ, victiims may salw ihagas of wtr So~einesIt's Hard To Be A Lady--Cur-tsying in a vàho hich no cÔuntessý could equal, Christinie Knox, 2, above, gres itledi visitor at the annual Cildren's FBue Bird Party, in Londoný. Below,, Chrisiine almiost forgets she's a liQdy, telis> Gustino delea ta get off her tr-ain or she'Il let bum have it, as theaoru two- Ž/eor-old attempis to stealtci kiss.. 'n o! ,tvrnmer safili*gs IIrougi the htbrcS, a..ý ý. repultar epru* fronp Ha!ax F. wit.r . ., y.aor-rouad ;iiwg rom >rk i clude iMe world'r largeeo out.anere, E<zb.h nd "Queh Mary.