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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1953, p. 3

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A ne~ tyied Ol on 16 Souf h r it were ed two nmni ,nt ini-e was sota and ,vho used y wafci- namne fiat invent or Dale Rvis- tenai, WrfhtinIgfon Co)., Mn. lias givn bis machine. Here howthe rig wonk: Tri- ngarrode in front of l,.fri a- c-hjine gui-de the alfalfa b-eeec, 24 long vert ic? roller, coafed witifoa rubber. As fie pat go, f>LIouih, tieCy arecu eijucf -en-ough f0-Ci 'trip" h losm and exýpose- e pollen. Just be-iiind fe rollers is a Steel - and - canvas "olxa o chmer"Tiere, abhast of wam irfrom a ibotled gas heafer driesfihe sticky ~le and duets in among thefowr The mnachtine may have sonie drawbacmks, First of aila alaa plant odnaiycontinues-,foc bloio-r several wvueks, anüd only 10iifte15%ýof i e flowers are rayfor "frippinig"aitt any one umenc. So ,ift wilI rbbyb neesayf go over a field sev- irltmsni Order 1tL)tn osf Anotier possible drawub a ck B"ees carry pollen Irfmone plant to anteand cod-oinfe h flowers. How vewearen'f ur tiat this rmachine -preadsc fie poleîroundkI.enougli to gef good cros-oHlation. Whcn the flow- ers are "selfed" (fertilzed wif their own pollen). fie seedfa leS produ'edC usuafly grows inito plantsthat make les seed an fora-ge th-an t hi:sý ronf o crossed -seed. meanwb/ hil"e, farmiers daim fa hemachinH reailly ooSIte seed' ( " lhIhad treateçi more," saysvRoy ~kamp o~f KingSbpury CQun.ty, S. Da.-thre first f arpier u~ se fiz1m- chnic B e&' lce fie 500ac o Côdýaca!n de growsfor seed. Ou î10'rif those .50 aC'r"S li averaged 600 pnounds of se per *cr&-ireetirres fie yield lie miade o nfete lfla "Býees edon't -work foo-)well iii our area," saýys Glenn Riefs, BrqwnCouny, 'S. Dak. "W( x year, bust those becs bu2zed riýgit p'sï Our alfalfa anidwo- 2d sweet clov-er and. wihd fow- ne rsisead "Wic'hre w used fl ahn weý, got 62 pouuds cf cleýan seed faý th eacre, and diîs was oni mar- inal lanId fiat çost us onL' $1 anacrei, We 4dîi!n';.harvee fie pairt co-,tie fieldfiat' wasn't t'reated, bcuaus"E if woulcln't have -ide10 pounde tote eacre, Onje 251-acre fid fiat me freated made 362 pounds of dtean seed per acre." Sayg Herbert Johnson, a mur- ray, Minn., peirse produýer: "I uSed it only on a emai, lf eXiel ths ya~buit ÎÏigrei inc.reasedmy ied between 40% and 5%' \Nxt year esgigt r CROSS WORD PUZZLE acRoca I Oeean* S Cryofacat 5. Mute 11. Feeler il Danieh mcn~y qf accoont 14. i~rnug 15. Rus 3n eeft 16. flallad 17. Ardor .15. Eon* 20. Pay oct 21. Adhesiy* 24. Âge 26. Legaî aetlon 27 ~end ont 2L G~4de~e cf acace gO. flun~ ont 52. ne~.iire i5~ Vart* putreti 56 Notiop ss. r-t1~ the rietor 42. Number 41 Whlte 44. Sp'oni~h pan cake 46. Carry 42. C~b1nese îaOliey 49. Seam* 50. ~fria~ 54. ~orwegka fi?. Repo~e 66, Vexetebli 55. Danlsk W'eig1~t* pows~ - iHraiepd*g S Spikeofeora 3. Wtng 4. Spia*h 5, Blinti antmSl 5, RobWer 7. Honte g, StaSi 9. Manicle dQor- keep*r New Fashion like the crisi rouches-Frothy nlylon toucheics te f-reshen the outlook 'pf the peren niai li re w'hte sc r the denure coilar oire a.ppe on occessory countlers ever.herc. Because the-y are nylon thl-eir fresh bequity reuires littie core. lu one NMurray Couinty test, 300biosos wremarked with sin.After trUipinjg anid pollin atinig by t'he machine, markedll"-,-l ConyAgent Arvid C, agn says that more of the muarked blsoehad seed podso hi two cdays after they %wer.etetd But here's tle lineher on homv the macýhine worics: Ail of the farerswhoused it this £year hope to use it againin 1953, The fit modeil pulfled behind,- the tractor-. But aý newer nIodý, wilbe cridon the trcto bois. to keep doriwn wel dam- ag-e to the alfa]fa. Hvistendabl hýis cntn Int ilimprove the machin-e, and jes pvesiderit of tlienw Mcai cal Bee' Company that iI1 lease mnachines týo gro)wers7 on a pei- ecrntage or ee royalty bDasis.,, Looklik i1e t4e theory that l Sh-ouldný't feed antfib",oùStu~ o r Pant gilis doesn't hold -up urny mo-1re. (i t -ret ?tdx Un1er- sity tests, the stro-nge2,t, ýealthîsst pigs were froin gits that got aureocih3rialong wjtb their eg Wiar ration Dr,.VW. M. Beeson frepof)rts that aureomyciaso boosted ýhe iz of pigs at birth, and increased the per:ceritage of vigor-ou pige per liter. It a.lso paysý to feed amtib)io-ticS to both g id pigslrig)lt on up to wennWhen Purdue e,- perîâimenteIredidth, the pîîge were heavier at weaningan stronger at eight w-eks of age. Pkitinigail tiwe, finllengs tci- gether, it no-w looks liKe antî- bioies pay just about anyfinie, ecxcept afterf hogS reach 140 Lfo 150 pounds. After thiat, they. dlon't heip much Sorn-ethin3g else , ,aS br.OUght f0 ighit by thle tests: "Just having enoüugh. Tlhey do thieir bes)wor when cran-iounitiare fed. For 2xanip1eý, thereacer found that fv ilgaeper pound of total raineet-ee fo be a m,ýinmumlyl aueomc ant tamcnfIfor pige in drzy 11 eara40 crb or2r. F,2.ate<a> W3 ,taIea 01,4.Siai i but your fc-z irs ïc f1îa irV w'it(ioUt antifbiofic, Wh en thei a ,ivoi as stepped Up to 7%½ milligama pcmpond of' ratin, gains jumped from 1.6. to 1.5 riunds per day. rigs reqoilred 10pudels protetn Supplem-ent p C, r 1 poulids of gi hr niitc were fed. Te t et trnd p nedrw casses o'tf hogS that go't them car, riedi morefat. ilf you wanf the igurces, ther, got axitibiotics eeed ofwt 53% fat( Cr omp a 1- ed t o 1,ea aný1,-d those flot getfing anfibis had Only 46% faf. Ilii other fedin-g te-sts, thîe re- sefarchers foundi that thiere mre ingedet b e sides1 c nfib'iotileS that wýII prvepig livabilityi whn acdded to the swsratio-n. Adding grass juice, fisih soILb'fi redliver. and tainBI',~~ cre'asedbrteitmoeha CWedon!t have ail thp anmwers ye tto thsbuinssof edig but we're finding ofmore,,andi mOre a "bot iihoo to mkepork faster and cheaper. B-us Ran Over HUs Foot - Didn't Hurt! t)o 0'would you lîke a bu to run over yor oot? Vel tht' wathappened o f0 M. M George Denton, chlaiman ofte Bits Standards Ii. Footwear the other day Ad h didn't flnchl -he w vas eiiganwsff shoe. Stanlding nfar DuryLane., London, >hedlbraeyplaced his foo under one of the wel ot a LndnTranispo,-t double.- decker bus. The choe's interior 2 oz. seely te -c ap easily witlsfood the1 w.veigchfof the bus ai Mr. en- ton's f'uoot was unharmned. fi seestimýated offlicially thai if saffy boots andshoe wer morDt e generally usedi indufy there w-. vould be a aprcibl re Ùcton In thenumber oý)fac tory an-d othber acdns AustraHqa has twlce gone hrugh limne c bas dsoeetoolae thtber, "husIba-nd" wpa abiga-ý itShe( has just rcenly ob-j tainied an annlllit fo Sconrd man. Househ-ýold Hints drwrspll]LOOSe ilii one'e hanid is a great annoyance. Probahly, fiee crew'lis wrnabole foo large fo grîp fie vood. Anr as reeyis b ffie hoh e wit h plastic wood, lef if dry for a few hfoLus , tien screw fl i knob jir p'; ),ce. Pativood handies, like putty and hardenois in-t owod Nylon fabïie canu be sfored lai- deff;Inifely w-ifthout injurýy if fiýe folo*ing precaufions are faken. Tic fabric siould be cdean and frjýee cf wriik les. Put wa cmiýootily fo1ded or hangting, on a anr.Wien deLan, nlo ls no ajttraction fc-or mofs. However., if, moti larv'ae apntbe comne tn-apped iïn fie fl yo garment , tiey i ct1fiirîa tirougi to escape. Winchoosing a cùojour cf ail panbe sure b (jpick a ligliter siade tian fi,,e finisJiedefc decired. Acolour fiat seemet exc ïyrgïili on a small colour clip or a brushed-ouf cample, willecemnimuci danker w nif cov'ere a wiolew1 l emme foc, ifia thfe colour bc ine l- fesjidby fie refhect ion .of tirce ofier whs If you want your rnyl-ons to lasf longer, hoqvfiier denier ocng are imore, sLifable for iywar If y-ou ike tfie Seheereet aSk îfor 15 den-ier but don't rexpect fihen fo wear aýs well as fie 1heavier wieighf. Denier is fie we-ight and tiicknýess of fie Lfinýead used fo make fie stockings, Teefre 10 deier is tice as heavw anci fceas sirns 15 dlenieryan A Straw ,rs. Tommy, Guns.. ltiec gale fiat li bowngup against fie educafon in crimeý ubici children are gefting frein TV, radio, inovius, cS*-c bookeF, and menile strips---hut if c a straw' whocirection is *worth notng. Reecenflytic Ch)icago tüajil7 News witicld fom ifs coumns mne of ifs reguh-ar comic sip.Ini fie spot wie-re if ulsual"Ly appea;3r- cd tie Ipeprn 1an this exyplanafion inù lage ohd type: "Today's episode c)f fie Judge Parker sfrip bas beeni dr6pped hy tcDaily News bca.use i dpt t a fhetndmreTýie y caf e ic hn lfils trip h1asý promise'd fiat ln tic future tih type cf violence wih-fl le avoidcdý." This ocu-rred towav;:rd fie endi of a week in wlïicthfe cmet paperi iadt been gi"ving Page One spac te a ceries cf atce ani- paigning against wiat le callcd "TV crime 'lessns'" wiich *iÇ- 1dren are absorbing from TV proj- grame scheduled epcilyfor tieni. If iappeneýd in thc camte 'week dïunýiing -wiicia 1Žerodboy, i abIaz e of publicifuy,wa broughif back te Chiao o TV col arap and beafing." Ln -w:ithiolding -f rom ifs owr, cumea comic "strip denpictingi athreatenied myurder. Tie Dai(y New,ýs haýs set an eýxamrjp1e ofslf policing whichmih well be adopted by ai] agençce5--ini4- ing TV-wýhihsek eto inforr-n, ed(ucate, or enefi te public. Could] no, expansion of such selfpoliingacfua,,lly help tofoe stali crhiewaewihoiu- lygin ipefus fomsenýystioYna publicizIng of the spciflo m 1-eansý * by which a crime bas been or So long; as crimi-e ocuLrs arli citizerL n usf be aterted to comý- bat Mt, responiile news agencies mu-tst rjeport if. Buýt ii inceýssary olteport cime, nof f0 wal- ,gloify t a "enerinmlen" either for cfdrnoradts From TheCrsinSineMn ïtor q~ IINAIS1IIUL aîeBïe. Bnd gfofGod. Eph. î!:8« Perapsno araleof our Lord bas .been injt-te>rprefed in so mtanýy differcrnt ays as the one finf0- day' S esso)n. 11n1the bsns world tfodaysucn b thnge seldom-r, if uver, ha ppe n. 0fE course the eM- plyrkept bis contract nd p id toewio were hired in ti mrigacýcording btohe tagree- men. Bt waf-mployer gives eulpay to those wbo ere notl irved unionlOr even af 5 p.m We must remember attsj a parabe of the kingdomi of hea\ven,ý. VWe chould also read fie Jlast fourere of the~ preýced1ing c-haprter. Peterý said, "Behold,,vwe bave 1forsaken all, anid fc1oowed fiee; shat sawe have there- fore?" The parable Ispart Of !tie reply, Tiere is somietin of re huke for those xvh feel thafthe ha~ve earned a reward fcor their laorlor fie kingdom. God je generous. Cerfainily some jtustifi- fatron for tus unuosual genrîos- ity is ceea in tefaýct fiatl thesec wio çYcamie- làter ithe -day camjj'e as soon as they wereý called. Someý atppl1y this tboUghtIoflithe Gen- files. Mýany ofihem hiaring of Gýod'e revelation firougP Jesius christ for tlic firsitfin1ie, accept- e-,d thle message and rcie blessings and rewards equal f0 thaf of good JWhwo bad beenr rained in the religon f Jehovali from inoanc. One alsocees in fie parable the goodness Af God in recceiving and rewaýrdig a per- son in lafer 11fe.Irecali one h la youLth aý,nd you-ngmaod lad rcjecfed the caims of Christ. Now on bis sick bc'd hie rpne and sougit CGod's crcy. He feit f ws ikedrnkig ftic gla-ss of 1f e anid offeing the dreg to God. Bu1t God glciul reee iim. God is like fiat Buýt let: no On,"bfieba,sc o heparpble, deliberately post- pine hie s 2urreýýnderto upChrijst. Otesin latelîae shlown ,o dipstint becý.d tec long rcjcted. ,One thief oýn tfie cro,-s s ~ &Saved that (nne might epirand oiyéonle fatnone, mîgit peue )rding Lirea k ng, comes bha ove7,:r. The tie c -vr one ou Haire hihal si Aft ý a blood * binl grovr Ui ±1 l0fc11icli are dIepreuss'ions il ie Tiuc Seconid Greatest Tourist Lure ,on

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