LL&1J1I wish ment, Ottawa. te frien Idndnless iption $1.50 and car< Oroio R C Forrester On Fr Orono -Or zeatof l ror every ýace, Keudal Sund, te, February 1 spices of the I stitute. Ladies bi Adults 25c :nme vomen "'5 t" o" "o Vit oJ"Viu have won the game. of the 1nlu the first twenty minutes of . lu-!play the local boys consistantly end a pounded the Cobourg net with the Feb. gamne being held within Cobourg's blue line. Scraible after scramble in front of the Comets net did not pro- Band duce even a single tally. D. West and report Armstrong ou a passing play on four ar by occasions out-manouvered the CGo- cially bourg defence yet the Comet's goal- itance tender was "Johnny on the spot" to save on a potential goal. Even though call Orono held the majority of play, Ce- a euh sbourg secured the first and only goal rs'h" of the first period at the eight min- which ue mark. Drun >el ac >rove ~ryon ng t L~un-I CARD OF We wish to exp thanks to our frien relatives for the cards and many during our recent i Mrs. Charles Cc CARD OF Just a note of t friends and sociei carda, flowers , ca surely made my more peasant Orono in the first few minutes oft Also the second period tied the game on a Sscrarnble in front of the Cobourg net fness at ho - but the Comets came right back to d score their second goal ef the game. e During this frame lohourg was short j la mai on two occasions but Orono I o were not able to capitalize on the eue man advatage. It was noted D that Cobourg, when a man short, ai- St., Bowm ways kept Orono in a dis ganized jary 1st,,19 .state aud tuis unable to score. The of the latt tearns left the ice at the end of the ot the late second with the Comets leading 2 to 1 Bailey. Ser ris Funera The third period decided the Cornets Tuesday, F the victors for in this stanza they Interment put two more past Rowe and at the same time held Orono scorless. OKE-At The CZhourg goalie was the sole manville 0 factor in keeping the Orphans from 1953, Fran a win which with a little luck they years. Hus] could have secured in the first period.j father e D. West and Robinson on a number (Mrs. De of occasions had only the goalie to Bowmianvil beat but found it impossible to draw Funeral C him out of position. A number e tIhe vice in the local tribe were somewhat off colour ary 6th at and not up to their usual game. D. Bowmanvill West and Armstrong were the chief drive for the Orphans. NICHOLAS ¯nurse ours n me. ORDON YOUNG LIMITED tice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F MINNIE E. HALL deceased AI persons having caims against state of Minnie . Hall, late of Township of Clarke, in the ty of Durham, deceased, who on or about the 8th day of Nov- r, 1952, are hereby notîfied te in to W. Ross Strike, .Solicitor he Executor, Bowmanville, Ont- on or before the 21st day o Fieb- S1953 full particulars et their DEATHS Park Street Office Hours for Small Anima 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. except Sundays and Wednesday by appointment. PHONE 94 r 16 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonos : Office 688 Home 553 JACK REID Auctio or ('-nnn aluse Po" rkhk What happened in Lindsay on Saturday night is certainly a mystery for the Muskies trimmed the Orphans 24 to 4. In the second and third per- iod Lindsay scored an average of once every two minutes and as' yet we have been unable to find, hear or;f dig up any reason. Orono goals wereS scored by R. West 2, D. West and1 Shell.1 ORONO 9 BOWMANVILLE 3 The Orphans handed out oe of their worst defeats on Tuesday even- ing at Bowmanville to the Barons ini a gaie which did not show too hmci q irf it d lit th ttl etery. SMITH-At Men Bowmanville on S 31st 1953, George N of Dorothy Stapi Mr. Smith rested Funeral Chapel, B vice was held in Church on -Monday, 2.30 p.m. Interm Cemetery. mucii spirit ani aaty lon e parO et Bowmauville. Jnay2 9 The first twenty minutes openedbe vod 'eof and closed in rather a dull mannere with the Orphans taking the lead 2Caen tD te 1 on goals by iobinson mandR. Preston et Orner West with assist te D. West. Orone opened! the scorrng on Robinson's' ig t evc WA SON--A D goal a liefir~tmhiu+ et panuatry on , Feb95 th par iin thseobndawnnthey insn fropMyles ad twoby' D West on Iis two gsutwittedIre West frem lesuk ant Robinren Baron goaieY dawing heutoontFebrU Iis net ans putting te puckbend hnd Youms hum.Roinsonp1 l rstrng and Mulest y D Wet tIr i to gathis ininged came up with some good team play. dued by I R. West and McKeen both took tive dend Payi minute penalties for fighting and Olesuk two minutes for siashing. !1Quotations rmstrong opened the scoring in third on an assist from Robinson. also followed with his second goal n he came froin behind the Bar- net to gently push the puck md the goal post and iuto the which appeared the easiest goal Ihe evening. D. West on a fine ing play froi R. West secured no's eighth count and Robinsen, hard working centre for the line, finalized. Orono's scoring the ninth in the second hast min- ira urn sta buy ng or Leroy Ha Ph-: ORONO 1 R1 Y and SON iT PHONE 734M the Oreno Mem- t forms of Can- our traditiona , Monument of o our loved ones Fire, Birg Automobilb Sickness, I Livestock, ONT. -777M FOR SA] Beatty lir vrsr -i att on 7