lo i e el:- ,,l i /the Card thje Ibruary 1Illad i,tion t o the Oper .this very thr-o 'g $91.50. Th a-C stror remli th Yariety Night dle Memorýial Arena eb. 201pJfl.VeM g in a Dazzhing Nitonf nid Fg Skating Oshawa, Outstanding Jimior Skater. I)ronlto, Silver Medaist and Jr. Champion. ronito, Silv'er M~it RALDINE FENTf ONl, SilNer Medalists Dance CoYnntitor>, for Dominion Hionors at Ottawa ro4î-ball Touz nament NEWCASL LIONS -,ersus OSH AWA LIONS XORONO versus K ENDAL \Jl6cey NEWVCASTLE vs. -cL.LLBRZOOK PROCEEDS FOR EUROPEAN FLOOD RELIEF FUNID mation 50 cents Your Children, 25 cents TAKE NOTICE THE FIFTH ANNUAL MEETING Durham Farmers' Cotipny Co-operative TO WNS Will bi Held In The R N Friday, February 27th, lfq5 mîkev Idu*td ~C ci Guost1 Sveak-er MIR. FRANK PERKINS, TORONTO Business Mjleinig at 2.30 p.nj ss-ReceiNiiug reports, ýappoiing 3 -frect.ors to fini vacan- r those, retiring, a-od other biisiess whchhou!d came before iual 'meeting. OMre ',g IietôsMs R u b~ssel 0 , cri. Clave E. AllUn and combes. MsF.DuncanII is visitiI iagtrMrs.Canadoh ives nt Grdn ili. Mvr. aInd MrW .Leamen ]M'r. and Ms odnLa SadaKeane, Br-ightoii, 1h 3tayinjg \ith her rndae mId Mrs. A. H. Keane. Miss Shirley 'Flintoff, pptt the veken ith Mr. a] gev. an(j Mrjs. Walter Tor fýim;Iv nf T,9keéfic-ld rspeni with Rev. adMrs. J. Kitchen Clarke Township Public eachers held their monithly at Orono sehool on 'Mondiy if with Mr. Tolmiie as speaker. Congratulations to Mr. an rcelief FuLnd is lno' the village and (lis ng to Cûntrihute 414) n sy o s Uj At S R. G. Moffat, Sec. 6frAB' SPEClAL Buy a giant pkg. at regu- lar price - receive a Ige.' Zpkg. FREE. 29C. .5c. Cof f e i',in at 3.30 p.mj 14ermient Hainpto Cemetery. UNITFFl HUC n Orono Ilastoral o ~ johin Kitveel SUIN D,%Y. FEIýîÎ8RARY221d. ORONO Sundayv Sehlool at 10 a Bucb as Your The woriti me w 1l Ten-i dr. ani Sons Mrs. Leroy Fire, Auto Sickn Lives $5 M.j road. 8 -Pr es. Wts late Mauû Il m'ary (Mrs. t'S Keninethi 1 Fi