.1.1 î.îL and i the Iman sýenis on tefuncler 0f he Hc/kev iext wýeek, ïoms cortIi columnwïflI owlo Yený Hos747YneS. orçntc. 1 m 1IE D c. ai P. lI -7 tJi idoi Vhlle ,frac wer$1-.5 Pair o- humarr pyramnid supporfed Fb' onse elicn ai the Bertram Milis Circu5 in London. Known iias the Waoan RiffKabyIen group, they pe.rfrmed for. hundreds orf ILondon kids. to Lonldon for thereioritiIe. H e camore up a-gainst the r, eiginig c.hampion, om ewmnand 1went home after a very severv hasteninrg. After four more years )f ipractice, practice nd moý(re practice, Joe was back again ini; the in Iral of the semor hmpion ship, Agair n he received a less;on fromnewn uit àwa ales- son;mel! learned because à i1927 the.defcit agaist the Wbi innedi Londoner wvas reduced te only 1,200 pois. The f ellowing year avshad his :just revarýd ndc became chamI"pion. [Heretaýined "the' M ite until dleeaed by the Attsra- vit 1h Matnesncokeri, or Snoekeýcr's i h. e pool to give it, its f ull i-nd proper A i~ Ci n-amews anigrapidly in fa- tce nor. It was saud originly to have hlis beený invTjentedby BiihArmny -0m.- A DeosieRegý,rîent, sta- JaiL , tionied in .Tuppulpore is given thle ned credit for Jt In 1875 members oA this the 1m-ess triedthle adto f has xtra co)orecd bails on the table bLs ýzas aiainfrom the norma hed three-ball îlirs aethat Doy" helped pass the rainy s3eason. [ike Youn~cadets from Wewc any ~ 3 Acdenya hat tîne were cali- her si alrs isedaneasýy pot srld0 someody alld otcYo'r Snooker's pool. ýe cf mr s lyouniger It filed to gain any sort 01f ianEnlad utfollowing t, ýhe end cf World War 1I and the re- moval cf the cathedral-ike A mosphere frùnm thre billardis lls snooker was tred as a filer-letA theý end cf the seasoin. Its lbrî-ght- îess and Àbreeziness inicnrs wo the moarked precision and of- ten 'iirksorrwbllarsgarned f a- A n v il l ad'ho e d d e g Dr OSE.ath scalt dn tis, as hapi akn eetil in hsofconteseven]t(eentll scrapr wih hi cm ll nurse, saw ~goedtriend wehda ofiesome foos beve temgo hurtling nani. In tha olen days. wc ha'dnew ay tay l'ophtaba P.dly rwhts cew wnud p,nt Nw wth RO . <Recrd f Peforance weknowdedit m ly ha bredng heoffarîe reifron Try ~ -" To1othÀlc, wt ol.bja. lng aclref hein Alo tre ous eoinb5 abnn bwpie ndhg ult bull leas y-n nleg-dm ce, astc in oetin. e Caîmon 11 Pakeîs i 1n'! ka tltted 0 91 in ong MTro - -- O------ DINtîcbr22 x1 n ny20das ElwondIlsoCmbivle ta i IZOMANCE' One ~ enirdng shc said tca hlm, with ;a sigh: "Would yoau mrourac for me if Iwret1de' "Oyes" h ube.50 Yourse I w uld, tery often?" little more animration. '! fpasslI on the wa t hetven ay leood 1Avce fYu L.IVESTOCK SHIPPERS oraRaIn hi ts alttlu q1ldstaff0 weimjý en n basatlllEst you 1o2te clsa cf stock yuave p ffr Yards,Trot Goe A<lic* vn sfrro busî poinil or Neusitis should fry DiXpa'u di4easea uid mi; ur roepon- RenSedPea tl-MUte O J S ero'l treas and ocrnd teno asocltedwt Othypertd fa, F,,S' POsthSa ECZEM SALe BANISIIUic torent cf ry tcor,'~sle BE-A n'iRlESE loiN IJANADASîLEDI F), 1 001 jre pprtuîi7 La, WrIte ori C 0 rîpan~y Pa- 1950. 110 cf oferma- Ove dcliii-, 11,00 TIIII personal lnclpded, 'I Terminal .t aasily as thi PEIlSI 111E? ir lia Creeper r, 11.00 l'est. Queben. a 12'- 110 de- t yarns in wlns C.c.D. Textlles~ CompltloÉ jb informat0E ion;liIn cst LuGy, LISTLESS, OU'"ÙT 0F LOVEI WITN LIFE? jump euïui tobd r7ripn i e stip&ted sn d alth mdai- o n oflt.Tsts hn ued idgil Cartrs .ittj Livr Pila. en s r ter hslp timuais Mour i a itilocagn cata erpt~wpns ozma-SkiTu s Gît yur ii area hac ou t c', ÉGo teu sny e g ood u g t or e n e ariga- o_-tti ci). MOONE' RIC, ONT.-t lssma Lcal ýdeale-r , This product cc with liii le capital SOïii«ew*i - 1952