ehot Pp bes' Winle epp Da toilet set; ono red, r-i1~ roNo.lrs. SaniBroil ~,/iPe a-cSouth, in the eve, tarie. Port Hope Faii and Saturday, 5th, 1953. C l The Clarke School Associaac Card and Crok'im day, February 2- and lunch. Keep A 1939 Chev. Coupe in A 1 condi- tian. Phone Clarke 25SL. - DEAD FARM \SOCK, PIC D UPI 1promptly. Plo eHc- ~'ii 217.Also we lu live býrsq..M" twilI Fur Fan, nej DEADSTOCK re êýdf romé,yorl cfarm prousptiy forîaitary jUAiposal.{ Mai-h 1th', 153.Ten lýuable Toronto Eni3-636.i prizos given ýaway, to Lueckv Ticket GORDON YOU G LUIITED Molders, besid's other da.,ncdprizes. ~L Tickets 25ec ach or 5 for, 1.0 URNITURà AL Paul Minicol s Orchestr 4of Peter- borough in ttqnidanco. Adim-issiol, to The undersignied bas reeoived in- Dance 75e epac Procee fr Cm-structions froni the ýestate of the late 1untySevie. oredin-a ichard Wood to soul by Publi Auction at bis late residIence/Orý,ro god ane.at1.30 p).m. on SI rid, bruary LETTER TO THIE EDITOR 28th his entire Nusehold eff(ecte Tnicash. No rervo. Broon blhil ,nkein iithe Arena JoRMAcine use of he boy, ,ed another ex- ýween the teams. lation asked tLhe "'I , "" ut Ili LUzlÀlý A ie upkeep of 'the rour local ciildren CONTRACTRS F oRe S show-ed up with FARM a4d l11011SE entertainmnent (awsI do so) where were WIRee te and business monFe -KinaS pie flot help bol- AlppllANC ,SALE funds and .not ex-! Prompt and Gu! r teed palti,. 0 f111 the spoctator Io ail makes of EM rai ipe and Apb màee' )ut noxt Tuesday -ýnch as "raors, rHae aPPreciation to the vé orý ' e Orono l é iriç ZnerstCIpetao :1 -i O rono Tinshop Plumbing .- ~and He:ating oui buy the best, wêi Gerrv E.î PRONE Collect 25, 1 Il do the rest. Tndd IR. MILLBROOKL# amalo il Weekly Insurance Your insrwanee eWtq can be-substantâallv re- duced by buying Iiwi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy hâmiltun 0110NO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE Iii ail its branches~ Fire, Burgiary, Hospitalzatlon Automobile, Lif e, Accident and ScnsPlate Glass, Liability. Live,'ock-, Bolier, Wind. Real Estate $5,000~. Near Leskard on Offl red rooms,, electricity, fur- nace,, uew deeorations,'15 acre, good outbuiildinig. Possesseuo arranged. HaIe cash. MORTGAGE FUNDS I have avaiable funds for ffrst mortgage8 on improv'ed property in Clarke Township current intFeeat rates. LERCY HAMILTON Broker 1L e w is , ,ý if we are to preserve our rreedom, ds constant guard and effort by ail tho responsibility of aïl Canadians. n-ogr'apher, typis! . .. Cook, ....... You can acquire one and skills - and miany mot it the NE)W enlarged opportnre o DACMN learn about a trade that wili give you a promisiog career. h services, generous pensiod plan, 30 days 'holiday a ye tsoufid career for bright yot'ng men wbho are good enoIk ail combinle to 'n mnake- the grade, ROYAL C4NADIAN AÙY SERVIC~E CORPS, the world will b>c 4k shop. Korea, Germnany Lnd the far corners of Canada - the Service O$ es weevh Canadiah Army goes. Youi cari go wich them, gain.' ~ene i yorae under iteresting and, at times, exciting conditio, (Y~ ~r elgîbex ou ar- 17 Io 45 yemrs ofagad able Io eet Arriy test kreqi e )ýs. Applicants should brin g birth îertifcases01.or oher Proo ;age twhew ireporting for infrrview. --.1 Pronn e! De poc, , WaIisi~ .1 'e in Amy Recruitinig S u ro_. Pesne, eoWlee f:my Coen -,re, 2 Army ecrutingCentre,'aes write to: IEnzravhg. GoffiIeafiuw STAFFORD BROS !Monumental Works Plune Whitby "5,) 318 Dundas st. B., Wib MONUMENTS ANL MARKERS Let us ereet a hanidsorne, iified monument over the ,o îng place of your, loved qe2e It's nut Oenisive. And ~n you l lIless conifor" Monuments P. E. DELANT andSO 106i KING STI. WESTPHN CýBOURG,ON.7M Thi fisu recedthe oronaMe- oriaW Gaies, Onle o(hehges orisofCa adianl seni 3nt i Ur raiio cuti orciaaMomett urn~eo aii oetlvdoe w ho ift thi li 51 %and - ONT. PYSYICI-AN and SURGEON OEce Hours : 3.00 to 4.00 P.-,: S"t.e. . Suday and W.éi..daya b.1 appointment mil PHONE 47r1 E. C. SYER ', M.D. PHY$ICIA.N and SURGEON< Main Stee Sut Office Hr. 2.00 t. 4.00 p.m..:9.30 t, 8.0g pM Sundaya and ROI4dys by Appeintmeo* PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINAItY SURGEON Park Street Office Bourg fer Smnal Anmnb 7.0>0 to 8:» >pan. except Sundayg and Wednesday by appointmenrtt PHONE 94 r 16 ORONOP LEGAL Lawrence C. Masonl, B.A. Barrlster and Solicitor leowmANVI-LEi, ONT, phono.: office 6" fHome 553 JACK REID Orono's Licejised Auctioneer and Valuatoe 5n- J