T 1 'is not content taù en as a homemnaker. Do m-any talents tient ilow. and she would' asuad bored wifh, routine. That iswh rs ai well-o-do moný continue in business, om1-estie help fa kee rucning seeootbpy. ifeyour point fiat atitude is vitalin eprahelé. iHo may but ta demaud tIent xtatarmoney ta heip en houme and its Lp- ta buy l&erown ao vey ifern louM- YpCH eut etole tie" tevetaf andir in, in cae aiorner WUS eD"OR aLe 5 g ghilh.aou e;dat- la boy t aks yenno bcn ele.Yo tin ospe when usually e ;his slfsannd an 1)d nIt roiseey !a1(,confine yt ou jr im, for have tafe 1a sue al nye lse -1l'e no ighi tatma s canceSuse itheru vnoht esnmr aig gir lias beend- n ne-. bo, ttaesqite <-'nu One ai ()he mo-st successtL' rt'it or 1i agter scripts ju iee cailearne agesi fe br hucdiprine Thieneg- rhiood in whic hoew eh 'or. aria ataked ,ownie 0 ev enwlk ev yuu" ho- ut- I can't -.epFiole The Ton--ga Trench.11. the SocItfb ?ai î at least 3,00feet deep. Treare freq-uent rtuae along a gradualY depenihg lane begbinnig at the bat- tom of, the tec n xed ing w,ýestw;ardtad the Fii Islands, Scripps Insituionien- tists on the CpiouEpdto tac tîhe South P-cific rcnl surveyed th trnch A delayed message ,from nDr. agrRevelle, leader of the expedition aboard the research vesse Bairdsaid theTnaTrnhoe a length fidtedeepest spt ,n arth but' certanycmret ls ta it. Tmpraur adwae spesili fte TngaTrench i lar 1inwýcase wa obsr%,lciby 1the snoIIi4iý andGaahaEpdto Craimenents ai h deffeta an~(-, th oa at' ainticý- cr icimeASFîo rr i ileg The vaimep of te eent amr thogat crie-,rm o ai n tel evso cn ho ed to3 gime- press nuion mion aIuAeicn tAhat relwrain sasri u ne s wich the c, nd rimialican not win." o cHusideu ThenJourp i tepAonican Medica Assocationw r it i n ahou~ a surve of te deeteiau by ~ Fon temntr'Tahe Msmi- ty i tlevsCionc prormstoi 1îan,ser Designls in 3 colors mi~W~Q ,oui, SRIN TOc to larhm utgld oria oncei'vr jLIhlycrst! ro p3cs) Sndn--rnthis upi sure ta aoo o or sel, ooits- ia swee slum- Pa4wy651 ises'Siz s 12 14 2,,u2. SiGe 15tkes 35/ Thes len eaýsy tauss- pe e Ste-SC.îD ~r fit . Ras Son ,>ITIR FIVE CENTS (35p) (e~ ls samps cannat ho accep~~~i o this pton rn planly ENAMEADRSS Send ti Bx , 2 Eig~eenh- ., ex~Ta oot, As iJasfiihin fills colu1-mn England and lHond. At the tme I di ot qierea!ize the lo- ca9tion ait-he ýfloods, then, as mare detals xwere hroadcast 1i found iti a atAnlat weretaiingabout-thle district in ~ ~ ~ ju 1hc ate n batlýi£ed betrecamngtc Canada. Yar- moutie-whr sotmany a smerholidlay w;,ithi Aunit Lot'- popular seaside resrta or ail East Agias-andail w forified With seamwls ands break- waters. Par-tneýý rid Irememebr very rough- seas in ail theIse seriaus entent. The locatio se(emns wrwhen one knaws theýiw plcsthat are spoken y]Of. AIo.n-g the east ca b te sea ha ben ercro(aching Ifor yea-ýrs; lfshv cr>um'b!ed ia tee eIbcuse have had O ta odeois r mboved back for saftyl; nowr thil terrible tid]al wave vwill-wae sti furter Aeeseamwalldefencos af man.ny a coastal town. for Qukkck ough Relief lei Your Home Th osnd a and onuase- fo yonr money. Sour iiauil i-thp ennntur R 1 -'I Sonýione -said] ta me "Well1, 1 dorp't suppose people who have lived in those places wiil evei; wvant t go back again. Oh, but theywii. l tim, wen he de- brshsbeen renepýved, a fdithe .immdiae 4agerha3 passed, 1the peuple ar East Anglia cWi ireturnand bu-.Lild their homes anewm Icoveiece ta Eng- lish cauintrY folk, aeawy e ga,,Ced" as ai a tmoayna- tu;re. Near aur ho licme, on the balis 'afthe RvrStaur,thr were many cottages. Every spring the Sour ould verfow is banks.Evryspring ,,these cot- tages would be flooded and peo- pie roscuedLIy boai from the bedrooms. And evey spring as soon as fIse flonds had pubcle'd, these peuple wouid return ta thoir rvcr-washed lhomes. Yes, the En1glis1h aea suhor.ace. H~plailneshst ek wsnptdpesigrIwne how many people trildwiih dLelight fas the Captain,wthu thei, i us ace h riiîhtyQcee MaytaNew Y ýork harbour. ThI'at wudhave bhýen evnefu t seI epe ie peope andeck wr faao ex.- ctn t revn tink a(heg er- v ous. 0Of cusarCjidaveath- oris aisain fe esaan Toay"i 1ighf as %we 1.1beý sprng. Btve ihaute tathink what this changeable weather is dlo- ing it fiee wheat ,and claver., 11oweer ime ,will eli-anù nu amount ai wryn ilaf- fectthe resuit 0f geaeon cern at tiee moý- 1mentau thihnes:kn pl.ace ý>iniU.S, Goverý-nmeial jpa - cyv, which a afc us to a retrextenit "than most ai us like an occasion whn Iwogra doptos disacre One "s a p- eraýte"; tthehersays "dan'rt ap- erate." Mea-nwvieetrinds of fie ipatient ae oileed ot kno- ing whiihdoctor. is rgf But w dont ned tacr'oss the Bre--or th Alanie--- Ïn searieai o pr-ob1em-s. We do have, ae' co i aur ow n--wýhat withý th the her, laour trlouble, de- cline in farrn pri)'cesdc ontra C)rhý- erilgoerm ent rprtEvenf noarby ciieshave theirubls mor'e Éthap the couniy i wedi but juow it. At.anratewe didf fluorinaed.watratCJeeaou ta, the cuer, okwhere w haefuesie, spl'ing wai o. Fne unitil thbe wvell giv-ýes oui. At1sui reswe arýe ready to acceptay kýind of watei-, fluorinated or otherwise- Atid novw ma)y f he ýogVe f 1 iouch un a maro1e Perspnlal mai-i ta 'rme-fi7er. On that date,a year ago, -~e George V.1ie. T m,0,year's ago aursstrinlw pasSed a wa--y whele hý1eeon- a visit. Eightyersag if w-' tise wedding day fortwo Prends et our-s. Tit-ieyasago Pari- nc andciTwromarried. And thom year we luMta cpvery c ose fie who Ived in Guelphe. A you se-e wehave pply aireaýson ta ,ree- meumber Fehruary 6.ý It could hardiy ho saed that Partner andilC eebrtedour. -wodn't go in for ýelebrationa, very mce Jut ied i hVe cars, ettrs,~pi~ecailis anAw sorne beauuiu ~crain flwes hiclh have asecasi- nifkiace for us. We alsa e xperi. enced a graoein i than-O. fulnes. A iarie 7ouple h are ahie ta observe their 35h wedding nnvesayTOGETHERt joicing, don't you tinSa m ny have frls oestept And the INsTATINE.For reai relief qget INSANTNE.For prolorîged rl 'Yes, m-ore peuple eve-ry day aie tac eaSse pain f*asýt. orheaachek, fatw rhecuraatic paini, acheýs and üpains ut you cati depe'nd on I4TNIE3 bring yau quickc comfort. INTWIEis naeleaprie. criptian o) f threc proven medîcal taituuiy brin~ 42-Table ltî 25e 50 easy te) moke with new fosi' DRY Yeast! 1jat. sugar, i tsp. ait andYc nd jtp gan ae.Si 4 largebawl c. ik1wam w tr, oU acefree rom dauh. L e risc)w dogeand cut oct rounidcdsonus suarid s disslc. îke ih a du1 wt abepo adda i t'o eneoeceshansI s ia rae ufnpnPigcd ,-~ cVce, boodOi t Lonciis 's e rut t rfvr )Ur