den 38,5 id -ma rk go,. lie day, lie Hie had- wrence," rm "Theý nme big- std miles y, lie tact, fasnt IlED, CoaOlng .ed Splnnlag 't * Trnga pitce in to an out- fîerisn't aný,iythîng new -ý in basebal. The chassic exam-ple ývas, of course, UnAcle Ed. Bar- raw' makng-oer abe Ruthf- v ho ight have been one otf th(e gme greatest lefthanded fingers-into what lyas un- doubtedly thIe nmcis t f earsome c ilong-distance dlaper and. in- cidentallyý the xnost patent bx office attraction ,of il timne, But tor a charancter to start1 off as a heaver, then become a suc- cessful tfede an )d then again go back ta the moundà is, ta us atLeast, sometinrg nw And althot&gh the Pittsburgh Pirates are lotneas arule, ateain demandîng very mucli of the fap"" an i ttent;ioni, there xiii bca lot af interest ,iln1how they fare this cmigseason, and especiald- ly wýhat sortýî of fate lies in store for Gthecha1nge-about player re- iferreud ta, one Johnny 1Lindeilý1. Big Lidy' wole story is ka rather strani-ge o ne, a in 1941, when theYake brou-tglt hlm uip fron i he fn h as a 23- game ne r for Nwr,.But mjahager Joe [WcCarthy just colntsec iias a pitcher, even with a rcord like that, The kid sodsxfeet four inches, wieighed two hlundred and fIf- teenî-, le wsfalStcold throw andwasabetter-than-average ball-hwk Best of ail he coul bid that bail a mile. Sa Lindel wVas told tio forgetlc about ,pitch,- ing an)dcoenatonbomn an outfeder. His mi rultiuh a that he dd' have enouglicn cetainand lacked- the spark1, ta beoeThe truly gt 1uPlay- eri he miight have e enï, Johnnly liked to laughi and get sanie fun otof l 1fe r He neerdid settle down and give the game the 100 Ther wer flahesthougli, bave been. In the 1943 wonld thùndeing rek1ess[y into tffrîd an;ýd practi Call'y j aried Whiteýy Kurowkibse fr o i his eye- teefli, Witey Iost the balilbis ,glove, his hat and Cconsciousnei7ss it was the key play of the seris because iheCarial e v- er the sanie again. hindeU wes the hittig heoaW the 1947 world senies with an aver'age of . 500 aljtbouïgih ledd brea&k a nb in tyin ;taspoil a doube-pay.Cagey Eddie Sak gave him bath ltnees in the ri% by waY of Cistatng that john- ny shouid mdbsmnes Harlyale ta get out ai bed; the neaxt dy neipl-ayed withi hstorse ae ieabsbl bjat He Ia;sted aiýs long as bie and then !l impe d tothe crubh- hokise. Therc e ie mtLrr a- Phaîl an,,d the RoaýningReha was 111ii e of his ms eps tuous ods -Wliy dintyou tel me abut those nribs*Z" screamfed acbal "4Why did yoilu try 'ta0play L tha The isaly ild-mnnnemred anýd teasy-gaing Lnelblew a-, fuse.lie pushed his face ita M4acPhaU's face and let his bose have ItL 'Because 1l wanted ta winth banikety-bliank hllgme"he belowe4 AJ1d Vwhat are yoCU ~ozgta do aboutt, Liîndïel's jaw jutted out pug- nac-iously, aMchi ei ta do nothing about lt, nys lst flash. On tbe mnomeîn- Wty f1om- hJwonldseries feats lecarried through ta isbest average, 117, during 1941 ad then be hegan ta fade fato. ïThe Ynesusod, hlm ta the .Cardin-j I p win with ît "I ko, up I'd be a of an louffk Whnthe OILS,' GREA'SES, TIRES qPiNÀ ani jari s 0elct 0i ome Oc iteS oot, coula 1. "It pont,, JA'ias li be the bestret ed pitcher you iever ha " jip- poil Linideil. Nfot anly wshe rested ut e also hý-ail the new,ý k-nuckler w hlehdde-veiop- ed in those waýnml-U sssions be~- fore every game. last year iard Lindeli waisa24 ,gamle winnrer fr1'01 wod7No pichd is last garne in the Bîg flelder itac or atitiher cracký at Lt, Imipresseil by the fact tat lie was; voted MIost aua .Platyer Ln the Pacifie Coast League last seasan, the Pitts- burgb Piraes have botiglt hinti anas w said befor, iýt wlll be interestinig 1ta watch just wliat happens Ita Johnny Lindeli trm hbue on in o)f Onalinciuding this Shetlaýnd Collie"Quarrise a/' swn haee zCh Peggy Rose, wilbc oa display ot the two dogsow which wiII be held i conjuncton Nâth he Coaddar National Spaosmers' Show, in the Coliseum, Tiornto- TheSormes Show wMIIbe held fr eight days commencingMmah 3, lCce Dog Showvs wîIN be h%!dfor the benefît of the Toranto umn Soiefy ons Morcs 18-19, 20-21 go ON IINr I euitEetlcMtr $35 Egin lcri Otal wn Macine al teelatle tare ttch N C PET 7 .2F P> lton Ser' netr-iie trenione nO f l nomtl r etf The Rame -y-C------ls-e-e-- P -- ----- teve,273 nna Sreat.i tta F'EATRETONIIAU H .......... ?a teo Sllltre Etabised 11âJ80 CLASSIFIEDAVETSN