and Dr. Ma' given me. and Ofiil t jjIjyn/ 1 110noonMa hh14, 3. Always a beautiful mnem fofspaywIh cattleienl ceordlai 0f t eonles we Ioved s dear. 1 Sa,,dly ýissed by dauglter Greta Fly conterletvii and Ormgadiilrn avy 4dpie'e a h IM rily. a-p by perat r. tlfro Sprayvingto Con- GAY-Inlovingmemp.1y of a dear dyo pi 98 m-otier and gadohrmarthla nnGay vwhO paS ,d away March lat, 1942. AlIway's ememb ,/ed by her clld- Oddfellowsa $er rena-d r den f and Draw, ,T ni PATTERSeI-In lovring ~mr fMrh 1t 1 adear husirnnd and fatbýr, ýRobert prires gie aa Patterson 'Vho passed avy Ma-rch Hlolders, besides 5, 0. Tickets 25 oaci Gone froriý us but lea ing menmoiy Pu iioa Death eqrnot takefaway borough in à,tend Memnory t1hat wýill 4ways liniger Dance 75e eiýh. While u Aon thisarhw stY munity Serv Sadly missèd by wlife and faniily. good Dance, TRS Oreno McCAFFEY-Atthe resideg/e, 74Phone .0.1115 W-- Bt.. fl anville, oi Thur- day, February 2CI 1958, Jain s Robert McCaffrey,.ý aged' 2 ya 1 month, dear son ofr. M . anid rs. James McGaffrey. Ser 'ce vasî eld at the Morris Funeriak Chiai1, Eo-wman-1 ville, 0on Saturd buay28, -at 2 ocok Interinent Bowmanivillù Cemnetery SOPF. Mary Aim-Atfihe home of Your- insurance costs Lin bec substantialv re- roffice 688 Home 553 hes ý-det ndJACK REID l4nd.i O rono's Lioensed Auciont-er and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Oiiyfr Furftituie Salés , 15acres, Consuit me for terni Possesionand dates IN DS ne1;rP ýunds for Poe5r1 improvedJAC SON owilship - TEDJA K- ,TON Auctioneer and VaIuat<>r Conducts Auction Ss ec_ 0f ail iîu*. and at reasonab, rates Coinmunicate witl, hlm at P#* Perry', Outarlo, or Sueobis ClertA E. Mforion, at Grone, for dat. LIFE INSUR ANCE xPPI. Prompt a af0 ai makeý kiuch as ýron 4thatand -manville 2, 1953 Htn (lnaîe:gn-, ' t Pennington Smiîth, Raleigh North Caro- t Oak Wood Cemetery.1 cE9:NTRAL O R. E.LOGAN Phono 18-10 S PR'NGr DIRILL H~ALL, EXIBITION GROUNIÏ'J S Peterjborough, On a 'le Macs17,,,S,9 , q24 Of ficiai Oiý!ening - W. ednesda , jarch 18 Hlou. F. S. ýlTHO AS. ,Ontanri\ Minister of Ag/i/ui1ture, I CALL '~..PORTER ORONO, Ont. )rxiler iù mité* r" Il reighithi nkdag F. E. LYCETT ORONO (nt. - phon 20rle The RIJITER GRANITE COMPANY Mfal 26 --P.O.Box 422 Pt tope, Ontario Mionuments, Gravemarkoea> Entyravinr. Goflleain, BItOS ýW orks 1.52 Witby e, 14g 18 rvât d *ee and SONY 73 4 ;o and eeýMake ity Pays .1,>vidends (nddî...4 rs * 0 te .6 .a. rim"Mys by to 8.00 jmPý, idy. 67 Animala SunamA Plan£ Eu )rtgraze WS .Inte~rn the 1 all -*ver il