A ,;coodi hary tew is eue of tue ost welcioe zis'hes the av- erage ,ýf amýily can sit dowu te; andi if you imagine yourscit an &average fml"wW js r them e ut ) on ace ù the-se 'SAVORY VLAM STEU' IS pouinds iamnb showg4er 4 cps wter / cup celery leaves 4 selisParsiey 3 bay teaf 2 t ablespoonls sait Vteaspooen pepper l4 easilen mnsdu glutamate 2 naloniens, peeleti ý3 large carret,euit ln 2" L4 easpoen ginger Vteaspeen roseniary V4cap fleur / cap water itabiespon lemon julce Wipe nmeat with a ,damrp cloth Sni eut linl/a" cubes, Ileat fat k, Pa large,, heavy sauce peot anti hrewn mneat slowly onalsds Atiti te next 7 ngredens, ,Cever tightly ani sinilmer about 35 minutes, Atitioulons, carro-ts, ginger, and rsmr.Simmner about 25 min- utes loniger, oruntil vegetabies are tender. aniithe !½ ýcup VwaTer.Stir- intO Mehe ot sew. Bring te a bail strigcanstautIy,, anti cool, 2 minutes. Stir in lemeon juice. Prejiare anti cook Patateo Dumtrplings as dcirecteci beIo, SJiîst before serving, sprïnkle wihchoppeti pars](,y. Meakes 4 îe 6 servings. POTAtTO DUMPIALNGS Sit1cup sif-ted ali-purpose Do;, 1 t ýeaspoon bakinig powder, iV, teaspOouý sai anti ¾ eas- pooni ginger together ie a bowl. AddtiJicup celti masheti potates, iý tabiespoon eielti dbutter or magarine, Z eggs, stiighltly beat- nd au1 tabIesiraoni miik anti sala weIL. Drap hy rouýntieti, fablspenfus eta simmnering,- sew, Caver tightly atisteamo for about 12 miutes. bMakes 1 «- BUNSWICK . STEW 'l4- te 5-Pelndstwg Salit and peppIer tetaste Vteaspon nienosefdium glutamate 2 mediuieie ,Sliced 6 meîdiuin peatoes, slüeti 1 Ne, 2 tau (2Ys cups'l lY meps frozenl orcaet wholje-kernel Corn l½cups frozen orane lima beans sauce Cut chicken and rabbîinluser- lgpieceýs andi wipe wt a damnp elt.Put chickeu lu r, a lrg e 'heavy sauce pt, Ad!4 uext 4 ill- gredîientS.Cover; simmer lab<ut' 5ý heurs. Add Tabbit anti ook 30minrutes 'Longer, Add eiens, poWotes, anite- ~ite.Cee-k 15 tQ 20 rminàutes longer or 11mtil po--ees are al- mest doue.Add cerq nmuabeaus mn(WocstrhieSauUe, Ceek an atliiienai 10 m-inutes, Serve tu a large tumrenor individual, %ioup bewls. Ma'kes 10 te 12 SPCDCHIOIKEN STEWV chicken) 4CUPflSur~ 1 Y2 teaspoon sait ~teaspeen Pepper ~4Cup butter ormagrn 2tab1espoüns, choppedti 1eeu e/ love garlie, minceeti fi/ cuips water Vteaspoon Chili pe'wder Steaspoon ginger V~teaspeoon Curry powder io, taspoon ionsdu glutmatçe 3 uiediiiinearreOtS, eut lu 1"pieces te 4 caps hoteokef rc Ctchicken esrvu' pee ani wpuwith am iah Mixflur, sait, anti peppert- getLher. Sprinkle ever chiicken, caatling weii, eat butte r in-a large, heavy sauce pot. Atition- ioýn andi alinntautaL1e unirtil tenader, about 5 mnte.Atit chîcen ntibrown slWuly oanail sdes. Stîr ile water. Caver tigliit- !'y anisimm-er aot ½heurs, er ulnil cicken lbegins te ioseem- tender. Coombine nezt 4 ingredints le asmiall bw.Blenit inje ¼ cip WLiui ifrom thibýechicken, ýTheni stir into chicken ixture. Add carts iushbroomis, anti onions. untfiltcbicken anti vegetables are tender, Five mnuts)be f a r e ,cbickeu is done, atitipeas. serve stew w i th hot ,ricé. Makes 6 te 8 servings VEAL STEW' i12POUndS boned veal sheuilter ej cp fleur Sait anti p'epper te tast4e 2 talesponsfat 2cups' watcr 6 dieiprunes 6 drietiapricot i tabiespoon sugar Scap orange jaice Itablespoon inegar imtempen cieves 'Wipe tict with a damp loth- antci cn-it ini 1' cubes. Com-jb-ine fleu, ~itpeper;sprinkie over, veai. Heat fat le a large, beavy sauce pot anti brwn mweat low- !y ou Ailsides, Addtiwater, Teni caver Hgtbl anti siminer about iheur, Atit prunce apricots, sugar, or- ange juice, vinegar mani laves. Simmiier 1i heulon ]gen r, or unilý tender, Po r Lai awam shilew ýerviug dish -antisèvewithhbot buitterecl nootiles, i dsrei Makes 4 to 6 servngs, QUICK PRK -STEW 2 taiespensfat or p(Ork-fat i t ea speon Sait /cup soy sauce ¼teaspeon r nso.n lis eups water 3 mediumentons, culei c/ ups canned bean sprouts, 3euis cIrrets, eut lu tlîi» anid cut inu ¾" cbes, Heat Jfat ïle a lar-ge, 3eïysace- pet aud bonmeat slowIY onail sides. Add uxt4 igrdens.Cver tightly andi smmer 30 te 40 min- lutes, or tiipark i's tender, Thnad nion.s, ceiery, bean spruts ad crrosSimmer 10 minutes lon--ger, or until ve-get- aesare justý tender, Plour into ai wmdee-p ev is h anuid garush wth.hot eceeketi spiuaých. Mankes 6 serviugs COMINAMIQN STEW Speuirwfresti pork '441ulder Ipeund i sewinng beef..-chtick, heel of runor neck 3"cup heur i ea-Ispeon sI &~ easeoapepper 3 ha1IespqO«ns fat or potrk-fat drippînigs 2 cps 'rater glutamaite, Icup cànned tomateesý- f; carrela 12small oin i eup cookeù(tipeas Srecipe PLAInpastry Wiepork an)d beef wv7ith a tiamyrp cloth aticut i "cues Mi feu, sal, anti epperte- gether and oprikle vr nmeat, Hetfat inl arge, 1heavy sauce pot anti brow nmeat slowly u A Giond Advice if You Suifer with Piles Ddnlou ie, ,teL, aO.mi Ue ea, siii eln. Wl»' nimsÈ P, nu lIme i ýal pttefu iOcz hum, of eumf. un't KID, CR( ARE mmd lthe e'hlly smaU ow ticey wjligrow lup te b poen In ThTe Our oncustom eor the bridai 1-air joining hands in the wd- digceremrony is carrieda tag fa-rthecr ini some couti At- terding a Portuguese weclding a fem, years ago in the town oet Vigo, one vwatched aswateca bridle andi groomf had thieir hnd tied tôgeter wit'h a fine white ribbon. Many of the apparentlyaies lil, ie stoniis we maintain to-day fiud fuller echees iru other parts oi the worid The weorcls adc- tions have, or had, an--cent sca or- religions meaing anpi-d beief, iOr even commnerci good sense. Tae the phrase wihDIl foreathersatone tUme héait d- din-g ceremonies lin the )nude. They were not mnudists ,[t he belidèved, as cdIimnu_-y ohpeo- pie, thati Jf a mrac a agr en heisete a~itwas aed lie ceuld net be held 1iable for .-,ny debts she ha!ud cut ined pre-marital 1ays. She came mo lm, ln f ace Wth nothug, So buhn rdswr býroÀiï; to teIchurch lu their ochem- is~s, r, fteersii, whely ale.Did the clergyn eb 3ect~? Apprenlynet, for one of ieIson record anssyigta a1,here wsne ruling ýon w ýhat a, bride .must wear>, e d net ink ii-rit right te refuse t ïon duct th e ,rem1on, Li nodurnmarasaog nudiýsts, hvrde, groomy, best man priest, ndguests arertall irupot- cd wlhout zseG uchas an - sides, Then kadçl water aendi mono- sodiu guta4erCov îightly and smmr ½aars and onions, Sme 5to 4ý mntslonger, 9or.ntil egt quart asrlLd es Set aveu fbr vey bt, 43 Prpr as1ry ýand roI et (Cu1t a ga-,sh iu p Tastýry tele sta eseape) Place over stew ana crri-ip edges carefuI]ly Bake 15ý te 90 inutes, or uJtlcrsti lighly broned,fMalkes 6 to 8 P.S. Tif a heckled gravy isde sirýed, drairi pan gravy from m ieat' and vegetables beforepupting them îninto the caserle nd hic--i en separatel ReOSEM)ARtY NEAL STEWV C peunids veal ruip ox sheulder i tespown sait \i tabespoonlemen c ie kl easoonchoppeô olon)l capo regano ý,ýtaspounmooods 3 Cups water t4eastoon rosenizry 3 etrrots, eut ii, quarters piund VsCwp fieed ctlery Wipe rneat vrwîadamtp clethb and iut in ,cubes, Put mreat anltinext 6 ingelnts-lu aarge, heoavy sau(ý4e pot. Cove tLrtl aind mmrabout 40 ues Aý\dd rosemnary, crqs uh remarn4 eckrý. sinmer 20 te 115 m-,inutes lnger erunptil e eta,,bies arc tender. Pan gr~avy iua bethckeedifdesired tr use asis.Plae o awarm pat e,, * a veil, Yet that trvial few luches ef lace wve wear once hati great. ignificance. The Eàil Eye Sbmretimes tbik maerial was usetitecaverthe girlJ from heati f(, foot te pratect, ber from ite euii eye. To -day brides lu France, Iaiy, anti Bugaria wear veils of finest ae beautifully dcrtti ha bag fram their head-wreaths te the knecs. Tese, éi l r ep or tetiare geuerally eiomahaudeti dJown threugh the years. Wve believe i unlucky for bide antigroom ta ineet before the eremouy. Baset on age-Ol~d tra- don!o taboo,tIi is carrieti mub arthIer in_ other 5eutries. The Ida pair are mrieisep- arîlshue lu er home anti h'e Latertheycametogether, anti iandc's hanse wl niale guests firearrws ie the air te dr-ive tie seti dernta fea'sting for seevrai tcys. Net euly are Far Easter wed- dîne±auaigmfrth lcâh roeseXthe britial pair, bt tbei custams arecuriustewestern e-yes. Mlaancouples sit quiet te kerep their luck Xfroimbeing bke aînti T& eangroom ruls bis bride's face %Ath but- tewieChines.e couples kucel beoetiretaetehegom ancestors, An dRussian Custam mfiatie thbýride take çfi>onfeeCf ber at the ci bfl A wilfui panes lu an prmounet g( organ Asize: was a strîil fact that an a nitue often Sécret drawer yieid a fortu-r A Manche bougbit a sheî matiesa great drawers l. Whwn to her she wias con others. She thorou bureau anti dl secret dra,,ver-s of 1899 anti 1! another a -ci] That was in ly aýs 1942 anf stan pMagna, foundti tecont additon Mte boarti TMeWC at anautn Savines certif Goek >/