*Lowery Hymn 9 was sung_-andthe, ounitie s he alsovio0 miute. ugsfi'om Ag- e introduction of Leiai Rorke of Japan aný * )O spoe of the b r.Dumo4 a te that the itHed 'he Sunday School room., -ce ficnt. sMany MW 1ahas' too Peu~I rayer fmor W Oof und that the use i ! lit Igoinig e.s1 om be prac- mxi; I ý 'to Commence roa0da. However 011lC-111lthe offeriflg, Treaqiurer's rfaced or where eotand hymin 30cisdthe busin. mne3t important eus part of the meig %said the War- n.c~v .- - British docent d have, during- .d IniADyfrom RiddIlw91 cýalle-d upon he address prior to aî oWarden and Mr-m. J.ý rGeorge WaILon made l fa Brief Case to i MÏý iss argaret Wilson-1 * oeywithl a bon-] ceirendeired two comipanied by Mr. pino ded thdu, nn ýfon, the boo--k 01 a wsopenied by pra.yer- and an istuc tive and îne ztn tudy wa. 0on-1 ducted hy thie premident. Mfrs. Victo2rý Robinugn then deajt, wyith thq fstudy book ",A1ng African Trail-R" andi told of' the poresthatq wal being 1miade m in heaakni of what until recently ieferred ,to ,as! the dark continent. M4rs,. Robinson! spoke especiaIi of the work that ms 'being done by Chlristian Li'terature, both by presa a,ýnd thieLabcmt- o>d of "eaclh one teach one". The meig-lsdwith tHe lMîz-t pnbBneitin Draw ThEL On Frlday ii i cestra wll Tovrn ITTil. i Tran&-wý ow we ai ooks like/ Pan-Arnq yog 1 (Trani MaY. T1C if ecessa, The siti tines :is bC United thle Amn-eri ~ibig ,ship Ai, thebok as Or-. it the 1 emai à' and, The (Canadà * te pe* It's asoagcood rule flot to allowl )een mIade young children ta be in a parked week hba3 car. anLnig the Dont llow your tot ta stand Up in1 luction as the front or back seat, even thougli he be very eager ta do SO. Lertained At Schc By Chldrenl th-ree to fiVe also rnee YOU can f( in a London space confi Alert travel sumimer and However, ini private Lc hotels in tom road or rail. victîm~ that i Nei Stew hesehool portion of evening en mie of vor, er thie. nterN FaN wm'or ial o0f obffr- and Pei,N tof of re- Ithe - ch- N- tof -ary yed re-N d- ie such ýross Il acti pu PI0 1 Irc yo