FOR SALE Studio Lounga Ne) edA Frirdare, 6teu. f For the handy iniail ws'o an (10,a littie "f ixin" bave 1940 Chev, 1941 Chev. and 1942 Olds. Ahl mechanically goodl but Ilueed body work. Priced for quick sale Read the 1ag~a~s have a '52 Lincoln Capri asis lluistrated. Two-ton-e, fuit>' eqipiped. 0w- ner driver, a unere 12000 miles. Fuil>' guaranteed. - For the guy who wants to pick u1P sonie quick bucks on ro0ad construiction, have '4 9 ~that lias pflent>' of miles Wft il, it. A neew Mercur>' r0 etor-IWi S, e happy tu let you tymonot Pand discuss the easy terms' me ,e offerýj. ) ET'S liNTEL TRADE ON YOIJR T E RM S >yMto Sae jM. G. 'Stew' Stewart Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2020 The, Red Cross Each year thousands of unhappy, refuge«s fee nrom behind the Iron Curtain and mIake the-ir way into thIe "Western Zone of Germnany. Cïlaadian' RaQd C-ross is among the organizatiOnps whichr, through gifts of eclotbing and other essentials make thies People! welcomei and wanted ini the western,-, 1Last ye(ar Ontario Division Red Cross, through the volunteer ef-fortsi ofhundrads of woinen in Red Crossý w7ýorkroomys across the province, wasi ah)Ie to send clothing valued at $12,1 000. to these sorel>' pressed people of nian>' races. Mrs. Edwavrd Colemnan, Chairman1 of Woinen's Work recently> received a communication fromi Mr.* V. Ber- trab of th~e Western Germian Red Cross. It. included an album contain- ing mnany> photos of actual diÎtriibui- tion of these supplies. TIhe albu conitains gratef ul letters o hns Mr; Bertrab writes: "We are pleasad we cain present you wçith a smnail al- bumi which -w. have made. .. it is ia-! tended Vo give you n impression how your donations have been re-J ceived b>' the beneficiaries carefo b>' us in your name and order? "The Land Societies of the GerjnrIn Red Cross", continues M.Bertrab "assure us agnin and again, that of the foreigadoatos rrvigherel tbsose of Canadin Red Cross withl childreni's clothning, due V1othi u- it> and arit, o7 asrten,,r outstaAniag. The miothers -cared for-, are rnostly refug(eesad xeles () lSt' noôt onli>'their hiomes but al is s n iim11por1tan t as its k. Butlathc'hai f lx, itarisice TI>t Nakes into .Renfrew rners. Ex- harlkey or Or'ono. b-p Fur Farni, ýMSTOCK removed from your n promipti>' for sanitary disposai. ýphone Collect: Cobourg 1.2660(or onto Eir3-3636. GORDON YOUNC LI-mITED 1-oleers, oesideso Tickets 25c eacl Paul Minicolas bor-ough in attend Dance 75c eachi. -munit>' service. good Dance. CARD O], r.and rs. A thanfk the -Orýono ured lad nil orne and CARD 0F TAK Iwouid likle to Lake thi tunlity to takfr-iandcs oi Kenidal alld thlý' manry of K 1rleernered ime with visits, frit ce-creQam anid many Ci ing y i1lness. Also to Kei Kirb Womn'sAssociation"s Mr.Alnae p CARD 0F 1 wish to take thi publicly thank mny1 viiainflowers,1 dui-lring y recent e 'omaaville Hospi "Thank you" 4tubDr of- aur ieighbors exceedinigi>' lind. IEATHI CHALLENER-At the residence, Hampton, Tuesday, March luth, 1953 Alfred Challener in his 83rd year,! beloved husband of Mabel Clialleneri and father of the liate Dr. Reg Chahi-1 ener. Resting at the Morris Funerali 1Chapel, Bowmnan-ville. Service in thel Chapel on Thursday at 2 o'clock Intermient Mounit Pleasant Ceiietery, Tot'onto. a-c DEATH HOAR-At Little Britain, >Ontario, on Thursday, March 5, 1953, Adeiza iNîcholîs Hoar, in ber 87th year, wife of the late Thomnas Hffoar. Service was 'held at the Morris Funeral Chape[, Bowmnanville, on Saturda>', -March 7 at 2.30 p.m. Intermient Bomanvillei Cemeter>'. a-c Oirono Electric Phione 913 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOU, FARM and BOUSE WIING APPLIANCE SAL ES Prompt and Guaranteïed epaira taIll mkeLs f Electrieai Equipaiee, an ppince Plumb'i'ng and Heating R. E. LOGAN fhan. 14-10 Dance FridayInsurance valuable Your insurance costs y Ticket e Plz@Sý can be substant-Jaly re- $1.00 duced by buying DivÎ- of Peter-j dend Paying Policies ci-asion toý Quotations on request. for Comi-1 euoe~ Leroy ilamilto to wl~h ORONO 1 RING 16 wioilINSURANCE assited ireBurgiar>', Hospitalizaion. h ~ndjAtOmjobile, ifCe, Acecident andl Siknss late Glass, Li[ability, a-p ivesock BoierWind. -Near Leskard on opeu .iby- who roead, 8 roýoms, electricity, fur- flwr, nace, new decori, 15 acres, ýads duri- gcod ouitbiiding. Possession ~iidal ~ arranged Hlaif cash.- MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 bave avaiable fu.nds for Pattersou.1 first mortgages on impr ved acproperty in Clarke Township - currenlt inter'est rates. LEROY HAM3ILTON 0lnsure Agait Such Bazarda fJ rortunate that your hoee l ~ oeeredlthprote4qfng rire orntebecause yois are protecled agairiBta baapee os. CALL SN.F. PORTER OrtONoOnt~ * .the letters start. Thien from all over the fred world corne such Comment, as ihese flomn readiers of THE CiI-IISTIAN SCIENCE IMONITOR, ant intern-ati!onal. daily n1ewspÏaper: "Thýe Mntr musîf read. ;ingfor straight'thinking peo0ple. ." "I retoirned b, fsc"hool alter e lapsýe oaf 1> yetars. I will get niy degree fr-on ihe college, but ny ducaeîan cornesý !rom ,the Mon.ùor . ,. "Thle MonItor gives me ideas le-rr my wok. ý.'> "I truly cnjoy its com* pany. . .. You, too, will find the Mon10ritor informative, wih comîplo'te iworld niews. Youm will discover a con. Struc-tive viewpoint in~ every news sfory. Use thie coupon below for a spe. cial Introduïctory subscripzion- 3 monthaý for oni>' $3. Ils, ~ ~ 15 ChltanSy.ê ôjo On.. .rws SI, 5.,on 1.-mI . Sýbt;. lin8 hri CJ.;hin Sf,9Ssk 76 isw,. 1 end-' .. ........ Pa-Il Office. Meurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 8.30 to 8,00 p.m, Sundays and Hloliday⧠by Appolutment PHIONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHONE 94-r1 ORONcè LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor office 68 Home 55i JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctionoer and Valuatorý Specialize in Farm and Furnitiire Sales Consuit me for ternis- and dalles TED JACKSO-ZCN Auctioneer and Valu,-'.ter Clonducts Auction BaSaletofal l w4 and at reasontahle rates Com1munlicate with him St Pffl PRerry,, Ontario, or see hLg Cl-erâ4 E. Morton, at Oromo, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edffcational Pollclms Protection and Savings Plana feu- Children and Adults; Mortga:£e lm1- Surance Plans. F. E. LYCEIT ORONO Ont. .Phone ZOrle The RUTTER GRANITI COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P>.O x 22 Portn'oe., ontari. -Monuments, Gravemarkera STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phonle Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MIONUMEINTSAN AlARIKERSà Let us erect a handsorme u. nified mionum-fent over tLe',a ing place of yonr loved oe It's not ex7.pensivýe. Anid un you eniciles cmr NTS Co0i, rýci 1g ot- Gates cutm feect;In g îmato CALL U'- FOR ESTIMATF,3 I¶ARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Coach should happy. That 1950 green hW available with as ofi the t- A- r A- A- r r r r A- r r r r r r r r A- A-', r- A- A- t- r- r - r r r A-- r A- r t- r r r A- A- r r t- t- t-