of Rômre, of YOU n the next l,7 eatean ton in the ellie which, foothod in dîlte WOUlCl and miles ould move iuter 'space, raun's esti- is flor bib cdc.e 1the that every face would fscintists teleescope, a on the ,s thought. woPour )r, ofth ghts wuid The3Moon r is bumn- facing th, Ion th e Wiblnket- louds."> etermined is a cour- id of SAl -,rh&knlow a' to learn arth's êt- tain, they our year, f us ex- old earth througil ind. And' il of be- IGen - lked in - te one ayoung marseil- ed that. S Crix art has *by a adth 1 man- ,ng for eawas Eqluipmenlti Onle can do \wondervs wt f centis worthýof seed, asa d aind arae For ailth techntical iniformation neicessary the di'rcU- tionls on th-j seed paecket and iýn the seed cataloguewiisfce These drctos eichegardenier whnto plnt andhowdeep,an how big will g row2 the thinigs he kas planted so he can allow s-Ë ficienlt rjoomý. 0f course those are minlimcum requreme t ndfor just a. tiny plot. A f ew' extras like a culti- vatuor or, two and a littie more variety in the seeds -and plantsý wY-jilicraethe stsato n enijoymnlt. For extra anid de- taile(d information too. , her areý exelentgardening books and govermentbulltinsavailable, If oelle, rally mlbitiouis,on can ex-ýpand almjost indeflinitely. There r ltraPhnr eds of dif.ferent flowvers adveget1ables, ait one's disposai, and m-ore hun.- dreds of pernnilsshrb- nd vines -And trees. Thiere are e-~ lai.ties like rock garening,ý per- eni-ial borders, rs gardens and gardoien pcools There areaisoj trimmlingsryncp ing eaf l gaMteigand sue' jobs for th pe'erson wh'o is meýchanicall1yi- clinied orf.hoIhas a rea-1ll bi piece of grouind. Better Than Ev N ,ot seo many year's ugo on could hot gowcorn, Lsqua-ýsbý, roses,fri and dozens, of otdherý plants eicePt in .,the ve-y war-m- est parts of Caniada, 1These thîngs wee otl hardy enoughi, or thney took too long toemature in or relativel]y shor sason anidth ear-ly frosts struck them (kownr Nwover th(,geaerpa-rt of t1he country the gadne as' h-undreds of flowerS and ve(ge- tables from wý,hich o chohose. Anld note oly, h ve webeengvn earlier m-laturing ai-d fhardier ar ieties, but also beltter quIality, or' mnore vivid or stikiing ý_colorvs, In the old days, too, týhe gr den was sor,,t of a 'fCast o (r famineý propositioth'j a fewu days when thin peas, corn ,or beanswr ed a few cdays of vivid cbloom, thenl no thing ele. oday with -improv- ed varýieties and by u tsipg evra iods of fowcWngdte oe a ,WHY YUSHOIJLD NOT TAllE SODA teyoru petdstnyuiam-od 9s ;,,l e v , aeidDreboundi sod," syo e ter eore, eth-ide, ile MolTiso eyad h Ai inE iets sno ld oat denjny la rý, ipe ,ls o miy geno o usid yàro ed feit m YU Ch botte. ANTHonoNdo oSu-yij fred suahq 4lstres, o <o na orenle c aues r o DrPoct- stmahi y<oi àco, hae ben,,lut dote. ns wnder. Firot, taken rgularlý ,Jrug tuhae s, heartfor n ,urot h Second, witb OtmeIs actOT, mrv4 o WATCH FOR NEXI WEýtEK'S PAPER FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT P'LITILE 5 5 0,0 0 m IL E s GUARANTEED FUEL PUMP FORZ ALLFOD $49 Or'Ce'dor Tday nd lthen îPorgm About 'sFutreFl P n toule BOX AL FORTEREO -fRNSAFES HARote Ws ES odCLASr FIEE an,1 ThVE. rirae a ire ansi n o e, o aiefrayp nooe Vi s for writ fo rie t,.e CotbIs he Pleuin HÏatNESîexCOLA frmrs olteritionl -onaut duî no est aorness Soup otStc aaîs thoub ou oaitoca et he goodts al lere st o d r ih sn' eýd SQ a e t m price.Wemuu u s uplyfaçeTr e H ress Mrse tleather rae l"litsg Ge o.lst W'eofr Ctloge AF.P RED ilyRemdyFo distr;Nes-;Cstbywter youh, use Get a 21/G ouncebotte of at