ms For 1953 on 0f Orono Fairl Departint Lands And Forest! Itxhihibtiong At Srinfg Show Fair Mrs. Carl ,ended the gricultural oron to re- nteresting raging to thie Oronio rograni in iues Which 0soc leties :heir local in stressedj Thie Ceri.tral Ontarlo Sprinig S'how is eig bidat the Fair Grounids mn Petrbooug, ommjieining Tuesday, Arch l7th anid etn gthrough iintil Fridaiy, Mareh2Oh The Departmnt of Lands and ýForcsts haui set up an exhibit wichb is designed to depiet what we as in- div-iduais 2-ust do to conserve our 'or.ests and -%7wiidlife in order that these thinigs m)aY be availahie to uýs in perpetpity. The main, theme of this exhibit is al p)ictorial presentation, birds, aýinais,i forest and lake, together with aMis Play of tree seeds and se oes Fire Fighitinig equipmient. the par- t wiii not be long, now, until. the! aind on. For-est Protection staff, having comr-1 and wo- pieted the scaiing of timiber cut fromi ences of' Crown landis, wiii be posted to oh-1 inidway servation Towers and Ranger Head- s, statec qua.terg, in preparation.for the coin- ýGregg, ing Plire Season, Once again, tbhse, le were men wili be watching For- th, teil- ,h plane tale ýmoke whch indicates the re- ng car- suit of a careiess act by Someone r, %with wvho didn't think beforedcadn a trailig.1cigar-ette butt or burning miatch, or onGi Mr. the fishem-îan who didn't thiiuk his' watch- iunh fire had to be comipleteIy ex- maidng tinguished before ieaving ýit. dist anci ean and It is expected. that the exhibit now being displayed at the Spring Show! ~atewili heip ii reducing still furtheri - - thesie acts of c, i~wh~ gage anytfling a to slend to Mviss 1 ith-orne(",with -, know so welq,.,S gifts to Use in pr13oof of our ir aInd Would sireln1 theml in the tren where to be done erO todo them. From týwo doi nelettewehv nighLýtîes ,and 9 ,estions for Mi pins, crib qiits. Mliss Howse n( football, han-ci h (!hokînole, etc; r Stuart 1 History 0f Carol ver pub niot wali the Aut ave init he You have certainiy rend ini paper or beiard on the radio about man that has haci his house buý down anc tle person or p)ersons 1 ing thr aeecpdwith theiri.l in theor i*glit attire, such is anlleV( daýy incidecnt or Seems s hr hie-ar about the 1n',p l'," drastic trsa dies thlatare hpenn.The .1 Cross immediateiy steps iaind tabl Cross For -those 'dl years reali- of the i for orgariîzing'