-' 9 I &YER CAKE île-aeting vanilla lined cm bût- Bake in imtodem- 25 miutso CAKE ~tening, iii- s, Add epgs, <me LIci bIend. Then elyv witdh milk addition vuni] ilaWJenid. o, twô rund 9- lired on- bo- Bake inmdm 25 to 3fr in- ther short-' atenledehoco- A Symbol of Qomeness-Eachyer the Qnrior Society for Crip.. pied Chiiden sectsahojndicapped boy and moinkes himsmoi cf ifs Easter Seac-OmCrpaign. 'Timmy, 1953, is red-hecsded, 12- ye-or-eld Bruce McG'regjor oif Vernonville, a uitile comrmunity near Cobeourq. The conmpalgn, from Mrt 5 ta April 5, sEeekýs-$475,O0 frthe werk ofthe society, Combine igeiet norûtr given, ina wetal bewl or pani, beatin witl rotay egbeater unt i bnded., Éet bowl or pan, in pan of ice and wýater, n cn tnebeaýtiIg unil thick anrd ef riht speaing consstncy. For ail - chjooatfit-rsubstitute mik for c HOLiDAYMOULD ipackage vaniuallapeparedl pudding powvder lui cups milk 3. package jely powdEr any flavor) li cups bot water 'teaspon almond or otbet extraet vu4cueach ehoptped datte-s and marsehnocherries 4csp -eaeh raisns and bOroe nut meats Prepareca ýnula ýpuddin.g ar- cording to package directions, but reduce rmilk te1%cutusChili, sýtirring often DissolIve jclly pojder in bot water Chili. Wben 4ilgb)tly thickenieç, set in a bewicffîce-water and wîp until starhing to thiken. Sieirly lbent hi the cod pudding Add re- mâinng igredentsand chili in ani attractive imelcIdor .ýbowL1 My be unelddfr servîig., TAUISAIAD Y tpakagd cherry fiavored jell1y powdçr i csppinepplejale and cfý France n. Mlxwe-li A Juin is in 14Csp shreddeçl cocoun4, eut Dissolve jelly pew),,der i otj wvater. Add pineapple juice and water. Chili until slightfly tliick- enedî. Thenî foici inruei pine- apple, ban anas, andci ocenut. TAutu inte ý*indiidua-l rmolds. Chiili until firm. Uumei-ld. fer salaci, serve on crisp l'ett'uewit sweetc dresing. For dessert serve ith wipped creami. Makes 6 serv- ings. A mast iii Sydntey, Australs,- teelk top jirize înin our etteriçs with.in a perioci of a year, wn niug ever $l0,0N0 in thuakyr nd fudi do semthingaboutit, andfast. The dcmtdratpouain Lambhadreied n thocse! rat- snsas aueu diinto bis For the rats wr uka Year cftrapp1.ing truhu the 4nadan orthhadpracti- cally wiped eut tse %water- wvise, beaver-like creatturs. In- Stad cf shipping eut850,00 skinýjS, trppes nd1unersere gtigfewer than 40.000. Tom ,DLam-b woriked e ut ha the seta]tobew'asn't trap- ping but: drougbt, The water in theMantoa mrshs roze solidi to the bettem in winter. The rats co-uldnj't geCt eut of theîir bue to, forage for fre-ýd under the- ice ndstarved to e (ath. Lbmodem- Pied Piper in revers, wored eDut a huge irri- gatioýn schieme 1te raise -,the water levels te Ive the imuskrats roomr toe ieand Sent ttethe Govemn- ment Fortwo earsthecivil sýervan-ts censidered him a rrazy crank. And yttatshwTom ILamb, a boy Who neyer went teschol, Oirnt grasped ait a fortune. Te-day eniterin-g bis fftesCb's j1ust joined the dollar mi- nllieýnaire cl'assa . 1 . and e says the fir-st twenty-%ve years were the casi- est, helpring build sbacks fer a Hud- son, Bay cenicerro - and eamn ing the average buiider's pay of about $20 per week., Then it s-eemed te hlim thait tht e. ni the mny were net the7 boys atl Jte end of a sawbti the weeds- mran w-'ho supplied the -timbe-)r. Lamrb wecnt iinte the bush aà nd bea utigw ooôd Y e t he found thaitut earn $1 ho had te cut three cerds - a log-pile rogl wire 'as 11igh as a meter- car. It wvas tough goîng, buti Lamrb emferg4ed that year. witht $i,000 . . . and used it as dwn- and trading post at Meeose Lake It toe)k hi Lm twe more year t t pay off a ý,remaninding ,000,se- î ng oiffjweodfu ir, everythinig wibnsight. Then ae i mnu4at iea. . nd infuriat- ing deiay unti lmeAt length went teý the Premierc Maniteba him- slf and skedprmisinte r.- "'Go ahea, >yeudandfo, SUC LEY'S MIXTURE IT RAS WHAT IT TAKES raise fnda, buir n-dth es, rikdhev ebts . an Tertpopulation rcee, Tom u oSed toskte aron hi ranch., counting tef usra buetransferring 'a r ýfe bel from bis lf t pocket t is right for eve-ry ten ests h asd Soon he haidito carry a al n e s t s i n, 1 c r e selr o b r l y f o t te over .5,000. To-day Lmbin ýspects bis mu Lskrat nr b ùYOnly tbrrc,.iats arecrpedfe eaàch haom-e every sae ecn srethe num1ber. utmuk rats mreytoughened7,Tom1 tial firm felkundation. J i. in tavhen the !m-arshes frozeha chiselled patharosa te Âakes Gettng te fish truhthe blzads ùte theraila wa togteo. rukaides fi ir an snapped a uzr.Lnbte up witb a buosh pila i sudc- denly swthe mew mretn vistas epencdý up by the r, i could be flown out of efon OUT 0f LOVE Thon <ae up your user bile ,. iijumy P ui o c ',i eg LIflo-thmwcrhlvig Iu ayb ei lv ~~ It's e facti If y olierbile eco owo freety yor (cc onay flo îeet .. a blotinp om St acli. 11.yo Srico sti1¶etcilth (nMdLSpaeg u ThFU wEn- p need FR:n en CarsLitL vrDs.onae(ter baip stimultycnéie ietiIoc g Itch.J tclî 'ý8z Very'7 eIret pa S aootb 0iling. cuo-, g lqu1 le. P. D). rea CrIpi Lonpoiierelae aîgtp irriation, 3hairia -rtt ohls -t t-' z z -t" t-- 2 t t- -t J c -r 2 A / A r. r, A <À A t A t. te t' y e- -t r r I k i sonf S c-nccaYSB-C-kD'Cy> THU H OUSE0 S ÂA RAM HMEN WHIO THINLi 0F TOMORROW YPRIACTISEF MODERATION TODAYli