No'. 13 personne Papot, Wofa sMause, ideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottowýa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, ,Artillery Park, Bagot Streef, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiing Station, 90 Rchmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Si., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Boy, Ont. Armny Recruitltrg Centre, James St. Armocury, 200 James St, N., Hlamilton, Ont. A3w.o One of tjggs obs i'- e Arm - and, in fact, in Caniada - f a ta th d e RP LCAADA (ORDNAisCE COR'PS. CorIps s hhuejbo oaiigand diîstriburng ve gtheArmy re-quire frmshoe laces to tns-oe 220,00f0 diffe-retites As the Caniadian' Army growNs, the job of Ordnanc.e grows. RýighI-t nowýý more men are n.eedcd - mca who can qualify as storem-en, clerks, taýilors, shoemakers and cari- vas Workers. The Armny wiI! train mnen in any one of -he many different trades and skills required ,by Ordnance. Once trained, the young manwh serves in this Coirps will find truly outstanding opportunities for prom-jotiils. Wîth general conditions of service, pay and pension plans at an ail-time high, there are wondçrful prospects for young men in Ordnance. er a trade and buil an unuasual and important career for yourself in the Royal Canadian Ordnanice Corps. You are eligible if you are 17 ta 40 years of age, tradesmien ta 45, physically fit and able ta mneet Armny test requirements. Applicants should brinig birth certificate or otlrer proof of age wben reporting for interview. 41/10#e CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE ,fW e,@, 1 GIANT .1 LARGE BOTIT FOR ONLY 77c. "CHALLENGER" SOCKEYE SALMON 1/2 lb. tin .... 37c. RED ROSE TEA RAGS 120 - Guaze -........-$1.59 60 Bags........ 65c. .AUNT JEMIMA CAKE AMIX Devil's Food (Silver) ea 31c B R 00M S- Sturdy .Price 95c., $1.59, $1-98, $2.49 Co rn is h Carrç'ts, Parsnips, Ce and Citrua I No. 1Oni iFresh Fruits and Ve'etab1es Tomatoes, Spinacbi, Bananas, Green Cabbage, ýry, Lettuce, Turnips, McýInlttsh Apples, Onions, , iits - are alh CRISP and PRESH ario Potatoes, 75 1b. bag....$1.85 10 lIbs....35c. --s1icéd Bologna tasty .' '- nuc k or B1ad Ruast Beef, .. b. 53c- -Plate iBrisket ............ .,35C. Frozen1oods Bird's Ey-e St rawbet ries, package....49c. Reddli Wip - creani ready to serve, tin ...55c. Mùlarketeriîa Phmone 1.1iti Orou,* owned by th~e lt and oper-ated the years, by Mrs.C summiier resort,h Al-vin McMuIlin Alvin MeMNiini home on the prop al painful aceidE last whei, Nwhei >~~nthe wr-ii Mr. Ross Carleton under-went an operation 'for tppeiidici'tis in Bow- manville Hospital on Mony vn'g Congr-1atuilations to pupils of Mrs. 1U. H. Staples who ýwere ,siiccessful at the Mid-Witer -Royal Coniservator-y of Toronto examninatjons' held lun BowanvlleLions Comsuunity Centr.e Grade VI piano - Pass, Marilyný Quantrili. Grade 111 ilonours - Marilyn Bas-. eril.Honours - John Tamblyn. Grade l Piano - Honours, R>oss Tam-ýi r.and Mrs. Rl voy Pwrs an'd Grantý of Toronto visited wvith i irs. CG. 1Pow- ers over the w,,eek-end. Messrs. W. E.DayK.Caverly and udsn MasIal of Wh1itby at- tenedtheSprtsanShowinTor- onoonWensyoftiwek Mrs. TomIn.C 'fysLck i vî ,in vitl isGifl'. Mrsý. Giddusý Jones is viýsiting with! Mr. ai rWs lot thle wekwith her fathe!rý , Mv.C.D ALFALFA )YIELDS ARE WEFLL tiv olgu es ed f1jeor bver tna nro", eesse it s cn xclln bas high fed1;0vlueperacre wh7en comard wthother fr crops us- ed for tha uro-.Te rduto of hihqaiyfeeçl sind T'e'il- t to l bwll ovwever, arec iot th!e crop). From thestndpin of season- al dsrbto fhrae laf leads aIl"' other hay plan d rivais many species wicDre 1eomomonl1y used for pasure in EasternCad. The Divisioni of Forage Plants, Cenrlprent ntaI Farm,Ota , lua- conducted est to detern iinie the production of various species through out the g'wigperiod each y ear. It wavs founid that under psueocndi- tions alf-al fa is able to, Yield welI fdur- ing prolonged hot, dr-y periods of' midl sun-mer whenl other spIecies, and 1par- ticularly1 grasses, usually pro(luc(e very littie. Tests conducted at Ottawa, show-ed that during the months of July and August al!falfa miixtures produced ax- er four times ats ruc'h as timothy, Kentucky bluegrass, Canada blue- grss or red1 top pastures The month- Iy contribution of alfalfa mixtures neyer exceeded 27 per cenit of flic total secýonaL production anid this wvas during the month of July. Mix- tures withiout alfaîifa, on the other band made their highest contribution dun1ingý Junie when as much as 45 per cent of the total seasonai Production was obtained. The value of alfal1fa as a hayý and pasture ci-op is also shown hy the fact that îrn areas ýwhere la is adapted its total annual producton is 25 to 40 per cent better than any' otherl legume groýwn i similar mixtures of Canadian-grown alfifa seed. The cost of -Ialfaîf s s reîatively low, Its wdeue i ew redig f hay an astur xuresis awicipated SUNDAY, IAR< ORONO-Suiday Scha'oi Services il an LESKARD-Sunday S& KIRI3Y- t?0~0~ o >o~o. 29C. -k s