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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Mar 1953, p. 8

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1VtrS. 1. Nichlolson coil Mss Wnda obbs, Mi- vn Bil '~-er suppr vistors ithM. and Mrs. Rbr htronStudy -Mi.. Pust and41,fiiend, Toronto wer-e ~aturd'w -vistors vwith MrI, alid Mrs. Ie-oy lamffton. We are Sorry -to hear that M.Ed. Bail! is on thi e k list. We wislih hh sneev rcovery. Mr.aicl M.R. Chater, miss W Hobsir. 1. Bail were Sunday s- tors I itMr.JsDisnOrono., MNr. and Ms Milfon cornishi, Nor-I wood were Soturdav- dinner visiter Uft Mr. and MNrs. ýCliarenc(e Martiný. Do you stop to think of the manýny gýood deeds that are don1e b:y the Red Cross. Cod Liver oul is suppiied to) school children. Families in need areý tT-ikýen cre ofý. Fire victims, Flood vitmaccidents. In every part of Canada there is a branîch of the Redi Cros.alwysreadcy with a helping hiand, disregarding creed or' nation- aiity. You cari heip the Red cross,- give generously. ON-ing t'o the bad the conditions of the onod, it is imipos- b-)eS sube frr rhard wrn g canvasserce to cli nye h eek. Wheýn vnK pass tfiroughlIeskaýrd, drop in to-id, Mdrs. Len Boume nnd give ber 1 oir SO doain.Thank ç.you. te KIRBY or. th bow Garden Seeds FREE fGiant Size Chioradent ... . . . . .. . . . with Lanolin a Mne regular 98c. valtie for . 79c. d 3)-Way, Shavê - BrushMess )Ps Irritation * H11 s1s leal &S-,'oothc- *Painle Reg ONLr .25c. Frost Ne Cheic IFoodster Chocolate N ovelties It is ani excellent vitamin tonic and foo supplement,-ei-ïEaster Eggs --- --e -- 5. and 10e peciaIly lielpfLl when recovering fromn severeiattacks of co1MId Fruýit ai-d Nut Creain FiIled Egp and Influenza, Boxed - ----------35c.. 45c., and $1.00 Eaister Bunnies and other Nove1ties FR CHILDREN-The Liquid----- ------$S5.90..$3.35 and $1. Priced 40c., 75c.,, 95c., $1.25 and 31.60 FOR ADI'ULTS-Thie Capsules------------ $6.60, ý2.95 and $L65 Buy eariy for the best Seieeti"e Phn 8 r elis r Ug Store Le Institute give ý,aj ýs student ini the t] Le end of the tel endal and the Sixth 1 ledf to contact thie te ethat the pupils will l'or or the prîize at $10.00 be dionate( jal HIospital, Bowni is a discussion in reg ýe flood victims and T'he W.A. held another quiltin)g ini 1îost their hc the Sunday School r oom on Wednes-1 vas voted f*o dyafternoon n two quilts wvere was vted fî f*iniýhed. Mrs. Evan Quantr-ill took Hmmaes hiome the third one, to finish. the Kendi Mi-. Win. Rutherford is feeling somle SunaySeoo he Ow, avilabe to MIrs. Thompeon lhas, returned honie~ird af ter spendîniz somre time wîth he- ~IultrMis. A. Walkcer, Bowma n- r. E. col \i1le. Mss RîldaE Mr.', and Mr's. Wm. DeMille and c0111n't Billie, Oshaýwa and Mrs. Georgelfor a dance, GI-hviiile, Newcastle were visitors bulbs adrepl with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham. iiting. Nexf Mmr. and Mrs. Evan Quantrili spent ectioni of offi Tuesdav eveinig with Mr. and Mrs. 4min a bal Bill Wananii. imai<e up a l Syaipathyv is extended tte El-bOl!ýi otl 'iives of Mliss Mary Rutherfod Eo Couroux ai ber recent death. Thie fun-mal took A ltterw ulc romi Kirby United Church on, nten1to, i'ondav afternoon. Ma,,rch l6th " aioa Mr. Ray Byo spent the wveck-end A,.W, tobe Brir 5.00 te a1 lo-le in 1 Or the R( rîv the CIlub. $1 Ulnited C )01 roomi the Inst for the to clare for nylon wearing apparel and schools ut seme very useful info0rmation wasý ý McLean's,. given. The mneeting ciosed wv'ith Ith It was de- singing of 'God save the Queen' after: rs at once which a 'Shamnrock' contest was con- - gîven tîme durted by Mrs. Couroux, A social was voted haif-hour ýwhen refreshmients were the M'm1- SerVed was enjioyed at the Conclusion le. Therýe of the imeeting,. Mis Beillndj Mýrs. to help for Tuiansky were the hostesseS. 'decidled KEý,ND.AL STREET IGHIITNG y- who, had The EKendal street ighting tookj effect on Thursday niight, March l2th and 110w we w(>t be bumiping iýnto stationary objects or tripping o-fer jutting pieces Of side-wýalk on ýa Pioonless night. Thanks are due tc Mrs. N. Kennedy whoa put this pro- ject on the way by canvassing. the taxpayers after it had beendscse at one of the WlI. meetings. The tax- payers o-f Kendal willingly gave their approval to this project. RARTLEY He BARLOW I F 1JNERAF1, HOME )ne 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18~ Jumbo S pinks, early after s 7 n 8l years eid. Cemeýtery eeded by r of M]rS. r.$2.98 Is, whio has been nter with lier dau- l it ln Beterbom-ou,,> a few dy with ber [ e Aexaderand lher- :11ls an111 miy.On e pent the day wVth 15 0, ia wes pinit ful~ 33c. Rub should b et at the home cof nsented t to as ,eting. Thie roll natUýeviala11d tel]i ha., ph;<g. 3 6 c. 5b. 59e id, 1 pound bag ...99e. 20 oz. tins. ...3e ,Y cookS 11n1sevell min- ... . - 29C. $100 -STORE % n d frî '7 Cfolifibriict of -otlitril

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