Vol. 17 No 10 )qUON'O, ONT., WEDFNESDAY, MAI426 19,53 iMargotv-Sarnuel, Guest At Evening Auxiliary The tÈvening Auxiliiry of the W. W, S. beld thieir- regular meeting on) Thuý 'rsdny, Mardi 19, xitb) the presi- dent, ileen ]3Billlng-s in hechair. Letters were rend fren1ev. and Jirs. Hoisen> thanking -the -Auxiliary tfrthe parcèl which they baid sent. It -;nmuch nppreciated anid ibad ar- rivýed just wben needed as Mrs. Hi-ý mý"en bnd just receiv'ed word of ithe 'deth of lber another. The parcel hiad teen -a brtghit spot at 'nlSadtie After thie regular business w\a s trainsacted Mary Rtefrthe UGomnrity Fr Tiendahip Laerconl- dueted the devotional peied) , thien ,eaIled on the speaker for the evening, M-goSlimuel, whese mest interest inig subjeet ws titdNation -s.' As far bnck as 1942 the Late Pre si- dent Rosev-eit met \wýiththie rpe settvsof 26 nations "ta p%ýidge th ir spport 'to continue -:ritýing the axis IRcaev-t;uggesteýd thie naine ljnited Nat'ions at thismetn, h ia1945,la Saýn F rancisco, the llite Nations Charter wýas drawn rip by the rep'resentatives of 50 cutis h leadrs c whm wee C ina te U. SSiFP., the TJniitedXigcan th Th pros et toh , invtels cht er r te mainan intecton ai e ceand ocurity;ta t deoloph ofrinlyelainsatnwe' natios: te #n-apea teUiNtorteypOntully in slvinge intcernationgat eem 1o ic,eeolcal- heurai mithumanilaria-N pobeis ane 1n,1remotnrfeoi-, fr m(an rîht ad unn etal feedcms."' Eci ebr sntegpays wndmitee thýey rcn afr-date thebudget cf the 1J.N. as deterînn ed by 2/3ongajerit ti i ie 'uemer, teaniwed aState joi le UN. bey ro iso Ite selvei -e-ry arobliations cf fwiChatrm- -e'hi o r~ted !]' t e le Tn. Sn sTiçu SUith eewr sp for inomberslii,, m Mer-ft bas ntrelt bea deded spo hy emerhcouatr.Taje ae dnit a<f"'er rocemnmvndidobu lite Sr-ýi ityCu-)ncil< Ied oCialilng bee ma tsro ip,-t fericîtoueKi Erilai, wodd dir te 'nited ,Staes eadh niembor'stto TicS' ytaheic nians oce very ut fe lfiere 15 fao iîInpeli orfe ilronssic.tex enl hed in e ensin la eCao vea n Mcli toiare 1+dwas te disc0es le pr- on uv 2/8 n allynote:ers tiy cnme spder tie Charter Ï. Tint as. ftie bnr ftntions'w-f stmlarle- 1cQ o ctehe C"nadjn Seaf. rmïintbut boit are looed tfor %riidane end eeqfve ceosetratio of proposals. Iîiusicorre;spond( luiamloine.L as cne1 OI S tût mc CnObdJ ocîs, naijeu unlutil tay ction agninl Speaker! Final Red Cross Essay 11ev J. A. Stee&, Lakelield, Metn Suhinitited 1h Orono 'Stuldent Te Speak At Orono Churchý This the final entry to be printed in the Or-ono Turnes, is the vvrk of lifntIdRv A Sedcý iJuniie Ritchbie of Orene Public Schooi. Fnigt-a 1e.J .Sedc Lnkfefid ucei not attend1 their ~ comansenwith The Orone Branch cf the Canadian Bse hncOfeigSrie b ninent, tuLe body Red Cross takes thîs oppor-tunîity of afternown Auxiliary of the W.M.S. .3 tu UI noUa.e 01 thanking those puLpils ef the Clarkc'liearned that Wt would be possible to Seccuîy -uuciscools who teck part in this contest secure bis ,services for the Suniday nber~~ ~~ aoncis,6« nd thrudgh their essays helped ourMrigSriee ac 9b c j'y mane nssIebîi Capains o wth th eearty co-oerntion of vet permanentmensnaem- ClintrarLel zJcFrance Ana ture qtllcy kxt bock, was pre- ournisîerarnemnswr tidnand theU..std toCroe Creek scheol as made. The regulay W.M.S, Sunida-y L~±' Lot our the wn oe f this com"petition and awilt ottake place uniAutun:n Mi t ntacL lias thlebeok was aisels givente C ýoreen Lang- wheii the guest speaker will be the teý andi nact intier-stffw-hese work breought thiý honcwr General Secretar-y of the W.M.S. ni. It can takeiii- oelber school. st a nîressr: ia-Domninion Board. j pi ecoemîcsancions(it lias,.just plac ed an emibargo on Red China) or tradie re>stictionisnnd otier mrensures sh'orët of war. to Stop) agressioni; re- I omnedmethois Cof adjusting dis- pues adils umain tunctio-n is te curity. ewever, ith the xitec ecite ow\ercof vet% nn sim ilaiit betwee'n ouse cf Ceaunons anid the, Security Counci is ended. The veto can be*used y any one cf the five permanent memibers, and Russia seemis te hav\e imono.pelized thiat rigbt. On aL d octi iterlationally rep- reseunted council, the v-eto seems n ver'y autOcratic ]ineans tndeed. 'Te tbink that any oecf the fiv-e nations,- anastp lgiaatenby 'a merýe 1'ne' It woý"ujlseýem tnt thlis power is le- sponsible fer se many dec-inýly s and set ack ththte Cousici as su-f-ý foerec. Ritbt ne the veto is beuingý inatimon f our Lester- Pearson te suc-' ceedj ryv Lie as Secretaýry General The othor four nations nIl ag-ee onl MVr. Pear-soni, but wilithebo-eto înu- ooe yRussia, n iew cadiats ust. hosoughit. Just another seemnipglyîý eneeudelay- in the Ceuncil'pwork Th'ie Eceneic nd Social Ceunicil ha.s ne veto, and asýsists lie Gn-n Assemly ý itis wrkteimprove liv- ing cenditienis aad lielp ev-,erybe-dy get asqýL.ue deal. Tuis Ceuncil baýs 19 l ze algtonvtesz fIxa-tterksh Jn c< operation wîth lie U.N. aand le Council lia ilie work c f these ex- pert agoac](ios te tie Wcork, ef ochers, and tho U.N. 1-fbrecnCormmissiens cf thle Eceaemic, and Sectal Ceuncil ar-e concernel-cl witb spe-cial problenas la pahclrareas, suci as E urone, Asjn. Latin America anadthe Far En'st. Others deal withb bannail Rig'its, Transper-tatien and Coml- mantention. ýMrs. EleanlorRoevt secrve-c for, maalyyar as t'ne Chair- Pina f tan ier om mission cInf Huma tMls field w-re instrume-nta l o.M- 1-w 4gg bbcDoctrine cf Ibilman Rîhts], wbich -are faýr t(-oc Iehy fte reelbore. but wblich statesita 'ffee(t tinlt -ail versons ar'e ecuni un ler law.ludsbûcud h aardd1cun 'inartnitvon the ba<sso et WWe,,-sii slone vcaeildn fa ev4tablv tfo in haamca« ntions. I-ýI. tnt. atffer ail is; the main pur-' n)0s(,cf '11e h1 The tiree group.,-I1.have just mn- Iionod ire the nost important Land mnost fanaliar cf the U.Nl*,. set-up, Others halude Trusteesii-p Ccuncil wbý'ici sssts lie Genoral' Assembly ia lookiag- af 1er Trust To-rnitoniosý suci as N-w Grimes, Western Sameýa,i {Côntinped frontr page 1> Durham Boys Win'Trophy Forý Twenty-third Cousecutive Yearý On WednJiesday, Matcýh ithi sixt-- savonel boys frein aine ceuntes, anme- iy bfastings, Northumheraund, Ont- arj, Durhin, Prince Ed'aamdî,, Peler- t s brougi, Victoria, Lenneox andi Ad- dunglýon, and Freuteniac toei part Jin lihe Sqed Judging Comptition aI liel Cenltral Dnal'ne S'priiig Shlowý et Petericircugi. Enci eoainty ts etiî- liedl tc ente-r te-n boys niti tie tiresl seerni4 boys cearprisungi sncb ten,,m t"' x The lsoautiful. ne-w Agrico Tropiy donatetf by lie AgriculituralOeni eal, ort kflops 'ansý' onbyDui Co'nt'y Duian Corinty's boys have won Mbi Quinte Seed Judging Ceon-, potiticu twenty-three consecutive ycnns, 1ii yenr% tNa scoe 'an 2-395, eut Or a pcss'ible cf250.Hat tarie. Îs gedêed. Tcw bnc-ci on ec - - 'cre ise ironfer fin; Maiboyii eal\1s~but ti ig onano- bers ad already nece-bled a smmailari pr-ise- se ne-ne nt eligible for ani- oite-r t-wo busiels, Hïowe-vem, lHarvey Gri ai as i-1i in GaIs, lied Clever an wm ans lied 'aiite>î(ýnet!s Butte-ny ta Alfa-lfa, Ia lie- AlLaîlfnclass tire-e boys lad a per-Lfect score o! 150 mnarks. Donald Gre-en cf Durinaasý higi man ini onis. Tic sco-re cf the ton Durhi By 'acre-i - barvepy Grahana 811, 2.XKen-i ne-lb Butteny 795, 4. Cifforýd Briston 79.5. Donald r 7n89, 14, Lar- monrliose-veýan778, 15. KeancthiBrooks 773, Maurnice bloel759, Lawrence MeLugiin 758. Nelson «arimoîne ý-7, linpi Stroag 46 Prize ninnens ta tic Individul Ciasot: GaI-bare-yGranro142, - 1r, ince- Edwa'rd 1417. lie-c ee G0rry erncsc-or.E lalab The Ried Cross reprosentative who ieurneyed downtt iîs vryattrac- tiv-e litle sol) on the Easternl edge cf our ewspwas elghedte ho ic-hor riday niatingj MUrs. G. Stapfle- ton deservoesa lot of credlit fer lie 1 trar .in wbeh tbose Ju iscndcd te bsines a t rohpatinthpo nîtliv eeSe rBan. 'ton- t flns~b&s wnsnen-tie ~ ~vi+f1-bslias 11,)n flint tor l 4nt~istshow li thee vangpeonfle rncilt inIanl-'l suporitethe "rnrd in fiels, orne scioes, hoe ftw elpless heçhi1 d wh frena the bizÎing bo-use aind sapp)1edI lhi-m with warmn clething and foed. Alert nigit and day your lied Cr'oss stands re-ady ah ahl tides w,7ien diatrstrikes. Your -Red Cross con- 'Inues m-to- l'e -e ýF- th iýAYý forces as -wýeIl as wvelfare services for carij troops oersoas. Gifîs ef lotiing, heddiag and hospital supplies imacle by WVoniAs Comumittees acrese Can- 1Ada supplementcd hy lie lied Cross defonions of drugs n«,nd noidical sulp- 11ev. Steed is a fluent and dyna-' mic spaerlaving spent imest cf !ls lite la Af*rica, bei has a weallh cf knewledge cf tînt geat andj, ad lie large part tht ic hrst Charcb is plyin-g in bringn (a cakcontinent te thelulig'lit. Crousmy b, and tulips m-ay 1 grouind and ever toucb cf Spring, sport, niamely h( much in the le: This is due net te the tean spi] Who0 are viewing in. O.11A. Intern This became clos on1 Tuesday eveni thec deciding gar- in Port foyer. lh seisPort Dove d ropped the last game going te ti cf 11-te 7. Thec final gan) opeed ithboth share cf play ,arn the seon eriod Thsis LS oo ricli anu pprtnt e ýsharje with otieur tItan thLie lnr'gest con-ï gregatien tlie chur'ci wilt boid, 5eail w the f oiie f thie iyby zand Ljes- fi, kard ", p int 'ae cerdially invited tei' f jeinl Orono cmunt t eariis wi gre.at preacior at han. Marci 9h The choir will rendler sýpeci-all iii5c ie r n i sulitahie fer tilc occasion. te hle adran came up ilh*tea Sailors ilrea fi A wi-ngnCcUanerra jet nomi-tir ber peeeoby new Olynapuýs turo- te jet en1gînes, -lias beaýt ntÈe world hieiglit rcod1n noficaiclm cf more than 6C0,000 feet or- a il miles rp plies aIssist less forti utpIost Hospitals and lions i t alany areajs hoealîi nnd eflon savo liV Yoar tinanad ye-nr ou Cross is pledged telte unig lives. You Contrit choese lheiping bauds oet wienver and wisre-ne neededi. Se give goeoiu Orono Police Trustees Dies- cuss Many Phases 0f Bushr Tie Orono Police Trustees met ia regular sess'ion on.mMondLy eveingj cvi a al presoat. D)uring*th)e coursýe cf lie evening lie 7Trustees haaiud! varlous busine.ss both in village ad-' m1inistralien and la lie hydre. Il wnas decided te, supply an exten- Sion and trouble liglit for usefintahle ire tow-,er te give ligil fort li bang-: iag cf hose,. Discussion alsoci-eatred! aýreund lie weaning cf rubbor boots and cents by ire-mon and il'wans pcuinted eut tint they sieuld he,on fer their protection 'aien fighlingi t'ires. Il 'ans brougit te lie Trustees at-! tention tint lie siga "Orono, A Geod! Place to Livo" ta lie nerti of lie village 'ans layung ijite litich. Tic genieral feeling 'ans tint lie present sigis we-re not atatvI ia saiggestecl tint anmore suitablo siga. vas tint put up by ticehHighw7,ay De-1 parîjýment er pcsstbly a mach S-mallerl (mo tiban tiose 1ht iaw exis. Iv view cf theiropunien etlitpig 'asý clone ccncernnng tiec fallen si]ga, Stdowalk1,s came uip fer- diiscu'ssion and tic Clerk 'as nstrucled to er-j der i-res hundrod bags cf cernent tel ho uised feir t, IbspÂeosmtme ia May. Po-ssible cnsrutin scussýed wei'o -)n, the side sîreet et Wn. Wit- 'o e-st sido cf Nrb Cuc s;1tret indn Cur-ci SIre-et west sideý ah m. bars adciWos t te Winte'rs cerner on 1Mata SIre-en. bne-ver, eetin deunle'anIs dotde atil a fur er rvtw cfno isdcsed On rqaet vMsrs S. E. li 'md E.Bowonfornsr-tigto thei sie sreetil anss5atd b li Trust-es tat boibeaes ne e o %ram -fta-id seèrtes anti fron Orpinansha c dnwn spries wi n " w3 session te plan n public mieeting nitil one gane informuation on Incorporaîtng. [t ifinal and lie opinion cf ll Trusteosliat Oreno on Tuesd, weuld bonefit groatly lirougi la- Saturda erporaton 10Mr.Mer statod tint er trenat cihe Trustees shoul iimee-tnuthle! cf fast b Towntsiip Council aI lie-jr ne-stlre- iundredï gular miýeetinig, ro a langer grant for Unlike lb, 'tie village providing il cees net in- Doyen n corporate. lie Ihird Mr. E. Dent pcuntsd eutlahi te d o i Hydre mneetingtint ne-w mires noro intii 151fi' needdand 'as -istrud te purcînse fWestos sîxteVa.fteôl Mr. C. T. Mille-r staled tint a "LI $1550,40 hydro eh-ale md-"beon ne-paycl coived.11e Ibougldit i Ie titînt îey inthed ci soughl a reduction iniodraes cf a half i tg The Sai cent 'aiciho b as be-en seel<cng foroileir firs somieliie. Mr. Woodyard, 'as of lie ing the opinion tint any surplus eould be leisn oseclin great Aadvntage by putingRiatsonfe a short distance of poweor linos rader- -eunt. L grcund eve-ry yoar. This wculd cutlîrs ur clown on imainitlanceocf lie linoes 1 s ie tieugit. . ials h Mr. Dent said tint tie Fonesltheircous imnaci efthle byrde md finsp)ected'inalues e iciie trees on Mataii Street senti aindj f'oundti laI eniside-rable 'acrk,'aslC aee-ded in Ibislio Mr. Walkhem o wanted lA know iLil wavs et lie duty efthe Doparhint cf IHigb-'aays but1 'ans ,jnfernmed tiS Ibis Xvork Le-ll solely on lie hydre.TIl 'as stec 'htint tc ave lich41ydrc Foeçes ry - Bmanrc!i do lie 'aork tint îif nculd Keitlh rosI frein hetween $4130and $500 Oreno hbel wtt ne inherruphicn et poMOer. fi aponti Dnt infommee- i eeting lbant if ho the Presb iic lie 'ork'ah is equipient lin' r- ocateti a lealti bave-te cultic anewor «off 00dMecalia Mir, WcodyarcisUtecltit iev poi n ieap n nt lpeinr fr twowe-k 'hie n ip te cl inproie ticrjb.Ilcf Physi, ed drive, Élie Oron -I off their pIn, bPo'rt Dover Satturday e-venini, ri cf lie game 'ait o(ýh teamis md n of three sortes. Ti- e gae ans plnye ng- ta Port lover. sgamte 'ans a thi g te eDnd 'ahi pleni