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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Mar 1953, p. 2

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b , rt(,cornstarcnb , sal unt il -0 Cthland mnutes.iAdd rn Remve rom Porinto tart mon e moe ~ite ~ nd em Bakat35 F. rown (1-20 in- cCîpe m1-ak'es 6 - cie hat iltprove a NUCIIEESýE PIE ated emonrind à dates ehopped pecans cheese through eat wihelectrie ,oh. Add eggs lating well atter idd sugar, mnilk, e- anild ind. Beat end thoroughly es and beat just crumb-lined pie, 'ith shopped pe- ur (or until set pieC is especially C ito tarts offresh ,fruits ze ruits, fil fuIJ as possble b lint use mc ýVie] ,ît apre- aand cook until cn brw.Peacbi- ries, blueberries, Dr any favorite d in pese taltsa il sa t oing wartefr and beat eeaM 'nonth-oId son, tpicture. The, 1,British acctor Whaît If She Gels ury-wye-odShuriLa cf an Augshurg, Germany, schoolboy, hs especia;ly fon three mnice omshe nmet ai few months cge, and didln't slippbtest ecppetite for the tiny creatures. The cot evel mice ploy hide-oiid-seek in ber fur. .Plain Hlorse Sense.. by BOB ELLIS Dairy Surplucsefs Rt.lHon, J, G. Garçliner, Min-. isersetAgriculturemade an ineesig statenenit in flic Hbuýse of Gom-nms tHe otherPT day. Wben a ninmer asked bim% comml-ent on surpluses ot,! dried isteranswrcd 1"I an quite sure2 yho.friend 'vould 1not ik aniyone who know:,s an)yting aboutt 'he stutio hat thâere is ay troubDlesomne sur,-plsus e cheese When Greaît Bi itain wv&ntedî te buy 5 illion poiunds cf cheesqcenlywehad moore trouble getting tLhose 5 maillion peunds than inin ng, a mac- ket. Thel is ne such tin as a treu-1blesomne surplus et ceese i InSoc. as dlied skrim il conceined," ho otiud Wec have udetaent take 10 million pounds ofr the mnacket at a certain set prîce provîded it can be obtaned. Tbis ofer bas bee standing nw folorneco1nsidec(,able tiinje o, ct Uip te the -preaenit bÉas net beenei ccpe.That wuld soom teG suggost tbat even that mnaret is net serosoe as we had expected hi m1ight be."- Farmners illdo weCIJL(te keep ths information i n md in their prîece egtaton ith tho dis- tribu-Ltors and precessers, iîn'- case tbey are told that thece, are tee many surplu1ses aro"und. Vegetable Oils Mr, CGardiner put epniîi able eu,îs and their convercsion ïi, te sbtiLtts for daniry prod- octa(on the provincalgovera- mnrts. Rthougbthat at îp)res- sidering teIgislatiorî dealing wt edibe cil As there is Fne tJaw aantit n Qntarî, Iimitations et i ce c3aî r reei'ady beingan- f'actured anY.d sold, Unes arin- ers, raiztosdevisern ewv, wasandl neanrs te presenttei case, instead et protests te the gevernnent, they xi%] be faeed with ever inccaing compei-~ tien31 In)ailmarkets for, dairy products. To, spealk enly of the pliglt et te anrce ïr ont encugh. Tbere are co t b e r poi.ntýs teb do MntknWMtewhat extent edîble euls can -opiace rni-ilk zand ml pcodttcts in food value. Recentt expelrnet a [hoUnivorýsity of Minniesota showef-d fthat dairy, cal ves tý ed ,ýskim m ilk wi;th veýgetable eils ipstead cf butter- [at died bfeetheyweebre awitebd te w -1e mlk befere thce onIhs were saved.' Aoerpoint 1is soileesr- vaqtïcn, if, det a roýd11tiecf- rstll~conum~ti~, henurnber of dairy cattie should be reduc- Ld, tt,ýis la bund te uhave Ves e.ffects on the, land. A,ýnd if trn eýrs wudtry temk up teeý lestmIlk rmarkets by grewing* oil-boaing h-Ic--rops ies- easand ufowr;On'i farri sous wuldsùoon bcede pleted. There is v. danger not tebe undeýrrated nld Of mot *nuicteo tionasa whffle. e pet ýf the 'A the s ithe course, is the effee a greatly reducedpuchsigpowýer of, the farr 'would,. hav on ailthose w1hose (employinent and iveli- hood d1ependCs on seilling1their prodluets te the farmer. Suprtfrom iLabour Yt sands to reason thait tu- mien vwho make the things the farmer basle buy tike plor~s, binders, fertiler, bindertwuie etc, have adn interestin the. fn ancrjial position cf the frier I he carnnot buy the tblings they. mrake, they lose thjeirobs An d if thy ose their J obshelr wives and dugherscanot buhy the moii L and bacon and eggs and cheese the farmers produce. The wl-bigof onegou depeýnds on the wl brgof the otbev group. Reallzng ail th tbe Onaria Federatio'n cf Labour has md an off er te the Ontario Federa- tion cf Agriculture te get te- getýher and explore epossibili- ties Lif c-prto.Su tai this offer bsnot tbeen tknUp, The twriter iof this eoiukinnwl be pleased ei ic eafir frm)farmiers, or others itretdlu farmi pýoblems, at any Ime. Criti- cismis. Suggestions for, subjeets tet be dleait with, nks oIu (r büosts -f alwlbeweteomeius ad liress Bob Ellis, Box 1, 12-3 Eg eenth St. Nwve Toronto, nt Why iNat crochet T hat Spring Hat? Womenwithsomieeprec crochetixtg, and a littie imagina- tien, can"I ak their own vaýria- tions on a basic sprîng bat style Puit -six or sev'en single Crochets in a' sm-rall circle e hanstîtches, dtepe-ndinig upen how tiglitly, you croche.t. Then work ini single -c- chlets around In each r0w, 1ad- ding as miany stýitches, evely spaýed, as yustarted with. Work UnWtil the ciPruference et your wvork is 22 inchies, or -whatever bt siz-e you wý,ant, It wl take 16 or 17 r-ows,. Then work eel te give the cr'ow"n as mc depth as you édesire, To, Start the brîm lfor a cloche, incase either one sti.tch in- every fouýr, or two iJn every sevenj, de- pend.cing -upont the tightness ecf your work. Then wýork ever1!y untîil the brim i s as d (eep as you w aniit. A turned u-Lp brimn, for a, bat wîth a hao oercro'wn, can be ma'-de the sarne wvay. If you -want aý rolled brirr, worýk the iaSt row wýith a hook One çor toSize's smnaller ~a you use for the rest cf the- ha, eausing if lér a piercrust brin, incase olle sic in e-very eigbt te staXt. In the nxtrow,icr aee Ftitch-inii every other Fsti, thern. work evenly until the b)rii la the desird idth. For the cemimonly soid strawvý substitute (Belasbta) you use anything froma Noa i te an 0 bone hoolss. If you have a sri-ail amun f artothercour you cala nake the last row in contrast. The hat 'al ise cn be desdup ,vith cojrdaz around] thec. rown, or, for apcoch,.aritbben.1i Con tOf Ca pet etleYindM-oath s.. ln vesigaionsem to di cate thaIt (carpet eeiesmaY tbe ~iustmas anjuiou-,in cCanadia omsas clothes mts otn apply to bothsays entomologist C.GrhmMcaDprm t Al1trio.u gh va[rieus bmal are non? available to assîst the un ewfe ion hrfgt gi thee stý, it should flot eoer jloked thj1at go oskeig incloding the rg larise of a vactuumclanr n ug, phol -, flooing isan imnportanlt meai- suein thie protection o ol secticidies,seeaofwikhv bý,een developedin recent yas are very effective in the oro o -f fabri,, pests, providing protc- tion- for several months. A thor- ough sprayýing, at least once a year, uing a residualîisecti- cide such, as 5 per cent DDT. preferaly in a reflned kerosene base, inhighly recomrnended. Resiuat nseticies b %u - 1b applied as rather coarse Sprays or' by means of a paint bWus, thor- ouighly setting fsurfaces on, hich aduiýtmosarlieyt walls and shlving OF cothes clofset,>tfic-interUiors of dresser draw,,ers, cet, trnks and other places of storag,,c Breigareas weetelr vae o0cotesmollis andicarpet be-eties are( likcly to becl9cated shoud also be thoroughly and forcefuly sprayed in order to penetrate acmltosof tint, dust and ether 1materiaL. These aîreas ; includ craksand ceie in flooing and around base- board thrughou thebouse, particlarlyinclothe s coes a,ýLso cold air ducts in the eat ing systemwhý,ich souldflrst be vacume toremoveacu la tions Of dust and lfint. The under- surfaces of !rugs, cres n s-catter miIats should bc well sprayed. fested, shouflC be lightly sprayed, ors bc h rao with amo- proffing mtra.Soium fluosi- licate (iiolurd)disso!ived lin bot wtratiherate of,,two ounce pargallon and îple wchen cool to fabrics untiy 1%e are rthroughly, wet, procvides fetdblanIkets and othjer wool- lesmay be ihl srydo garments not in usesoudb drycl~,nd efbre toin i hey are tonimuch less attrActi to fabtiripstsý. The feits nin pianos souldbe tratd ith a 1residîualinsecti- ecide, preferably DDT as -il re- mnains efciefor a longperod Tfhc re-gular 5 percenit DDT jhousehold spray having a kero- sene base iïs suýitabIe. Enniulsions oýf wat-as sray)s esno, . 1nOV be àsda hyra as ut ing f pian-o stringsadote mectlparts, conflned with %woollens ia aight- ]y encosedpracticaly .n.rtit space that WAi retain thc ir va- "pours. They affrd practîcWlyno protection in the orinarj2y clothes closet qas they are flot re- pelnsas is commonlybeied andthýe average cohscoe will not retainthi vpor suriceiintlytopermit the1ui-d up of pa ocnrtoBx es, paper bundies, garmenctbags, mtrasare used for the pro- tection of wale hol e sealJed wthstrips of desv paper or other rmateriýal e Sure thie des'tru'ction of ayisc present. Mr, MaeNay cauions ha DDT is, poisonouis to hmn n pet's, as weli as to inseets. It shudnoit thereforcLEbpemt Léed to corne inicontact ith food ý0( materias, dshesan cokg utensUrIs f the inscticide l iSii ed onï the skin, 'u should be ah ed off with soap and water A Paris fortune teller who-,om mitdsuiicide lef t a note xlan inig he hiadn't thie heart te cope wi,1th ,the tai uueh a foreseenforhmef Fur Her-?-Pretty Evelyn dCson displays a pair cf nwbr 7h inchilla 1 alo )c e nouh t nvggle in ao couple c offee a1c c co f theýpriceless fur pie by Iuxury-oving ladies is peuth- Ad on hem shouder. The ccAnia wmere shown e rt a Cicil Breer'Asýsocialticrn ýconv- tion. O.K, e50'sAri--This imcty look like smtin orchild rib bring home froni kinde-rgarten, but you better havea cn Look, because ît Is Henri Mtises"Compos>ition On aç re Bockgrourd" A French girl adirýes thie work of the cd fam-ous pointer (it the Galùrie Bergrueiçn in Pori-, mcd g von Linb '~hell inaredients into ring. rnix~ cornstarch ajre fluffy

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