SIêd a ietoofrai la epng smher sort isinfontï and bbc Usnss tegrons zare vin thene butnot !ta bide he1i allo piclyof rooml.'Big tig Tharea arc only a fWf und inen tais ta bear la r dinthe handing i a ewn.Thefirst a( ielly pepr& or lwsnltus somne ceacore rass )icb wbil soon !ecomue raggcd. The second point is ta realize chat gras's is p a ad recds food and carE juthte smea l er or a vegetale. Gr'asses blrive ibest inco msimotant Ihat thegrund be prepared and the swed sawy~ as soon as possble in c spring, and iluane case befone th e raly hot wcathcr commn-ences. If .tbi i1 nat passible asc sheuld weît until cary faîl. it is m'-ucli easieýr tgt bcsoil wel woke, fneand level be-~ c wseeding Itba atewards.For ob)vious reasons thie seed should be sown-t on a daywent1here 1il na i) 4andi it is hast ta goove the plot lwice, braddastig ont wvay. then the dber. Becesb plants are. tender, at first espýc- ially sýo, il is advisable ta eut with avry Shlarp mower. Well rooted imanure, and~ chemiicel fer- Moizrs riclilun ébagen are rec-i -'~eue or sand al~o an occsioaiapplication afbou aJ è1 ed grass will erawd t most iwecds. The rest eau lie nanld w'Aith som-e of hlc 24-0lceia pas Tu Save" Mme Ore of thc quickest ways ta prodce~floersand vegetabies is ta use saredplants. These1 cngo otiealmost as soon asi s saf tasow seeds. if, handled carcfully oanc can haver f1owýers ard new vegtblsai in ibis way. Another trick is ta sa ocseeý1 0of cd' packet ai ekortwea before tic ýnormiai time and then proltect Mcyaung seedilugs ith papen caps, panes of gas a pturuced fowr otsý uniltheweatherreiytun -varm. Same ýpeuple s'utrbabl la berry bxindoorsz, thn plan box ndalil outside wibo t ds. Spread Tîxeun t Iis asake falntailtlt vegetebe sorcd in anc alternoon. Fanrmre saisfaction swill resulb ar and rnu týci, langerù tot1l'al1 rewds as wNeillas fue ý ia>t,7w"i)e i c peckcî is rougbly edidcd io PUZZLE s' ACII-055 5. Low toice s'-s.r~ ~ (,'eddeae af atiriOîtiixe 12. Pe, eut iii. 14 Pncep1rated j i-S. Moont ~~~, lite Priere y tiaiçiiiî fenil' 13. Ciii' ni iiew Baiopsiiît e inn-un, 21. ilpinnixig ici' 31, Mag'niiieence lit P ne 22. MaC -Sa Atia 34. Pebîje 3s. 56. Mekiinirned,, ean-ia-1,iv( 11. TOoli a 41. Sfl~twarm 45 Coanuioeîy ciaiiad 44 Orgae~ ci ~'et n t 49 i'altofe. 50 ~ieu~ 52 59 i~e c-h uer 5~. 'tii-lai 641 ils-lu enii~îur5 - £? Ses birde nawNý. 1 Ic- wimh mendfetfi lbis love toward usISin thiat, wsiewe wreet snes Christ died for , Romanls 8 slaves and Ilhewrtc:nies TJo Ibi iamne aur Lard and Sevior wssbjc.Ticexeu leeu ours Jesuis Chris,-t n ece lue foil1e sbawed norse- mYenlt aenshis mc Hr.1e prayed lin býýis ne-mies, utade provisionti fan ils (mot be'rb)or-e arsius alonie uand fnly, aI bis owu Irce wi(lgave up bi saii ta tic Fatlien. Tr'uly ,his rans nerwas mare ccnyseen,.- Tic1 cossws '.,an a er. IS Chirist did ntio" cse bis fle, he gavei. Ticcros ws apu,i.w are, cern aI Jesuis far men. Thirews nathiug lie woild frot iv Thesçîrzs is a w'indow m tich i f cet God. Aft ic cisic Sin aend bbc pain enýd telc cd Jof bcWoodnldmunted ipan« cîmaGod nato-lileollu ic crossas ethouc.Evenà fram tic rude anid bte rn lie mules.Bore fie îed aonc af, lth ae ctn sed hlm as KiuandSviucyn as hi-, Spirit !ookbts- ligit, "cnrme lie Lordpas intofueuns,-pi1He took xwiihbim aiiulclie ti is I an innumeiýrelilecom- Tecross is ýan ending, aà.n cluson anc I ibbcgieal uI flng oments eafiilme,.'!1 haveu giniie feeon bbc erf,"jesuis raid on tic ev" af ils psion. Tic anc tig !1db for ihîm ta d) o on S featensagaîn wtti tiionga 10. T~ s inelde 11. Profonnd 16. Reli? 20. Prie loge fl, Bo~ 24. Daot9li menai' 21. Idie taHt 26 Mimie 27. Roeniy 10. Light Tepaat Si Snpe,-taih'e eflding il Silunder Si Eibiica.i criesi 36. Orese 39 Heiped 40. S~iniot 41. Foreirili' 42. ft,-aay cri-d 4S. Siightuig reînark 46 tinifone 47. Ceitecil expinaix e 49 Fewei fui .~t. Caipentere moi ,stIleprs.Tertstadml- early Sideans ifulWey orne thruuý ghithaut set'îo*us ifre2t-w haie ame extra wary vecefabhts, The-secnd or manoswîng gou in,' ýet the >euler -timgtenfo the maeI laglsowng W nie evn roitsbhi etin it ispsil t ongt npat Thlatsplyntat ils, t ui furîhr exprts aop)'e'ralis, eal auring sot,a Pdur- onean a at ac.Usian par thins asgardn pe n eu co,i as the frmer muf g nfî \B R rc - W wards was tLa nUe upon lie cross. Havig thus fdlfld bis purpSe, be nied Lu iumphjiàh bis las, ic ctoýss is 1 gr)ebgnhg Il is Ce startUng point A thli I wold'smost orta nctivities, IL is bbtfeniedlolth 1sacrices wlïic have gone loulh ta bea L1 bumenify. Itis thbirte place aIotbbceon1y bopes whîCh-ï chieer huen f e t(aay. Iis bbc aPenin-g aM tic doors of [bbc l-rcat- est expeiuce.ts psibeto n npi-~ kHm 2 FPNrd" pea'Zr from tbieCadin ce. Plouhshres îillibc. tiug into lbe\mos slI, îany kilids seeds xWiiibemplintcd, alwaysit cd, e eedmuostsrmutum- ous absaCes and iglit off iotds of enemies. Lel s take a yweat seed for exemple Ifs fight for survivalbegan lstfeu aIt ex il xvsrcapcd and sforEd. Retsv and muce could av atenlbup m1ay bv edrd bîesfr reproduction, Once plenlcd, ilis open "ta bbc as îrwrm.Roattais audi yoUng plan!t rmmuin.Bd or animal pealr 1oiIse i turan a tendi nc. rsbp p--ers or Cptwýo(nms mey dstroyif. Weedis wblty tac)keif on uI. It hasexcelent cances aI licýing fifmansas la mcr anrywbere near muîatiysdvenst wcaher mey prww~nt il fComnsipening. Aud if is harvestc d hsfarç, tllr- figit tan rviv a tets aven main, sced bas muci mare lhen a 50- 50 cac 0f beening fuf-oe bhn fdidnl't bave vers ga. Tic iemial ndusny as pleyed some ortîut fils ipaeet PJowcvrful ugcds aebe dcLVeed ta desbn o sliand sýeed bornedieaes Ccmai anc availabie tîcr, ratcal cveryînsec afbcking mn plants. See vve wèed illr contrai wecds wit"aUIiaing liecîop Nwpoisons !bave ýbecu dfevelop- cd r Io ucissc odkcî.t contrai. In~~~ý addtio, Cet fl %saage ',1 ee fring ta -contrai bbci weaicrby eedugctuds wifi froen anfandiaidetaproduce The Coforado Potetof.eei- ada apýd Is Callen s aunan t aèr-, lare prt rof n patta ocnop cen be destroyedtmbsspnccedby J, A. OazyoltcC i gr wee Cis ound lu 1924 ýAon lieý Mbififin lufieIUS,*Coloredec When selrsmoe wstad and ýbrouigh- the potat.-o atwt wed 9rte potato, iihey pro- Injur ho tecpdto is causedj by Ieeçiaivae fe g-,ift, on1 ýthec iCaesof'heplaialt. b\s the la-ci vae atuse, cflage s increasd L' the olant lses auid tsfoi- l',vs u auelt i ae 1ar yllw iý oln i'th 0 lagek Beeties enrrge rm tSA soil in tce spnig and sean afic the Po- tato plantsce p dcepasitt duls- tersof saliOra fè-yi9v egs an theundersde ofes egg usaly fedin giroupýs. Theïýy are rdbrckin clr up biack! spots oýn eackC- of th?- by. VWhen fiy rwthe *larac brurca, in the soil andi forn aýval uý elsfo hc adiapoison as Dthe fn thegan- hec.In mseasfavorabe tw a vaIr lnsticies my1)e in the fom o;f atable pw(Jer o emulsý_'ion or praing0f1 s duat. Thy rnay lie ;FpIied at- onie cor lu combination ,-th a fn in14,it îlias proven to be !the mostusf1necciefrpt istsas mWel cuve fte nmarkd incres in the-eof nitrgen as a top zwd ide dressig on many cropsý New Nippon- Look - Japanest, fashions h.ave chanqed since V%,. J daýy. At leW'k modfiedad- apifaîiorS oof the trajdiional os tumoe, Bath are made of fre bai-a shOui,,der and 5110C -skifoni ihê ne-styledressT-e ab k ~crisanThe lc kTko vegetan poor-ke mon ne aJeCq ýuacy-,cf th '0 'Tnile -Ten)ý fertlit coditonsis 300 paunds pcr ucre. refue bcg p~wcd nderas or- cellentlresults FArty yap egarif boa135 mn bours t pJOraduc a n r Icorth vieldng 21 buhe3Tl,7ugb M-u pnav110cuia eidcn h cnrIchmcels, il adiencelas17 TodepHedured10 bsn idos Icn iorsflbon.To produ epe t 01me00mount lunrcent an nd 45ua maourtis twcr ýe r id But--s ayoutc dmýid ta ut mý-n ie usa eecwcr 100.n Reod eal Spinyee Jet lane wpedoaI0,000 ilecs anr ban-ifl en liea lest as trïic ce nles - iuloarep aibl witn rtble frsel uturn tyb re, Pros f. Fledi o ly rK. Taicimanu, aid ahCooer ninauiec ls wveek, 1ea sed hs rdition roties execetaIbej ae engines aIf 5000 pon brst an equllta125tims JIhe-noes woiil ldevcj-fLOIc.Scd f2, 000l mils An 0urd1 adauo second, Sa c mayexpc the s-ueo Q. acres with uruai tise parents o f ýhe brIidle an [ bdegrooniarrive? A. Oor tw mnuec Q. Wlsen a'Idiîne ges i not sure whrspeee ilver to'Y use, What s!heuld heo? A~ Wtcb bc ostes and ob- sev ibpece it ses- Q.When a-girl isatt'ndinýg ülhureh ithaeyng maoý.oisli bis chutrebl, sboudld sheae be-r own la taken? .A.Mort CSMetany.laillure t doI Ibliswds howici aiour- tesyend aodmenprsen her part. Q.- Wheu a double - dwehker sandwich seins toe big and un- wily te hele wý%idthse fnea isn't iL ail -iglt t a lwitb a klif e and fork A. o;Ibstype oýf snwc mnusýt le pic--ked up. ly an thse "oüpen-f'aceý"sadihoyuue a 'jý mmil adf ork. O, When a mûomîan is nvs a uewhnc I How Not TCo Win reh A thmrd officiai pnotcsf ironsCanadaa than woyer ilhimeepesig",ý; výexïing trae cresfnictious, ui t t gressmnenoaI ti.c dangers af passing ýaws gropswiiof onsiderjing -th-c.passible ef Source of Canada~s irritation is a7 Prjesidieuf Trum-au-,ýýstsrong protest, to tie, 1951, iil ex-pir-es Ibis June. Setin( dairy rImpon-ts tircaten ' dox nestiý produci or pnice support progmams.," bbc Secretar pose uponthee fipants quotas ta proteci Wietier fiere i,,,,a egihmafe ,need f dairy iud(ustry is not lie ,whoie aqustion wvay in >iici ti goverum u igit su] -A retlfcd que>stion m wviLtc ic ýbe fronithIis farfu p0! Iaid io-tweig thedaa reservair af gond wJI. Canadas reaçîlax not. Andi il is wri cmcmbening that suýpportto Il i NatiAlui omn A d-lee~gCana)dien business ami- protection tram friuceompel'tioo, mci la deiry quotas b-as rcLachcd protections t. enlire machiner-v tCaaiaomefa tinue ta nets tiat ùa tfie iun faa fils vyear. Oïl Y C assun resent 1wn ta N4et f -i.,, Answer Illeewherê êss This Pag. Lh in ue.fAbaa icor-ogttn roetIcveiga sa-fegiuard' for Que:en El izcabth's o-noin The Royal pr.oces- sion wi poýass hrough Parýïament Squarebefra he statue. Siands have been erecied in the sqyare.ý