mnhia, Purpie, R~as e 4r1,O1ono. Romi and Sciool1 a ,/Crok'nole and ýechool on Frîday,! P.111. Pnizes and he grand- the tradi- :e Duke of in Canada , when îVo- the Britishl elove she mae a, dI;ed aner E LE CTR IC RANGE et~ily automnatic~ ze .Eveýn-Hoat" -Lai-geiWarming -tLility . Drawer Speed Ekannents. A mleeting et ">,te ratepîayers of School Sectiol No. 1î9willeheld iu the Enterprist .SchoolH eThurs-ý day, Mai-ch 2 h atMW .m. b-c, Resorve Wedniesda ., April Sth fori the Easter Wea ta P held in St. Sa- viours Par ih Ha1, Goo F pril 3rd e Sac- r iam.Yent of th Lord's or will be observed at !li Unit hurch. Ser-i vice Vo com oeiiea o'clock. Easter Sun April 5thi,-egiiar service in the ilorninig at i i thel ,eoing at 7.30 )y the. r,-ono) and Kirby Choirs lui der .M and Mrs. Workmniri,"Ali, Este Meditation" , ti-ont the Creatio -eading up t ?-thle Resurrection. 1 There wlll be miiieetingo all Cub mothers ini the asement of the Un-1 itedl Church, Or noi, Mýon ayà, March 130, 8:00 pa.m. Ai monith gs are urged to attenld this im DiLAt meeting. acl ENGAGEMENT Mr. amd Mrs. Fred O. )W d 1of Bowmnvil~'anno nce theobigage- metof thieir, dau-liter Jo Ma -Wrie to RoýbertGeorge 01, olof AMr. ild Mrs. Ceci B Kos >f onlo. Tho ma-nge :1 oplce 0on Satl- urda, Aitl 1t, i1 CARID 0F TIANKS 1 woýuld Ykoto ex ress sii-ere thnatoi the feth bk'l L'ogeý, LsadW.A., 5a my îed "nd neih1orsforcads, gîf s plhono clîs dkid qnesurg Mr.Lillian l ry c dear moherwho»tseLt amvay Mardi 'WiD M10 ovedou 1sad miss y ou, As 1V awn -noher ear' ln oui- lonelyv ho ofhinkinig Thougts of ,u everner Lori)i ,il 1o eed by Velmna, eaky, e , Vie. and Victor yr. SWeekIy- Letter Oronlo, Onit., Ma-rd 5.l Dean Donald; It ejoes't 1ook lîke flyiag \weather today. Thie Skies ai-e and the fields are sc*ft. 1I magine tis ol hol' a goold daly to catch ,ýup on-1yOUr' Ouitp to Motrýea1l waýsto delirer a3ton ruIck for hinstallaition of anl ai dlier Itnk, pmin n et- eîiugequipentcorVi ePeyo unce and st o o. Thetank ad! ail~~~7 eqipen i Ve verIy latestm- enlableC-us t o give quiick and acnt deieyto t1he titade we liope Vo on-J ioy lu Onono aind vicinity. Thle Autýo Pintomneter on tis aq utfUt is -a de- vice ltat lia-, ta be in)spected awd pas- sed 'by v 'tinpepctian, just ike a scale. 1V punipa out the irequired nuni- ber of gall1on-s and prints a customiers- VItshowlinig number of gallons dê1ivei-ed. No fiddling anound wifrh a long stick or guessinig. Or n te way'\7down iwo çVtopped off aven Sundaiýy with tho C15ai-kes aV Prescot. Thiey ai-e alil well and buy Not m ii eidoing h i hlimer busi- ness but good prospectsý. One otttfi inquiring mýfor 60000 1bags cement for, fondions of 600 housýes Vo be buitl in tetw tusyer.Spakngof reietwohaýd a car l Vils w,ý ý,eek, cd dlivrodthe, whole works ita -,,o-hwlo la d a-drs i-n, We gýeV anothber car lu fate ArilorM"yv Last wek Archiie 11,( Bruice un- loaided a car of 2x4's froni 'T'1mmins. Ail mligIh nice stuff,esdegs nu a ood variety o, lengi, w s as We1 ordered. Ta-dayvs Vie boys arel jî airgacarl of pille fi-an NSoi1 Bar 11I1log suff aud wYde 7/8q"! thick real aid vu-g7in pine, in a Sheti- in£, ,rade thait sls e Pr ai-e qt CNR caled PD p yeterA(arV o s 'eho ' 1a ctr of Western lumber outl there for us. IV is Vie first or three ýry Plants h-P1 b-pFO1# SA-LE _____________ Baled Hay anjl Straw. Milton >R AL blyn, Orono. PHIone 65-r-19, Rentre, Burners. iWatson, Wator S tns We in sail. H. Paritue r, T Àýone. Phone Bo mainviIe Oue Baby Ca ia, L1ydDelux-e Model, Silveif Groy, igodd condition.ý Phiono Mrs. Gordon son, 61-r-2. FO1 SA-IEX Banner Seed 0 ts. Aý Koen Hilîs Phono 5r-3. a-c Stew's Spe l1aIs1 '49 FORD 75 passongor Culpe cus- tom dio 1 liglit grey oowniei low iloage. $4100.00 dow or trade. '5Oý%ERCURY '/ i t Pick-up) dlean t onomical truck Ist class conditZ nS275.00 dowu o/ trade ALSO '49 Che.Cac,É9b six Pontiacý Sedan, '50 od ertible, ;5)1 Dodge, '51 Cherî. Sedpn, '49 Ford Fordor Lnd many mo COM IlTO NEWVC STLE AND TRAVE ON YOïl TERMS MERC Y .LINC N -METEO1R jam y's î tor Sales x( "ST W" STEWART ~ Newastle2871 $1AEveiüg easy feetrial Ksal ainazing Patent d Au±tomat)éRefriger- ator D frýoste1rs ca- pay you t-hat. âRnibieds d liot pros- eet RUiisS461 Rush inme, pa os. for raleed, profit ofler. DF OMtc C. Dept. 4Ne- arket, Ont. d-e Auctlon Sales The udrigebas neýeiv'edi- structions fr-oni Mn J. C. Buidett, lot 4, concession 3, Darlington Twp., one mile north and ti haîf east p Vhi Bowmianrillo Training Sehool iLo sell by public auction on Friday, Mari 27th at 1:00 p.m., vahuiable livestock, feed, machhinery, furniture etc. Thi-ee hose,21 head of cattie, beýavor oa.ts and a quantity of good maichinery, aiso furniture. Termns cash nio lreserre1 Jack- Reid, Auctioneer. The undersigned lias recýeived in- stru-ctonis from Mi,. Adami Keane, lot 28, concession 63, Car To-wnship to SeOI by public auction on11S-aturdCay, Mai-ch 281h vafluablemainree poultry eq1p1ntan a lar1go un tity of furnitur1e. Faýrin sold. Te ins cas,,h, no rsrv.Jack eidAuction- eer. "o l v ulc uto at blerfarm1 Lt1,Con:5 Clairke Townis1hip, L/ mile west of Wats:or's Gaag ,Oono att 1.00 p.m1. shapmonSaturday, Apniil -4, raluable lvstcimpie- ientsý, feed nd fuýruitu e. Termns cash nro resenve. Jack Reid Auction- SI have received îinstr-uctions fronil Arthur Wailerta selI by Public ucinat h»is f-rnm Lot 31, Cou. 4, Il(/- Township), Cn nothi No. 21 Hijghway, op)posite, Zion, Church atj 10.00 am. sharp on T,?esdlay, April 7.1 fan11 s;tock, im1ffp1eeust Iools andi fu-rnituie. Tlis bein- a large salit w.ill comminence at 10 ni sh ,arp. Fuir- n)iturean tools sal]d in the monnýing-. Machiuýery at 1 Lunc1h served, du1ningý sale. Ternis sh11o rperve. Jac(k' Reid Auctionee-r. wve hav-e comiing front BJ'ritl Co- 1 have a buinch of Wall board to deliver yýet ottan the tenth liin o s must break this off and get goingi or wîll be late for- suppor. Wîll wvrite1 niext wo-ek and tolyout about the! trip Mai and 1. took ta tie Lumiberl convention. Good flyiug and happy >Jadiuigs, !your old mian, Se. MeLaren. Taml- i F )R L A limited ua ount of Timothy Sedl foi- sale. Phon, Oronio 15-r-11. fi-p DEAD FARM STOCK, PICEDU promnptly, Phoitecollect Bowmanville 2679. Also we fuy live lhomes, Marg- will Fur Farm, on' / f DEADSTOCK move arnyour Telephone Collect: Coh urg 1.266 or Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. ~Leroy Hamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lu ail its branches Fire, Burglary, Hospitalization Automobile, Lif e, Accident and Sickniess, Plate Glass, Liability, ,ivestockir, Wind, Polio. '"Real Estale $6,800. Orono Residence, 'Main Street. Chioice lctoeight romcentIre hall, ),altr-Y and uliyroomn, 1urnac-ýdvie celar, ail new1yy decorated and in potesscondition. Ternus. -MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 have avalable funds fOr 1 firstt mortgages on improved property in Clarke Towntship current interest rates. LEROJY 1HAMIL1TON FAMund HOUSE APPLIANCE SALES Prompt anid Guaranteed RepairE to ali mnakes of Electflcal Equipmueli aud Appliances Such as Mot"ors, Water Heatre Oroo Tnshop ýS"heot Metealý and Warm Air H eatin g R. E. LOGAN pliui. 8-li* r (>45.. foAI ad us: lur 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 t. 8.00 p.n.ý Sindays and W.*ne.days by appointment .iily PHONE 47,1 - OO~ E. C. SYER, M. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street SQuth Offi~e Heurs: 2.00 tu 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pý Sundays and Holiday@ hy Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING PINK PHONE 94 r 16, ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, BA Barrister and Solicitor HOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonie. Office 688 nome 553 JACK REID Orono's licensed Aùctioneer and Valuatoi- Speciaflize fin Farm and Furliure Sales Consait me for terms and dates TED JACKSOCN Auctioneer and Valuator Condurts Auction sales of al a and at reasoiiahle rate. Comnunicate with hlm at Pot'1 Perry,, (Ontarlo, or se. hi.9 Clerk, h, E. Morton, at Orono, for dite. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational loi-ie1«,, Protectien aui Savinga Plane fW Children a.i Aduits; Mortgage IL--~ F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r MS The RTJTTER GRANITK COMPANY Dia! 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port fHope, Ontario' Monuments, Gravemarker%, jSTAFFORD BROS È Monýmelital ok PhoeWhVlitby52 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUTALITYý ILot us erect a hapidom(e, g jing place of yo-ur ovd.. [I's noV expenlsive. -And J j q youtealls comfor-. Mionuinen,,"s P. E DELNTYand SON 106 KING ST. WEST p IlC)N E COBOURG, ONT. 7 3 4 m1 This fi-eected the Orono Mem- orial Gales, One of the hîighost forais of Can.- adianl sentiment is our traditionaî custom o01 ere-cting a Mn oen fe grax, *4e or miaible Vo our loyed onu vho lefit this lie. and Rot Water CALL 115 FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCET Phone 84 r 12 ORONO ONT. .rie cook- )ace only ,-Prompt SerUvit rono 93ir1 DOING - LUNCHI R-ail ,4 t