-. .~A. fl - - - a The amen and women whe serve [n Canada's Defence Forces -serve the cause of eut 'freedom. Thiey are ready and trained te' defend the Canadian way cf ile. Tis t the nlost important job in Canada, today. I ____ DELICTIORTSLUCENEM Tin ....... . 29c FROZEN SILVERýBRZIGTIT SALMON STEAIKS L . .......55e GLEN VALLEY CIIOICE CORIN 2 - 15 oz. tins .... 23e-ý RLACK TEX Lb........ 45c FANCY RED COHOE SALMNION SpecialLbti 25ec ilm e'Style S4usage,sml nipu d 3e Loan and sliced ]Bteàkfast£Cù,Z12lpg4c Copked -- just laic, ndè,serve p; Xe I, Iin piece, t lb.27c(.N Place an order foi' an E HseRmo hee to-dlay. Yon'll be mure than saisid ithe quallty and low prices. ritê~.. Ceacta -a u~ys~ j' i Ai s E Rc.; ý e ti M WilI. (r 1 ý1IS.L,.J 1LýIll la Mr. and _Mrs. Normian Winter and famnily of Oshawa vsteIwith MAr. and Mrs. S. E. AlUin on Sundiay. sn S. R. Galdwell, Pot Hope visiied at Mit Wmi. Staintôn's and other friende. on Sunday,. Miss; Carol-n :Jonles basý aeeepted a oosition in the Orono Branch of the Canadiani Bank of Commnerce. Mr. sud Mrs. I&Til Wood and famlily 'of Lakefid and Mlis. Mary Phasey and DVanne of Oshaa were Sunday visitors with Mlr. aind Mris. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Riekaby and Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bih- ings snept Satuýrday in Toronto). They visýited the new sehool for deMf and rld chidien. where Jim 15 a teachler and attended the Sports-ý maý n Show at nig'ht. MIrs. George Wilson is cleriing in thie Oroino 5e tô $1,00 store. Mlr. nd Mrs.AexWtsn<Otr ±aiýned friends tIo a d*nier party o Fridayl- evenling,lat Nlrs. Jamnes E Richards tene the funijeral of th( e ate rs. Frnfli HToare lun St. Cathiarinies. Saturday. Ar. and Mrs. Cseave Clemeûcç of Osaa suenit uýindaVr with bis -brothier and Mlrs. C. L. Pow'ers. The Or-ono Wolf Cub Pack1, held their rglr~etn .tebsmn of the ýUni ted Cu"h.The, mei(ting stared withlle _'grand h-owlimei ateIv followev inpetonan h ghrigof thce fees. 13Ao th ]Mle th-e pack in a gamle w hicheCvery'one enjioyedl. Birbeeýra took thýe sepondu star Cubs and go0t te treo firý,tst id. Akeland tBaý)ion]tookthe, fi1st star Cubs anýud"bthe uewehm and lassea' theumion th&r knots, w and the Cub promise. Te'eUn n tho,(n came t-o sa close -Pihthegrn howl and the Cuh prayer. Lasýt wee aste f idv<t,1 soni of 'ToiroMAtkinson %waýs a~~~ fenlorai ,tents M, Atir'n- 'on~~~~~ gaetecb ed î e v ood idesand we ail look fowadto ;i Smnelt fsigaog te cek e tinginto Lakýe Ontalo bas now 7--l) in oertin or the lastwek Fseenarermi e dthat ifthJ dme ad 0"0 ctfm b6'>fot scuar chat a $1,00liée-e AisSo ireas for a 30 fom ot noflnet. NO licec is reqiuired if'shngfor-smeltb- Iveen sun rise to za seto, if using at dip net undr tree foot squiare, E1VEINING IXLÂR ETN (Contined on page 5) and many otbes whieh Mey pronun- ciation. There arie ten in alil ne of whichl are self-governig yet, but which the Trusteeship systemi hopes to develop sýo that thýey may ysoine-dary ]lave -self-goverlnmentÊ.Visiting mi's-ý sions are senýit out by the U.N. to see' for- theslc'ves the, ocnitionls Iin the teritories. TheInternaionl Court of Justic consýists of 15 jde eetdbyithe, ,Secunrity, Couneil nnid theGera Assembly. It consie rHalecses rue r-pfered to it, and give-is adr:ice vwhen e lleipon. The Secretariat sesto theami- strativ ml1atters of the .N.;it cr rie out the progrmmes snd poli- rie lai .don, nd itsstaffhalls'ý fromdiffrentnations. They- do notl rep7eseu thel contresbuit a ser vicudr the Sn atary -eeal retîy encal s apoitedbv e by the SecurityCo'înci, whO arenow Aotghe "cm shetao h Pestire du te;te rcamto ofteDeclaraf on of Una ihs fol- eoi~ rmssmreso las roeiue;w: d le suuply c sn4ad ltani'd "Plsn >c~o AR' STRON is exemlplified Vlour store m you fahinabe pring asmme m ay chuknfrina hoat of s escoors ar briecs and wthevery art'ý le of merch:fan4i CLASSIC FATURE. irseSuits, te i ew and years of l eaýsiï [ON WISEI UDUET WISE~ AT ARMST NG'S ) Pasry For VAkýgs......... 1 LARGE dlisplay. Cornish arketerjia Q 21 Games and g Special bames NEWCASTLE ýphàae IL -XI i ýalïdhm"