ta loak '0la tak uns- my dng wives dant 1, thougb a utile ruin us. Ail we trcated like a if my busband ~ction and atten- the farnily dog, ~ful I a duty, toa, ta in au tesy and a -t at their sans mitation vbol a es. My f ather-in- ife as mucb for .ssband takas me: more pallie ta a a ou ruleuma- there's on. la - - - it'a eblet Joîe7 whaen h it] ' etdool yuns ynin" yti-er-odSon, aand we taeice pap, i nnd Ces she love i,!H a ber mannarsMon ail imsyung fe nds, but they dare natl igh is simring t0 take pare of hi own troam; Ive e 'an got hlmni 1e tdin cook!in,g, Thegilta -et 1hirn wlneyer have ta g thmugh wbat 1 have 1 *~~~~3 ibuhl thome? yVoui bus- * gows riean ha prais her *santly day after day, year afîat * yarwdbno pay and nat ee -a word )of appreCiati1,on! Why- oAws SA Carry an? She is stuk Asyou sac, maibers ca * hnail Ilti, i bywle-oo Inh31EN REA.DEEIS: How Lon sic~youbld your wifa ywI tan- joy~ tse lnnr-aidput your atms, around Iber when, you saisi so? WVives aire sefIOwerý,, at- hUsbsh;W li the artut 01res haph V4 Wit e r aï Bxi, ~12 Elhlent'St., fNew )ToroOntoe, - s-', aeps up. we're n rani houai ng en-i !" B!Oner oe 2 OeY h!rz-, es n engraveýr in Egadwhs aeis cýs red a-S he Qfe' Gad'unies. ln egcvn h fiilcorOnat- lion mdlio iîue boveý, he 901 the"rrw n"Eiza-, beth" cka4d. heboer wý,as nat ciscoývered unitil proofs hoýd bceen tmde and disiribuied tbath nin &eaBr';lacin and heU.S, Th' entieot had Ia be re-mlinte!. 7There's tno word 'Dl ha hctPPjane-d b the engraver. 5--- ) Cinrs men1tioni psin beotsad pa ann mine bne and cow sf wocridl-shkn avent. ToScAi. cac, i ibe f art ibatoie aurgdanaration - amon as rieni fram tha ranks nd bacami sf balance, ful n aI bi own tire"e11 subject, Turning ii1 a rinarl,î daiy pessaI ebld ein hrt wnsintheprces a b angbail- aggnd pidedandframens a Thal vsanengi a eriy Thatwasdurng r lostier bockporc is herUI-aso fead wih thedg'spprn sa ta Jc tamonIb lr-.i t aibr. sdIstrigbtened paan me, ou-u a u.Istii bad eougbStrangtb ta sit dw onacarand laugb andlaugb even thougb 1J was quite alone. Il struck 2me ýas belng taoricl- ous-to ha bit on Ia taaD b-j dcaod hnAn(-titan ixîl l Ibm lma abig oneaby f tnaly jraaa(hed iba [.sÎ2( iza a nul, ai11lbougb-'liea skin wsnol rest 0 h vnp-n li stili sa ', Jta oucb venafir est." j hlad'I iaug7)f il unlîl Ibsminluta butmabe tba' buimp con ihe ha frdm grey malter, Anyvway I was ry ing ta0str0Ie Cr ax mro ing, but il faiiad !a obie-sa I-r îaf1i. Aler dne Iwn ouItatry il ga .This 1lime it wamhplss. .Ihad lIt theý dead as Ie anthl rane me.TilnexîStapwa aen for a man la comae up for the beattery - fal- t)s low charge - mIzc~aaseron tihee yTIiSý waïv ý 1Aw alrihý -ontndbt ,vae witing 1or hagd ba norlbe -nd he looiî -r oefrn fo ahie.Tbe w' îk be-fore be-, .atMa-thesonj il wa-,s fifty b0elow Ths asben amcýwbai ai). record wi tup nartb for snawx andcoit-ad arecrdmild wn taýr for us. One da,1wbl"iew warin nusieBob had an ornefi-ceezesolid h th bck pocet Ihis pats. ie alsq en tindone bose, noccupied1, on top ai lb-arof.As fordi- ing, he hadn' drivan bis car tan mlsin the Iwo nmontil( he was up jthere. He mde p for il on ù1be way home-. lie te t Matheson aI 41 p.n). Fia n ri bo1me ý3.30 ùa.mý. satuLrda -anbau11t 500 mleWben h camgta bare aind mornin-g but okigai bis aIdconstruiction 'job down ai Oakviil during the day. rsai dnice ta have Ibo daysý getting lne-culy there semnta be mare homesin a day whnwe gel moresunigh . And Ihae cn'tbe 00many hours as far s I m cnéered.On tHIe wahl f mydenrI hva , ýdacarat- tion ta m-e 1but a worri1jy ta Part- ne.ILfeurî an hou1r-glns-s, aind the inacriplii rends thus, tensunjrise .and susel lw golen os,2ac 4se wiurs dairnond minutes. Nolreward 1,is offee ftor thy aes ga fr fosSnepoleAn edn creibl and an ad Iar el ndy Helps or T I, ang tacis rtd~rmre pcria nd , d beîg sen is yau n exra inut tasprue(î d ùma- rh o, tasieadsi- feet an' urtnit tensscarf. Hag insidehm losi dr-te lows irfrl- olhirtesit ubild aue o e the tailest 10 on atamlic avCen or andrcbing onges. sFltten a Z- wlipll + dawad'l athst' secuiral. Bnd a cook in the inthr n, or an ing near yourel eLiven he bdk bunesasl car oI- TI.ey'rc, "topping" madce with -new fastDry Yeast he a rtew taê thrl forf yo-jutty CR0W" NBRAND CORN SYRUP oryotir cereal M--m-t Goo4.dg (y ,ý - - --t- -1