imprjov'ing. mi if- praîsed th'e sMm. and MrIs. A. Ro0bbinsý, AMrS. J, y~ ~ ~~H HmloD'eM.HDave, r. S. Balad a eto Ml,. and Mas.' E. NichAolon were ion -Ware. A 5entýd to ,tuppor-t the Or-ono team ajt eb", baýth BwavleSatudaLy. cnl Ms.- - M.- 6rnt ickard' Top Wioner .LwerSho Aeî,M. À At Central Snriog So Oei g ne *ind ist. We wih er oksPt-rndj 17 - 28 At the Cenitral Ontario SpIfingý SIIoNw heid last week at Peter-boro, Garniet Rickard, BwavleR.E. 4 1was the promIinient exhiibitor wî%-thi oxer 50 points.. Jas. T. Brown and, Sonýis, Nlewcastle R.R. 2 we-(re in 2ndf plaice; -M/r. Johii n iCruiksha-nk, lamp- ton has thle ChampIIiollship lot of. OntIs, Mi. ITs. T. Bonthe Bily Mr vnNorton, O)ntarlio Coýutty the, P'otat'o and M. Roscoev nerte Th sadigof thefrtre or o'~rexhbitr'siiieach claIss is listed Csa1. ~ryOats -1. John Swain Nesteton;4.iRo 1McHlet Por Hoe. las 2.Late, Oats 1. RP. L. V&lc , Uxbidge; ,:2. Carniet Rickard, Beavrton 4. as.T. Browl. CGlass 3. Wînter. Whea, 2. HaroldSanNs son, Enlte -1rise; C'ass 57,Soy ensv Meaed WisonEllterprise;2,ar 'let Rikad wmn 0lf; 'Wse Onts1. oy cIllmPort Hope; 2. C'r] rdev ApoC "Ss 2 eg. manill: 3G!ret Rielkard Bow- mm'vill; 4. Js. T. Bro, Newcas lle Ci P~ 3~eg. BaIrley 1. GatnIet R~c"ad. B~vmavill; 2.Jas.T., W~nte Whea i. arnetRckrd, DbaiCounty -also hield tlie Con 1,v SedFaîr in iconjunction with the' litdbelow are the w tner 1*nVari- oncasses: Gasd.Fi Wet1. B'Eij rownvI, Nwate .Harold SwiNestietonl; 3.arniet ika o 'd)1. Garnet Rcad omn ile2.Ealle BrownI, N.'ate 3lss3 Early Oatts 1. Garnýjet ckr Bowmnvile;2. Roy comP Hoe .larold S waîn 1, Nestltn Glas . TLate Gats 1 Garnet Rickai-d, Bowanvlle 2..1.Earle Brownl, '\'ecasle; . Hrold Swalin, Nestle-1 1Ri(*"cld. Glass 110 Reg. Eariy Oats, 1GantRiekard, Bowmianvilfr; 2 Roy cHoinm. Port Hope; 9'. Carl BradeyHamuon;4. J. Eavle Brown, Necsl;5. J. W. Boyd, Orono'; 7.colin sth'1, Bomnile ls 111 Late Oats 1 and 2 Garnet Rie-1 "ard Bowanvile;3. EarlIe Brown, N',ew'CaIstle; 5. J. W. Boyd, OronIo'. Gas12 Reg. arley 1. J. Ele0 j Toni Home Pe I Prom Refifl~, Shadow ~T ~ I T onett'~ <Jo'- i Spin Cu~ioe '2 f ýt lRefulis, Each Fach Each Each $T. 75 $1.75 hs and Colds lyr DlsBonchiial Co gh Syrup ..... 50c Bueldly's Cog it............ 50e - 85e Rexý,illana........................... 659ý Ty-iEll- ater c asdles. /6e Corne in and, see our suppsï of Easter ilggs and Buninies. Eggs rrigin in priée frioni 5c to...1 Chcoat Bnnes 40e t\O ..$1.60 Tyrrell' s D ruHg tor Gavano, ontypool JUNIOR ECIO f0;3. erad Bown Necatstle. Glass Sin i Bis 6:40 .ad 9:00 Saturdays 200-6:00 - 9,:00o Fri. & Sat. M1ar. 27-2,S With PLier Lawýf0rd anid Jaikice Rill-e ATTLE TOWýN', wtth Deanis Morgan and Mo9 & Tues Lr3-1 7E BAD id the SEAUÙTIFUL"ý Wi th îkDu ,Lana l Tutr , Water Pidgeoin anilDzcl pfwell Wed. & i-r. Apr. 1-2 '4THE FOUR-POSTER" frAdutit Entlerta jument With Rex Harrison anid Liii Palmer "NYYOUNG TWLCE" Weith Abbey Irish Players il) first ladies 117 Ba'e .Gerald 1Brown,Nec- tde. 2Othwhenail eed as sold broughit e'ysitisfaýctory prices. Fir-st prize te uhllot ofla.rkIain Otssold for- ~2.M) er ushl; eg.BeaIver $2.'70 per bushel an thei] '-sh lot of Barbff arly $.50per busheul, Th'el toppuc pe buhelfoi F, A Pot-- .,e duo nie frosh adecigfragrance ai Red LlCC...eaptured ifaryear'r-ounci ddlght an-rd presented by Lnt6in IiSnw pastel pckacgel A fuil 3 oucs'fBouiquet LenthEér;c and a luuriant ,sucpily of Baith Powder lat the incireosingly popular and fsoabeRED LILAC $3.00. iL: ha i etractoîsý,. Sir Thomas Ely1 the tme 'o IIeny VII decadit *~~~~~~in noïngKiAbaty uyan x should pr ompt you tCo cail uponi us ln time ofSoVow We Strs simlile beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. HARTLEY R. DARLOW EUTNERAL 4HOME Phone 18 r 7 Phone 18 r ?2 _iouses, iuties nylon, assorted tyes ndcolrs S-izes 12 to 20. Each ...... ....... ...$29 Slips, La,,dies 100 p.e. nylon, nylo brassier trim and 3 incth n,)on lace skirt trirn, straight eut sizes 32 to 40. Elch............. ..... 1........ $2.98 Jeains1 , e Denim sanforized, s<i'e zipper. Sizes 12 to 20.1 Priee each..........$2.98 Jeans. Tiqlles .62,'3 oz. De-nim, sanforized, Sizes 38 to 4-'. P,-11r..... ........... .......... $3.98 Trus1-hav HndL tion, miediurn /ize 37e Large 65e Rulbplr GI es, Ladies, sizes 7/'o 9 Pair....... 49e Tea Sri ,2/ n fine Pesh, rustless, wire handie hplastic insert......... ...19e Bu-jlbs 71, 2 îtt night lighits./white or red also ideal fo boo rcoops. Each............22e- Galaniedails, 8 qt. sîzq.... PAS, iwhite eamiel, red tci1 t. sîze . $L85 S_'pecia1 Free samrple Jubile a Àw each pint tin .Johnson's dGloss Wax....... 65e Dill Pickles, 24ý oz. jar ....33c Aylmer Vegetable Soup, Regullar tins 2 f or.............. 25e Cover Leaf Tuna Flakes 'V2 ib. tins for .............29e I l. 9eCanada Matches, 3 Ige boxýes .25ce î b.W- cOxo Cubes, pkg. 6 fori-,.. 15e Spcilppe juie 20 oz. tins. 2 for........25 e Egg oodis, mcaroni ait its best 8 oz. Plg . 5 Jexve Shoreni , .................24 TUcil!Ilinzfancy- Tom-ato Juice, 20 o-z. tins îrcda 2 f ori.......... ......27 Clak'nT-bt ad Srveboiled dinner 15oztns3 0e pe cia! etn's extra t. thin Saltines, ý2 lbf. bo1 59- 0,R 0,'O 5c.TO $100 ýS, TO0R E Y -TTjç , PtýLAR SilO!" 'G(\R I 's, j 1 atw el 1 ss t3'g f e nents Orono, Ont.