Ever husband we'Il meet ýeat wilI is cdote iore beside you for mie te cone. nibered by lits wife. for kuaraiteed profitI ])-Frost-0-. atie Co, Newsmiarklç , Ont. d-c at 1 _____ 7. ýnd furpiture.1 __will comm<ý - nîturean 11 Mach-inery This bei mrca at1 toolas s at 1p e.Terni Auctionr Reid, auctioneer. Cartier Oats, Third generatic Colin Smlitli, 6r-,Orono. down. h ail Âberty a-p N. Bown Renfrew Cook -.Sto 7e Witt neW Ou -Burners. Phone 32-r- ý8 oiý see Win. Watson, Orono.b- Water Systerna. le l lalal. H, Paritner, Tyrone. P one mAnanville )je C0oonv Houte l' .A ly to Jac~k Reid, Oronb. P>6ne 5-18 MR SALE Apply tot'Roipli H a re flor- your cenlmen needs. Ph e 43 r f. ac ing a large sale it C 1G E T 10 a.m. sharp. Fur- The Wesley'i . Play, Sit Ér SuSieý odd ia the moraing. Swings It", spoî y.,he Orono p.in. Lunch served Un'ted Curcli Wkf. wîlIlbe presented1 is as roreerv,.in the Sunday Sc1ool Auditorium On s csh e rseie.Friday, April lOtLWY8 p.m. Admis- mer.sien 50c. Chldren 25c. 11-dc d lias received 1in1- 1 pi by public auctien GodFidy pi/I34 the Sac- rW. E. Reid which amet o the LFrd's Shùpper will be! fc herses, 115 head observed at the P1~nitd Church. Ser-j iigewves, feed, vice te commencat.lî O'cleck. te sale is being led!1ý il at 12:00 neen liYeu are inivited te -attea the Ant- rncessioa 3, ClaIrke nuai Ra"ster Tea ii St -Savioui-s Par- essioha nPot-th of ish HFall on Wednesdal" April 8tli ahaîf ile mwest. whvlen the usua!l $d myat aad saiad t lot of cattie ad( plate wiii be sei'ed .%i7tli 4ots of )r macehinery.; Jack catke and tarts. Ti 5:00 p.m. Ad- mlission, Aduits Ohlcren .35c-. 4 I /7 Illuse-qted Super "88" 4.Dor Selon T TgOlW/I Aig LsMoBiLE POWER TO STEER 1 oldsmobile *Powe Steering lakes 80 per cent of th,- effort out of steeri[ng, and ives ou extra safety, too. You can park, take hairpin curves or mianoeu>tvre ini traffie wvith finger-tip ease-yet *Power Steering leaves youl theCI"feel" of the wýheel, You always know You're ini full comimand of thec car in any emergency. POWER STYLING, TOO I1 lsohl' Ied ;sil beauty is more str-liing tin ever with brand lie'% Power Styliing. Inside and out, the Sue-88-- aud Classic "98" are distingniÏhed by aninl rpssdarray o 1 e4 tyblxnry, glailer -and cofocrt faue.Sec,-amd drive the 193 Olds.mobiio for yorsef.-I'e».n ,t-'l Car-penter worI Phone Orono 25 FOR Columnbia, Purffl Phone 74-r-13, FOR A Iimiited amou for s-ale. Phone( r haýnginig.! mne Rane. iRadberrxy Plahtsi ~Aof b-p AýLE t; of Timqohy ,Seed -oo 1,51~11. b-p DEXD FR 0, CCDUP wili Fur Firy, Tyrone. DEADSTOC remoe fro-M your f arm prompti foir <nitary disposai. '5.1 CÏ1EV. DE-LUXE G0ýAC air con tioned, custoii1 radio. ic- ers, ,xceiienlt coltditioa ... $ 52i5 OS '51 D ý"]GE COACHl, bluie, onle owner, fil4 ,guaranteed........----SI195-00 '49 F Ditl FORD OR, very clean car for....................---- ý$1195.0 '49 CI V SEDANETTEJ customi radio, low mlae a rcai oppor- tuinityl' - - - - .------$1295.0q 41 CHE'V COACIHthorotughly recon- ditionelil,$200.00 down, $25ý).00 per month jinc£.iudinig comp$flte inisur- ance coverage. 48 FOIRD 1/2 ton PICK-UP, ready te work, S150.00 lowvn, $5.0per ainth, 'insitrance închWee. Mau mee to choose jom 30 day giiarantee. Brainle ys M9(oor Sales NEW ASTLE/Phone 2871 Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on, request. Leroy Hamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lu ail its branches Fire, Burglary, Hospitalization Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock, Boier, Wid, Poio. Real Estate $6.80. ron ReideceMainl Street. Choice location, eight roomis. centre hal, pantry and tiility roox, furnacee4 divided cellar, 411 newiy decornted and il) spoti ess conldition. Terms. Possinarranged. 1 have avaiable~ funds for first imortgages on înmproved Property ia Oiarké Township- Current interest rates. LERGY HAMILTON Broker Oronio Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HIOTJSE WIRTNG F ree Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Promapt suad Guaranteed Repaira ta ail mnakes of Electrical Equipuiern and Appliances Such as Motors, Water Rentera. Rvir.St@eea Irongs. l't Orono Tinshopt S heeuat Mecmt al and Warm Air, RE.LOGAN Phue.18-10 A. F. McKENZIE, MUD PHYSICI&N and SUJRGEO)N Met nHours:- 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.M t.W .44 p.. Sundays and Wedpee4ayà by appointment enby PHONE 47rl -N E. C. SYER, 11W. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON< Main Street South Office Ho>mrs: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m_ .30Sast0 8.00 m. Sunday8 and Holiday@ 67 1Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 CrRONO DR. R. J. TÂGGART Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHONE 94 r 16 OROND LEGAL Lawrence C. Maso,-B., Barrister anid Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phon" : Oflice 688 nome 5 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer anti Valuatoe specialize in Farm andi Furnfture Sales Consuit me for terme' and dates Pbonce5 T TED JACKSON -Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sale, of al Zmoe and at reuanahie rates Comim unicate vwith hlm 8ai pt 1Perr>y, Ontarie.or, oz t hlm Clerk, A, 9. 'Morton, at Oromo, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educaionaî PoIîchua- Protection and Savingi3 Pluas t. Children and Adults; NMortgag, la- Z surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r l The RUTTER GRANITE COMIPANY 1 Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622f 1 Port H6,pe, Ontarie M'vonumnents, Gravemarken, emer2vinLn Gofileafin and Rlot Water Hleating CALL I;z FOR ESTIMATES LTARRZY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. 'ot ethat %y r home roveed with e<.t g tire" you ar prot-eet agaimEt a. ~ soU &F. PORTER J (VA' ORONO. Ont. Professional 1