V1 7 Ne. Il OýON'O,ONT., THURSDAY, Counti'es Council Sets Lower Rate By Three-quarters Miii Farm-ers of Ontario are somnetimiesl oblivious of the fact that a shortage- of limie is often the weakest Ink in esop Production, officiais of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Brnch of! the Ontario Departmencýt of Agricul-j ,ture reported today. Finding off the Departmient is substanitiated by a re- cent stateinent of Prof. 'N. R'. 1Rich. ards, headl of the os eprîet Ontario Agrcutural Colege, -wbo saiid: "eerlyspeakiing ;there isý net nearly enough limie applied at the present timne in Ontario. There are eýx-' tensive areals in the Province ee g-round imn-estonie can be usil o d Vantage.' Statistics comIpied in th! CropS Br-anchý indicate that the use of a- riutua imýestonie lbas ib(eengrdu Un the 10 yea riod I1 îy1Mte tonnage increased from 2$100 tons te nrerly enough whea the un-Lto oýf successful aigricullture i o pIlntifully supplied with Ilime,egai muatter and phosphorouc The Departent poifI out thati ossuffer a cniu~ ~ by theý Ieaching actiou of radrt -A.Thé ,n ovement of liime 'n the a1g alway-, owaiward. It bas been found. fi tat the, average 1leacing is 557 poiinds on ba-re land, 363 on1 grassland wnd 345 .ponnds on crop rotation, Exte-nsive exPeimats in England have hidltd that there ia a greaterlo (ss o)f lime týhan any other ninerai cons-tituent lthe sou, Loss of limie occurs through its re-. moval in the rp harvested. An! ncre of alfalfa for examipie remioyes, about 400 lbs. of lime aanually. Every steem that walks off the farm takes awy12 bs. Of limie, and in vr ton of mrilk produced there sals cf about 75 pounds of this valhuable inaterial. surface limle dfece are sllow- ihg. Up On, nlaïy of on sls.4n On- SEven tb<ough the sbsi -.a be weil supp lied, the top soil fre-! .1uently requires diresslings of imiie te -permit the establishmtent o e lig.If in doubt about the avsab i- iîtY Of usiaig lime on yeur land, it may be of advantage te obtain a free copy cf the publication No. 499 eni , i 'Poes Your SouiNee-' 1i ?' uý u by the Ontario Departîment of Agri ulIture. A soul test wil aise g-iveu the aas-wer. rate f rom qu per tont as -will" be paid trnnsported1 NewV A tax rate of 1,1ý/4 milis was set by Counties Council at ,a lat,e ssion reý- ceifly ,vhich followýed an entire da-ý spn n committee mieetinigs. The îiew. rate is three-quai'ters of at miii les,, hnls ear. Sinice noc graints arc b&ng macle this year to hiospitals il the ote, there is cnieal The1 otal stnatdexpenditures for, this year- iqsl>$425',,34.6'3 nd aftel a sýurplus, of $8,6,S9.00 hromi 1952, pljus misellneos rvene of $300. is dý-e- docted, the ý,aomut to bec.iedb-y taxtio i $46,45.8,The Suili raie fH io hetwnhp obourge ton- trl~ ~ ~~~~i uto ilb 3,4 sCompared wi~h 39.40 las yea. port THope thisyearwîllpay 30,211 jinto the General Goverameet: -;onminsrative:) 55fo.0 GRntan Ukep,30Offce,0,00. Tnreto e onLans 9a0nd0'Prinpütng Postae Saoery 6t 1,00000; Work- menGs ompens,0aonFi2m000.y00; Pen- ()on 0Plan, 400.00;saai-, 150,00.00 Pliunty Arsesr 70.0 eea Grantsii u8,300.00Corn Protblectin e ersn n rpry Clifiw enfir~e, ,0O0i<> fl; Cnu- [ Gioa, 2,000.0; Fmily C oumt, 6,250000 eed Inspectio «0000 Publie Works Highways, Bige:m 4,000075lifi.00.dr-s T8O ot~Balof ndaisents1l,405.28 sidy shall apply is 30 tons. The total subsdy pid y the Provincial De- partmnent and 50 per cent, up te 751 c>ents. per ton, is claimied fromr the Dominion Departmnent. If the lime is transported directly ly nmtor truck> ,rom quarry te farmn, a maximum grant of $1.00 per ton is avaîlaible on. the basîs of three cents per ton per ading by truck, itons., or se, which fromî the car, or as the truck is cproceeds te the agages the limne leji isoperated on e-off, and spreads, a belt about six- et wide, at about n iles an heur. The imiay be varied te' field requirements. after he drives la r ta off again for if the haul la rot mdie a car of lime- lvidia.g, of course, àep lu ioading. BRYS,",N4--- ARI _NUPTIALsJLte1W A quiet but pretty wedig Ia slnized at thue Orono Unitej Chrc Prsonage on April 4th, when Kathleen Huldai.-, daughter of' Mr. indl Mr.s, Rob)ert Ard becamne the bride of Robert Raiy Bryson, sonII O Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ByoKry Rev, John Kitchen officlated, The bride wore a becomiing bUe andiç grey flecked gabaýrdine suit wVithi a mllntural straw at and inavy accssris.l'ter Corsage was of Lester Hfebert roses, lier attendfant -as Miss Mfariai) White of El'iza-. bethville, who wr a pink tweedi sýuit with white strawý, hat anld black accessories, anid corsage of voses. Mr. Jack Bryson, brother of the! gro, wa)s best iman. Areeptjj\,ion ws held -at the bieshome aîter wichb the brideý IInd gr-oom left na digtpt Montr Ieal. Tho cou-pl ill make the'1U*r hme i 1 ,Wi tte Canadia an ifCm e- W.A. M~EfIN~ Te regular imeeting o f the Wo-1 M's Association w-as held on Tues-' day, April 14 with the president,i Mrs. E. R. Rainiey i l the hair. Thel metn~openied vwith za hyma iand prayer. Ufiniishied businesswa meit with, prejiaration f"or W.A. Preshyvterial, etc. Th-e dev-ot*onal service was taken by Mrs. MI. J Tamblyni beginming wVith thehyn BRieeth the cross o)f Jestns' and the! scIipturc lesson fi-om nMatthew,forj aIn Ea-ste ri-message based on the Passionl Pln'y which Mrs * Tamiblyn attendied in Foia This was a mloat, inspiratienai icture broughlt to us for our Mwor-hip service, and elose 'vitb anaprrie duet by Mrp.- Casnand Mrs, Drmummond f the new businiess wa,,s ail takn a of, the mi-eet-iing C csed wt eel tion. KENDAI The meeting of the Women's-, n stitute was held ia the Sunday Sch'ool oo on Wednesday after- nooni, April 8th, withi the president, Mrs. N. Kenniedy, ta the chair. The meietinig openied with the singing of the Institute Ode and rpeating. the Mary Stewart Collect. The roil'î wvýs anýswered by paying thie annual' fee. A letter wsrend fromi Mrs, Muaniiiekýe iaforming us that hean lier family had now moved t0 Orone, adthanking -lhe folks for ail thei kîndniess showni to hier. A letter of aIppriecia-tion for fruit basket re- ceived was read from M'N'. Bob Cockbura and a letter frein Mr, Voer- man. of Maassluîs, Holland la ap- precintion of donation receeved, who stated that mocst of their householdi effects had been spoiled la the recent f'loods and giving a personal expeir- lence of tlhe floods. lie wrote itatie and bis famiiy lived near a dyke and the %vater ca-.ne la so swiftly and strongly that they had barely turne to save themiseives, havýing te carry eilîdren up the dyke ai-d through the water. There was more discussion on tlhe pnize to be given te the best al roiind pupil in the fifth grade and up, at the end of Juae axid it was decided te give a prîze ln each of the three schools, MeLean's Kendal and Sixth Line, the teachers te be the judge. f off i re'id1 in rvîîe decision with1 Mr. Ceeule stated that the contest day evenling ofI is sponisored by bis Department to in the pla'Yoffs encourage Ontario studente tte- write gamne and i t ietters inviting friends and relatives of paýy thle o who live beyond Ontario, either ia n )iy to lose it Canada or i the United States, to Bracebridge ba conme to Ontario this year. Contest final series wlt rules are now being advertised Wilinos, advanr hriouigbout the Province.1 tari .o in inte hockey. First prize la $400. - second$20 and$1. asý third, followved iby50o For the fîst przsof $;25. each. Ail students en-! the Or-phaniýs hit ioolled in Grdelx to XIII or their go 0Salsalowing quivlent are eligile. Letters are lotbrmige.Hoper, to exceed 9-00, words and nmay -be was ithe ine w\ritten lan Englishi or French. Stu.- nnyspectacu.j dtWsinu"t have theïr teachw-er -rty Orono s cause. that thie letter submiitted is tir on-'Roop... fromiJ ginal zwor.'Dom-e's no uàit _aS '01has been ibst iniiuientni,.es. The Wý,est brotlI, Mr. Ccile pointed.out, hwvr tilat each eatry to qualify mùlst bel accopaned by thûIe nam e and ad dress of a nlon- resident of Ontario tu whom a free map) and literatur-e wijll bc sent by~ the Departrment. Thie contest closes on May lS5th next. Contestants are invýited to ask: the Department of Travel aInd Pub'-1 Licity to send themn literature if they feel it would assist them lan prepar-l ingÏ their letters. Mrv. Cecihe said that] L Iginaiity of thouight and expression w.ouid b e one of the Principal Points L1po111 which the letters -would bel iudged. Address of the Departmnenat l Room BBI 1, 67 College Street, Tor- ontA, Ontarie pnans goals and àaccouniitedfort thrlee,ÉtwO going 1-to Dean iandonle t( Ray.e, 1). West openied thie scorin1g o fhe game in the fir-st period assiste( by . Wst.Bracebridge s"ecure( Ilhe other g- ol of this periodlevn the- telamsn deadlocked after th( tw-enty minutes. of Play. In thep second t1he Orphans sre ahead 'withto more goals and aiÎsE hneld Bracebridge fromr counting-. AI the endic of thte second, Orono helda e for, anotber iate field in in this viewa Cou nties' Health Unit A Progressive Organi rira- j the Unitedl r-ry eut the, Rlealth Acti are r 1om It is always a see se manly visi Easter event, frie North Bay, Ki i Newcastle. The wiïshes te tbaaka donations and a a happy ienIory ces. The next at st. Saviomr',i D Council ni( Counicil werE Lowery presi diséussion it te have the on May Stha triet municil Departmiento The Council Fly Control The question1 li. iMclroy's to the road si Bv No. 122ý i mune a ,tra -with xt dur- ensce5 tthe ,951 meetin foreno, Mrs. j liff. , tflen euti aad I wns save lin,,,. la Cern- days ee. days