T My mother-in- are pet the type reprimand. My ws ut tixis, but te beme ln- ase halp me! TaU me wixat or what waecan do with- using my sister-inl-law a .own? Honestly, ail the e had fer her is ieaving us. an anyene he so callous? .ng yo suggest will be than welcome. Bles you P. M." have seldon hard of sucb ntry! Two irresponsible ren see in yeu the chance , to let somebody ese their way and assume re- sibilities whîch are their I hope your husband wil] ;e., If he wakens, I tear would bave a hard fume getting rid et thaem. Mean- u, your heuserk would aublad, you'd be caring fer ister, bar present baby and eming one. And you your- are pregnant. tter forgat tact. This is ime for a short NO. e boy is a lazy adolescent never aented. the fiet mu tanmly. I Uut r years with your i ha celd have a salary. Did ha macrease your our husband's hit efTer te de :adging yeung ha told about :ributions, and i he is on bis ery te baconme n, this is ais hapa iis [ast Ious wife will fine she must start. ,Her par- * ents are doing what txey eau. * Now if is up te fixe young peo- *pIe themnselves. Each of us bas his own iay to make. If pity or senfimentality tempt you to help others too much, riemeber it is no kind- ness to them. Teil Anne Hirst your troubles, and she wili try to guide yo through. Write har at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St. New Toronto, Ont. GEIT IN LINE ' r Whalen bas revived fixa the tastidious dîner who to ie way his steak a ureared and had it Boômerang Stuff A boomerang is a gadget which returns to the hand ef the throw- er. Throw it carelessly, and it caon make you feel sorry that you started it fo on its fHght. The brick a smash-and--grab raider redeñtl burled at a Step- ney jeweller's wîndow act cd just as well as a real boomerang. It splintered the glass, bounced off a metal grille, and knocked the man out. 1e was taken to Lon- don hospital with severe cuts. When you set a snare you never expect to be caugiint it yourself. But it eften happens. Paul Paquin, a Canadian hunter, tripped on the wire of his own game trap and was shet David Quinn cnut a hole in the ce and caught a 4-lb. pike. n a couple of seconds the positions were re- versed. The pike caught David, by leaping up and sinkmg its jaws in his leg. Just before spanking a naughty child nearly every parent tells a time-worn lie: "it hurts me to do this." Ellsworth B. Wilson, of Mîshawaka, Wis. spoke the truth for once. He did hurt himself considerably more than me hurt his son. The boy escaped haif- way through the beating, for father knocked over a table lanp, Cut bis head, and had te go to' the hospital. One day a Bavarian school- master caned a twelve-year-old pupil. That was the end of the matter as far as he was con- cerned. But the boy got his oxyn back. Next morning his mother marched tempestuously into the school and set about the Ieacher. "Now it's my tura!" she hout- ed. Ml the boys joined il some supporting the master and some the mother. Not intil the bead- master intervened did the battle come to an end. I's bunan nature to feel pleased a "worm turas" and "top dog" becomes "under-dog." A Danish farmer's dog, terior of local vermin, recently learnt what it's like to A a nunted beast. H1e scudded after a couple of rabbits, but they turned in their tracks and ran after hlm. The farmer had to beat them oft with bis stick befere they would leave fie dog alone. Plan For Making Better Drivers Dun ng World War IL many air pilota received effective prelimin- ary insruction la what was called the Lînk traier-a device in which fxe novice moved fixe con- fo!l stick and took the ensuing banal relis, talspins or three- peint landings as simulated by fixe machina, wich ail fIx time was bolted to 4e floor. Public scioolb la New •York City hgve beau trying out soie rathar similar devices for teaci- ing highx-school pupils how~ te driva au automobile witfh satety. The student drivers operate th controés to meat varios traffic situations simulated by motion pîcture film-and ara "graded" by a meuifôr recording, whicb tels whether they made the cor- rect turns or stops and whether they stepped ou fhe gas to much or foo litt la. Ouft fscix experience ean come better coordination for meeting the hazards of'the.rOad and better undarstanding o how te raduce then. If is off audeplor- ed [bat young drivers are respon- sie fer more than fir prpor- fionata share et highway acci- dents. Many high schools have de- veloped hepful driver training courses for studeats. A real I- provenant la safy habits for new drivers nmght well justy an investment in added training devices. Tattoo Marke Erased lu fixa archxives et :Dermatology and Syphxilology, Dr. Ernst A. Strakusch uf Denvar, Cole, fells how ha removed tattoos from three collage students and freck- les from a young woeman just by sandpapering the skin. The sand- paper was wrapped around gauze rolîs. Affer the marks had been obliterated, bandages con- taining au antibiotic were ap- plied and kept il place for te days. TIhe sandpapered skia was pink: after if healed, but n two montbs fie pink had faded. The procedure demanda silil. Medi- cal car is necessary la order te avoid infection. y4r 4543:f Young charmer! That pretty petticoat look spiced with scal- lops. And a jacket te match-se grown-up, just like moem's own sun-semblas! in a combination et two culots or plaid 'a' plain, this is daughtet's favorite dress froi Easter right on through summer. Pattern 4543; Children's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Size 6 takes 1¼ yards 35-inchi print; 1% yards plain. Tiis pattern easy te use, sum pie te sew, is tested for fit. Ras complete îllustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (351) la coins (stamps cannof A accepted) for this pattera. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order fo Box 1, 123 Eigh- teenth St, New Toronto, Ont. IRONICLS My column this week,- wiii,I hopa, be of special interest to W.I members everywhere. You sea I am ail enthused about fixa big eveut that is coming up this summer when rural Canada an- tert ains the A.C.W.W. Ar.d te more enthused I get tie mor amazed I an when soe one comas up with the question - "And who, or what, ia the A.C.W.W.?" So now, just la case there are a few womn reading fixis columa whe stf1 don't know, and would lika au answer to that sama question, I will give iT te yno right here and now. The A.C.W.W., given its full tie, is "The Associated Country Women etofite World" Its purpese hI te premote peace, good fallow- sip and a better understanding between rural women of ail na- tions, and includes ail rural or- ganizatians o the word The As- sociatien, was organîzed in 1933 atStockhoim, Sweden. Lt' first president was Mrs. Aifren Watt, a name tamiliar to ail W i mem- bers. Ifs present president n Mrs Raymond Sayre, a friende~ little woeman as easy te talk te your next dour neighbour. So thaf members et the Asso- ciation may become better ac- quainted with peeples from ether countries and their way et living conferences are held in a diffar- eut country each fume. [n 1936 the A.C WW. met in Washing- ton, and, while visiting peints et inteeest, about 79 or 80 members crossad the Peace Bridge lut- Canada and were given an off- cial welcome by the Hon T. B MeQuesten. In 1939 the Triennial Conter- ence was in Londen, England. Delegates freom 32 rural organ- izations were present, mpany et themin native costume. During the war world cenferences were aaturally impossible although the organization was stili active. In 1947 the A.C.W.W. met again, this time in Holland. There were 21 delegates froi Canada, îcluding Mrs. Hugh Summers and Miss Auna P Lewis. AI] told ther wer repesentatives froi 22 na- tiens. Now it is Canada's turn te do the enertaining. Freom August 12- 23 the Federated Women's Insti- tutes of Canada (F.W.I.C and thair sister organization, Les Cercles de Farmieres, of Quebec, will be tha officiai hostess groups at tha Royal York Hotel in To- rente. Delegates fro af least 25. countries are expected - even from Pakistan, Egypt and Le- banon, and possibly frem Japan and Jamaica. So yen see big things are shap- 'ing up for fhe W.L i Canada. Naturally preparations are al- ready underway, and have been for some ftime. Onaeto the bîg vants. will ba fthe Canada Day program to bea held at xthe Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto It is hoped the Prime Minister o Canada, the Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, will officially open the cerenias. T-is will be on Fr1- day, August 21, Thera will be a musical cavalcade etfithe story of Canada - "Dominion of Des- tiny"--presentd by the W.I.C. This cavalcadU will have coentin- uous action, fulI orchestra, chorus ot mixed voices, soloists, a large cast of actors, units of the armed forces, mambars of\ "the Munt- ies" togather with various ani- mais, vahicles and other special features. Production managers, O. W. Fonger ani Larry Mc- Cance, music directed by Samuel Hersenhoren. Singing star will be Ernest Adams. On Saturday, AU- gust 22, the performance will be repeated and will be open te the public. Se there you have if, adies, something te look forward te NEEDLE THREADER PLASTIC, ci FOOL PRQoE, - UsEFUL IFT EVERtY woMAN NEEDS ONE. ORDER NoW Post Pq5d ATOMIC PRODUCTS, Station 5, Hlamilton, Ont, uha C truly Canadian from e hich, o mnay learn many things about the early history et Can-~ ada. Uf you saw the marvellous pageant that was put on in Guelph in June, 1947 - "Let There Be Light" then yu wll not want te miss this pageant either-"Dominion ef Destiny." New about plans fer yeu ta attend. Te every W.l. branch ini Canada tickets for Canada Day celebratiens will be sent. The number et tickets wil depend upon fixe size eofithe branch. Te whom the tickets will e given each brandh will decide for it- self, Think this ever carefully, W.L friands - keep August 21 trea if yeu can, and then, if you are une of the lucky ones chosen to rapresent your branch, he ready te accept the invitation. The opportunity may net come your way again. Don't think ef atteading te A.C.W.W. Confer- ence as une more duty-it more than that-itt is a privilage. Last week I was atf a press conference with thxe F W.LC. Planning Beard, and a more capable and fr'endly group of women it would ce bard to find. They are bard at work, trying te maka this A W W. Conferance second te nona. Lt is eut job, as W.L members, ta gat behind them ad help make this big event a success-tor the Wl. in articular for fthe honour of Canada as a whole How about if, folks? And Ihe RELIEF IS LASTING For fast, prolonged relief fron headache get INSTANTINE. This prescriptiondike tablet contains not just one, but three proven medicat ingredients that ease the pain fast. Ai the relief is, in most cases, lasting. 'Try INSTANTINE just once for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's one thing for headache it's INSTANTINEI And try INsTANTINE for ether aches to.. . . for neuritic or neuralgic pain , , or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings prompt relief. Oit IRîttntise t0day 4- and, aljways" e keep t handy tnstantino 1 2-Tables Tin 25* Economical 48-Tablet pettle 75¢ ISSUE' 16 - 1953 [y 0mw-c 't * * here's anewtasthrill - fpryou-juttry " CROWN BRAND CORN SYUP on your cereal M-m-! Goo&/