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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1953, p. 7

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onith mornng ofApril 4, 193, tat the eyLagnle hsoy atdpasttebg eesv utpss and witldhomen * th-, goal that ended teIogetam luyed in rgnze hc elpto that timie-a 1-0 v!ctorvy for Torontos Leafs, ,ver MBoston Bruins Mn a $tanley Cuip pa onsre final, after 106 inutezIýs, 46 seconlds of extra time, with heitIL îýh overt,»ime period udr There has since been o ne Logrgmtee I-0btl betweven Motreai Mairoons anidDetroit RdWiýgs, tht--d te unfil 2,2M o'clock oni the mori-in, ofMah 25,.96 we h teamns battled i116 minutes 30seconds of oetm eoethe Red Wing1s -won. But for sher ira, for astorýy-book fi ish that no Holyw script wîtrcou'Ld ex cel, tat )lng 193 strxuggle packed tihe mrost sietigigfirnsjh of-a.1 sudh maahon duel, ili any sport.- For tinyv Doratýyhostood littie more than 5 fee-t 6înlw ili height, carried only 1M2 pounids on hiis dmntv rte the smallest payrin he LeaguLe was te pgywobk up. the battle. Dozeils of scoring tiss hdfaldto pie-re e armou of Tiny Thonipson in 'the Boston nets, anid dozens or had been foiled by Lorne habtToronto custodian whîen Ï.lankyý An)dyBli teamued wiith the tny -Doraty to post h gm' onfly .goal. Th'e sixth overtimýe period had bae iIsav'ted,! heBlair waus seni'tof0paiy special attention f0 theég eat Eddi hoe pivot of the Brujin offensive corps . The formner University of Manitoba star checked flic greaft efncma wice a".lie tried to break away. On his tirýd atfempfSorDafeth piuck ahead ofirgf on Blair's stick. In f wo lonig strides Anrdy ecrossed th-e bu-iei ri territ ory. H1e sidestppd Shore, anod as the Boston eagur swung ~o 0Jab at thepuk Blair shof if ahead to DoratiY streaking for fhec nef. The wne nailed if in bhis stride ancf sk ated ini on Thomipson t'o fr into a corner- of the net.I Varied proposais to end the game after 100 inutes Ov1erý- t irne hakl been played failed. 'lhb players wvere so tsred anti attacks lacked steam to a degree we President Frankî Calder of the NH.L. asked managers Art Ross of Boston aind Conzmy Smythe of Toronto to flip a coin and decide tie issue, fBoth refuseti. Then Caflder suggested the -goal-tenders bc taiken out of the gamne to facilitate scorijxg the inning goal. The nai- gers i.ouldi't sec that idea. "'To a f'inish" wasfialrld.At the finlish came w dramatie impact just four minutes and 46 sIýecondîsafter re- sumption of pL-.. by ElmerFer, o,feo Colývert Hcuse, 4311 Yonge Si., Toto.C *~PIin HrseSense.. Lost Battie The baffle of vegetabie oilis hs ever. The farmercs have lost if. BIIl 142 goft third reading and is now lawv. If hiad flot been before flic Agricultural Comit.iii teec- f flicLegislafure, probably to avoid anl), furflier discu'ssijonS o.r represenfatijons by consumers, -producers or flic edibie cil inu- teresfs. The bill permit s tfli anuLfac- ture of da i r y producf imaita- tionis from edible olîs, as long as no milk or ilk producfs tre imed in the alanufature. Ac- uording 'f0 flic Minister of Rugi)- ,wyacfing for 4,1e Miriister of Ag4Iriculture, this is flic wuay fle farmcrs wvaufcd if, Which Way Suhs Wlien 2Mr. Doucetf iroduccd, tic bihle quoted ro flc b.)rief presenteci by fic farm or- ganiatios, fat "dairy farmierýs definifey want Wlgiiafion ban- nig vegetiable oî beingbln- cd ili any dairy produef anid n ba-i n otlih aufcureu sýale of any SUCH potc mar- ke.cted as au imritationi of flidJ Wik, cheese, ice cream, cream aýnd Cieoonceciifýraf1 eCdi ii É p rci- Frontflc brefas if is report- cýd in ThVeRuaCoorfo, iowcver, flicword SUCH is mis ,Wifliouf if flic quof cd pairagmapli would manflat !flieý farmcïers lad asked foria oin plefe ban of ah imtios f dairy produc, Whafappencd tf0 SUCUI? LDrd if crecP into fhelcbipt on th-c w-ay f0 îQuceen's Park or dcl if get ýýlost on lcwy oe h îs kiddngmWbom? Wtetno Çrwam? One tihîng is gr.The I lii is notgoig o "utfli eainbaci inf ceaspufs.~'as ifi s sp posed f0 do. On fic otari wiltaie ouftflic ittle ii iatî mng ifwiomt PyM' iik product îýif a ï ii podces av someof licresrplus. s bîgclosed fa canda ar farmos TheU, S. Secetary o imiportation Of dried m1ilk poýw- decr. Butter had been bannerýd be- fore. Now flic Amierican d cairy iniduýstry is asinfr a cerI- plete ban on flic, importation of, Jai dah$producis. SO voting a Body TYh Je one fa 0 ovaiz ation(,' whichi did fake a defuinitestn aird off eýred consý,tructive ideas pas the Ostarîo FarnmrgUnion. f0 theOnaco)gver-nmnjir fhire las da'y's of Mari fey ask- cd for a")Ro.yal ommssof investigalete icefectsthe intr- duction otf dairý S-ubsiue wo ave on tbIe wioecom-1 mifi)y, uwifh sphcilregard f food valuepso9l conservation an1d ,fierice arid cptlstruc- ture Of arcuueanid he in- dlustri-es relat f0 nd dalin They also asýked for a cmlt b@Ion i] initafions of dasry produets whether ftheuy ,vr-e madle ith or wfbu ikor mik poucs ntil flýicresU!fus of, fili ivesigation wVere kou In teiultter fliey said fliaf, flicunio wasyoug, "buIt Uflic ifa:ci, that nit1bas sprung up oui oif ame-in of only -17frms and iluii s ta one yearha !p»,isýing 490 locïals witli 2,5100 mî-em, bers infix, unieprovesfla flihegmet o Ofaro aut an oruzaicon in wicli they volri clore power f0 fhem, getin,îxise Or foisand a11 or, desfrutJcfi -,iid vwili1 try fo anwrayquestion. cAddrie ss yoeur Ifer o 1-o Elilîs, Bx1 123 8tri Sireef, New Trno aodtye1-AEteuSCabiE. %Meeroi, j.&jTVO IIE Ifwnfbe loag no - ay 2îd olemeact-fui millions 0of fols ho neyer affended,( a -race trak n flicirlives wLl l'o ai he-up an excifed over flicouf- Tlioroughbreds, Wc eferof cors,0te lic Kentuc-ky Derbuy, nlof by any mean-s flic-reafef o thebes-bllyiood.And. nls Ssthig lappeus fo hlm i e- if fthose foîku wilIl !f'emc- p;ecftin-g somcltI@iug f0 hj la ppen hors tocore clon n frot3.s 1needs fhe 10,gandor so li - * ea:, itili, for alsis ai a ndý diesplife flic fime mony ian th.ou.glitlie lias put i-io àlirs- bredccinig, Mr1Vaderuiflia nyrytwon filic Kefcy mvent so that, ShouldNative Dancer f uma thcfrck, i wCH make a pai roffirss wnole lotm nore Of us, f0ou sorrowtlioug i tafDiscovery coulci tue if AiL.But lie couldn'f quie mkeif.Affr0puillig into a, two letihleaýd comi11ng flirougli flcstretcli, Discovery fudta Cavalcade had a ilti f00 mucli of w i t a1ksandfnilda wel eaten second. On lis lasfea sfori, Ntv Danuer \wouild aýppear f0be cincl Il] rfinestarfs ie ý mru- beafen - flicfi rst u1 ete juvenile chamipioni since Pavot la 1944, (Even ManO'War and;1e Citation had one black ark ecdi in ifliir pnnïesn~ And Native Danccr didilsWn 1ning se easliy flaf lie appeared fo be la a clas by himetclf.1He won on nidyas we11s' a g-Oiag. He cqualed thle wor-ld record of 1.142/5 for 6J/z fr- lon-gs lan coppingficBeiniont Futuriy, and la a race at a loute oýver a milc at Ja'maica lcooked ias if iec ould go onr iliurobe Sfe1, his is not f0 bc taken asadvicc f'Ogo Jrfa e fi f amily wýoodshcd '.anid puif il 1 on Native Daucer. Lots of thiose tujrf investors la tliejàr fendlercst spots - flic pockctbDo-k -- in -h, pas t, and wliaf lias haj-ppýed le- fore can happen againý. N v D)ancer, Jliojugli le loolks like A standout, is by nouareans homne free. Tlcre's fl:ýic mat fer of 4distance, ifor oae thing, Native D.ancet's ogsfrace as a:nw-yArod was lt ïa mile aund asxt1 fi The dcifferýenoe befween thaf and fic eKcntuLcky Dryrou'f is ?a mere 330, yards. But Phose 330 yars au lfook like a Mrto tnp f0 i--ýalior-se whclcgoing is tougli-and gray ltorses have alwas ben nfcd or peda raflier flian saying powcer.natire Daniccr's ddy oyein a fli c-chamïpins-p-rintýer of lis day, aýd lic bas udubel'lin"ed clown ipienty of tlisfi~speed f0e 1 is son. But, aoug with thaf spcecidid Nntivc Dan-cer la fliafspee-orn sufficieut por1- tion o i- orfeufulogn euuy Derby liîstoryi à chclfl o ntacsofsprntjýer-1 siredwize wh lokd ie OnIy 4 Years OiElBut 1Lusty And Growing Býy Peter Grable prrent iS ücel1ebr- 'afL'ed[ its f o u r, byirthday April 4, prcening itsclf on fomidblerecrdi.n. doing wha evryparent ,wishes cvery chjld ]wouild cdo - kee-p icpeace, ga ,ato as bQoru on April 4, 1949, arad ialread!y is ceie withhurlin fheyea - 152 - eser sfsen markedi wit h frpdaf ion as the yaro spmecrisis whfii hey fSnAi Thsunique itrainlexý- iperiment .. unique bercuse if ian experint bofl-jiin collec- Mie seurity and in colletve de- v-elopm1enît - bas comne a long way ' lu those fouir yasand in flesi earws since C lnad(Àa' s Prime iister Sf, Lau,,rent plce he flrst ebrovýciio of its ossbiliiesbefore b'r-er me in I947 li irfhd0-anAtO'S ounci tl- wilmetinParis f0ehart the notstpage, Ce propran or 195, iiith 1dive for i-~ eui The ,TATO cil las nui yet rnasfcred his craft, He sf111 has a long way f0 go. Tt is M.St. Lu chaliois widelycrdtd it ahin the-coctofNATO), a conicept flOw sOoadyacpe mong Caadan tafiftens o ob- scure the profouindchange in in 1947, tom and sadipred as lic st amng fichosijitido the -UN Guieralj Ascrb] as Affîairs, hie aoeoneda ufe this safmeltht osis~yf lie ong affer he is ou "Ntins, nheir sac o piace and co-operation wvlllnt and cannof, accepf indr4lnily- ,n11)(1 teed acounclfil Woic! asset up fw enisure th ,Irse cuf'ity and hih, 0 anyf el has bcUome f ýrozen tl itfuîtility and divdedbydisýcussion1. If force,î thymyseck greafer satetcy ila an associaionodemncraik and peacelovig stfes illing f0 ac- ccpt mre specijficntrntina nhlgiiisin pfrnfor agà cf cm easreof ntina st urty'i tif may bec-,ome the Di-tssage Caniadin isfr chooses, bov ail jothers-, f0asocitewifh pr Sf. Laurnt'sanmec. Two years laerhis poheywas fulffiled. la li elon camicpaigisa i ha yeàaýr, 1949, lic c-hose as his ent- ricltheme flChope and fthc as- piration cmbodiéed in NATO. 1Here ai lasf, le preaclied &irham- leton and city, is a focunda- lion onwic peace can iibui]d Heýre- is hope forieae A fe ek ago in To neo i broughf his Vý,,iiU up - f0 - date ittissober -cauion:ý "ýWhait vwc nced to lie cnceru- cd bout ,is fici evet fase ,con- ffidence fliaf flý ic danger of nîCot-i iniuist aggression lias rtnceded eniougli thiat we ,can afo re m- la I belie e li anger bhas me- mut LENEYIS B'WELI. cIo 5pet eo c, t W2 pte ie ande i-. 1'o xpï pnoreae Coei 5wwC&ms.csw Avouabe fo i> Dngiou - breller type p~ You cant get from breller t; catalogue aod Ibe breede ta ~v.,flt fh~nr te >bek tnlo1rncs ro d eoka t5i y wlI ieplsi teeth.SWrite tm hor wrtgo aal $44. Tenîkey to G E fo ,iaoge Stre Ilchik, TopiNa , { cmc nhlliuel iigniîltoa Ottawa a sel O~ I r< dci Sos' de It I dieu carnes y pa~ I lit forma Cale cornera rie. ejf et seroaros t-back' lIe C. x 673. Boolt ~y your e. Only Se I m tôri se 010 Thesi wale* ui Hilton. Sîlmin- I lji. aoC wort clduci. ft'se fret! If 'N 'N N 'N N 'N 'N N7 N N N N N N .5 -~ #4~ e., N N N N 'N N N N N N N N -e. N N e. N N N N N N N N N N N N N tomao ssb9 QlUC

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