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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1953, p. 1

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17 No 13 O)ronio Redi Cross Brancexecutive idelighted with the very hearty - -aponse to the National Camipaîgil à eld dunring the maonth of Marcir iný Clarke township and wieh to thanki Ilcanvassers andoraitonwo gave so freeiy of their tiime n nxoney. The following report is ac- colrrdinig to echool sections as far as S..S No 1-21.0; .S.No, 2- ýville United Churich W.A-$5,Q0; No. i Cllctins$2.0;Brown's Busy Bcees-$10.OO; Browpi's ,ie Vand No, 8-S22.50; No 9-$58.50; No. 10 -$46,5ü0; No., 13 Collections-S$25.10; Xfendal ,.43.0 Kendal Euchire P-arty-$12j.0; No, 14 Colect ons- $8.00'; Kirby Unaited Churcni W.A.- Leekard United Chiurch W.A.-S5.100 N.17-$41.00; No. -210;No. 522 Collectios-$6.00; clarke Uion Homne nScolCu$IAO Orvono-Collectionýs -$4.5;IOO -$25.00; Rebeckah Lodge -$5O OronoUitdChrliWA.$1.0 rooW.- 50A..& .M Lodge - $,00. Total-$9116.40. W~C.TOU. MEEJIN~ The regulIar meeting o!fthbWom eneChritian Teniperance Union wvas ld on Tuesdayi., Apnil 21 in tbe Su- da'y sciroal adioiu vith 'a good attendance. The president, Mr.. -Wnlsh openied tiie meetingw mith th-e àyzin '.Break Thon tii. Bread o! Lif'ý miti calied on Mies Sherwin ta on &lit the dèýotionial, beginni, witb ýseveral well chosen hymne f'ollowed 1>7 -Prayer and gave an excellent tsessagýe tal<en from the.'Streaiyue af Life',ý iier thenie being "Faith" the dev - tâenal period closed IWith a solo by Steila Carson, lu the business per-iod'minutes were :ýead and adopted and final arrcange- -aente made for the Convention which wvill b. ield in Onono United Cbmrch, -t wa]deided t toiild fie Goldi Mfedal Contest in early Autuman. he president coaducted a very in- ~*sigcIIp.'eiieet enti'tIed "IJury -'aîervce for Ontario oenl whI)eh alli embers asisted.' 'Pie Pyesident mad(e epecial oinen-! viaOn o! Queen's Birthiday sud fe 91iningthe 'Queen' the mneeting, claýsed wîth thei. Mizpa-h Benedict-ian. ir.Fred Bowen Preside-'. 0 f 1 rono Women's Institute The Ainual Meigof! Onono Womien's Jnstitute ld on miFrid"ay afterýnoon Apil lOth took the formn of a pot lu-hk funcheo)n. About 35 laies The Preel dent, Mm oster Fru son took charge of lhe rmeetig, whih ollwe ad the business of thle yea wa copleed.Splendid reportsî fr-om stand ng committee (convenors m,,ade uspou of he programes throgh ng~knd"by Miss Aileen. Akdwa'oted thie ]moc-st in-teresting.- Mrus. Fergusn ten called on Mrs. O. W. Roh ito conrduct the election o!, off!icers,. Mrs. iE. J. Hamm as' on ven'*or of dhe nominaing Comitte pee ted te sate of officers as fol1lows: Presidenit - Mrs. Fred Powen; e Vic~-Pes.- Ms.11. E. Milison; 2nd" ie-Pres. -. Mrs. R. E. Loýgan; Sec- retarly - Mrs". A. Gry raue Mr.W. Shrin; Districti Urector - Mrs. F.Fegsn AtltcAssocidation Planning Direct'ors o! the Oronio Amatfeur A1thletic -Assýociation met on Mionday eeigof thie ekseciiga heaJlh inancal eport and i is, discuss*ing planis for the coming i ea- Son. -Mr. E. H-. Samnuel, treasurer, re- ported' a bank balance to date of $3120.00. This amiounit is a surplus from thle wne oeainof therik T he miain portion of the revenuep cam"e t hrou-h the faîli drive for fun-d.e broom11-ball and the Orono Skating The mnain point of discussion for! foi, the evoning centred on reerea- tional supervision at thie Park for this sumimer LIt wn's the opinion of maay of the directors that m-ore supervis-ion je uieded at the swýillmmy- ing tank. Orgahizing !othf o ce ational and sports programl-mes were. dliscussed and included bahl, tennis, cro(quet and other gamiés for the chibldren.14t was decided to hire a Supervîsor to organ,ý1ise and conduct1 the programmne jfor at leaet a few1 hours evefr'y day during the summier- holidlaye. 'Phe supervisor je also te received hdred help SO that IOne n wiil fînd thernselves with a full time job. A comitiiiitee of -Messrs. George- Fuiester, Sid Ruhrod and Royý Forrester ,vas appoînted tjo urther I this id-ea and obtain,. if possible,. superviqor and aýsistzrnts for ti Pakthis yeaý,r. This comýmittLee je to report back at a1meeting 01 on Monayl -March 4thb, when It je hoped thnt al fuil prg a a be djrawn ul MEANDER WITH MARGOT April ie almost over and se se tl[e1 radio talks and has publis;hed report-, ýnanual canipaign for funds t econquer in newspapers and periodicals. It inot cancer only carnies on the netded 'Programý mhis year the national objective is of public education, but ie finding ý5.i,5oo0,000 and the ontario'share oi mnore and more ways to do service t~»ele 50O001 work for cancer saffercrs. t, g s $50,,00. 1Cancer Researchl inCanada- The Canadian Cancer SoecietY is ai (Contributed by the National Cancer n&-tionab orgnizatýon of vokiuteer 1inlstitute) Cancer frem the biolical workers with provincial gýrouPs in al 1etandpoint is an abnormal form of ten provinces.'The Ontario Disionfl growth. Cancer research is concerned of thre Society has thirty-two Ufit 1wth the study of growth i both preeided over by an elected board1 normal and abnormial forme for, uni- -which ce-ordinates the. work of ail the til we un~destand the Àniany factors units. 1 which regulate the normal growth In 1932 the Canadian Medical As-1 and multiplication of celle, we are in' ,goclation set up sa ifedical conimittee 1 no posftion te now what causes. oncanier. This commttee, in 1937, cancer or why it hehaves as it does,! recommuyended a lay association ta disrupting normal life processeS. 11n help combat cancer mortality by ina- five years almost 100 projieets hatve ing the public more aware of the -im- been aesisted financially by' funde of portance of research, and the effect- the Canadian Cancer Socýie ty, and an wen'ess of ea-rly diagnoeis and treat- inces num-ber of resear-ch. work-1 xnent.5 ers are being- trained for the future.1 ïn 1935, a Jubilee Fund f or cancer! 'AIl the baýsic sciences are broug-ht -was created t1hrough public subscrip-1 into harmony ia te programmjeo! tion te commemm'o rate the 2"5th Tu- res1earch; biology, chemaistry, physics. bilee o! George V. Thiesmne, eld To namie onlY a few o! the many an- în trust by the Caniadan Governiment,I gles foin which aneris heing at- yielded yearly interest, and with theI taeked. Ia the. Domninion Laboratory1 approval of the Canadie;n Medical of Plant Pathology at Saantich onüý Association, was donated to establishi Vancouver Island, botanists are stu1dy 11e Cancer Society. ing crown gaîl, a malignant form of The great need for PuLblic eua tmrin pilnts, trYing1 to leara more tien concerning resear-ch and edica-~ about the originis o h uo n tlion was on. or thie Main reasons for ,the cellular cha1nges precedhcii ,t -establishing the Cancer So)ciety. occurence. Un Halifax, zoogseare, In Ontario the Society bas estab-- using,, snails and sahnon eggs, to fi;nd lislhed information centres with a out the . mode of action of certain nurse or social worker iu constant at- echemlicals 'which wve ueo1 hmn tenane. tsuni~ rrnge for qua-i -to slow downvr the growth of cancer fied mxen to speak about cancer ' T celle. P07rvides filmns whicb eare ehowa Il In Saskatoon and London, Ontario.. *ver the province. It 'arran~ges for (outinued~ on page 6) JONES--WNOOD NIJPTIALS Rev. T. A. Morgan officiated at the ýweidding in Trinity United Church of Joan Marie Wood, daugh-. ter of Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Il.* Wýood, Bowmanýiiville to Robert Georg eJoe son o! Mr. and M.-s. Ceci! Jones, 0 jones, Oronlo. the Given in marriage hy ber father, the bride ware a ballerina lenigth gown of White ti'fetal and tulle with separate lace jacket wýýith scalloped front and long poînted leeves. Honr cowlengthi veil ascut to a Juliet cap) of lace and ehe carr-ied a* niosegay of y ellowv roses ai( white carnations. Bonnie WVood, sister o! the bride wav ridsmad nd wnis in orchid net over tfea ihfittedj bodice and bolero and matchiag hea 1- dress. She cnrried a nosegay o or chid aInd yiwcaýrnationIs. 2Maurice The re-ception vwas bel at the :'omIe of the bride. The biide's mothecr received ini a gown o! cfcinnaimon crepe \ith turquoise cesresadcorsaige of' yeomcrntions,, assisted by ,the gI')roo's mother in nnvy corded silk with dusky pink acessories and cor- sage of pmik carnations. For »the wedd(inlg trip to Ningaraj Faîls an.d WesternOta' lhe brde -'loe apowder blue gbr~esuit pink o es The cuple will imake thir homjej On Tî ýsdayv, April 7th i se Joan W'ood, prior ta hier mariageto r. George Jones on April îlh a guet of-. honour at aiiclneu shiower gven by Misses MrnaTuI'r'k and Barbara Fairey at MUies Tuirk's, home. A!ter op)eIng her gfsJa thainled everyone for- the verIovel sduseful gifts. The remainlder Of lie evening wsspent in ams m enteitanmet~Ifter whlich a deli- clious lunch was eerved. On April 211d Miss Joan Wood wae -ilso iionolired b y ber co-wo Iker. cf the Order and> Purch,,sTng --. f tirh ine Ltd., Osiiawa q-Men see wvas pns nte vith a yellow Ken- wood blanket. Mrs. Alma HaskiIl viced the good wishes O! everyane present la mnking the presenltation. Dainty nef resiiments -wýere te served. On Saturday evenu'ing, April lSth', a iescelianeous shower wns heId iu hofo!the irecent wdigo! Mri. and Mrs. Gekge1- Joues. The party was attendeýd by about fi! ty-f ive relatives and friende and wnas arranged by MNr. aud Ms Ethan IJoues, 63 Ceintre St., Bjowmnn,'viile. The bride and groomr were taken, comrpletely by surprise mi were e- corted ta seaits ,beneath al nu unbrelln gnil decorat.d -with bailoons anid pink and wviie streamers. Mis (wen Jones r.end an) addreee ta the bridai 'ort curatuiiating and wishing tbi iuch happpiness. Bath Mn. and Mre. Joues m1-ade suitabie replies. Everyone then join- ed ia singiug "They are jjolly Good Fellows" led by Mr. Cecil White. The. bride aud groom then unwrapped tiie many gifts which were passed arouud for al to admire. Mr. Cecil White o! Port Hope, de- lighted everyone with hie- coie solos and renditions on the piano accordiani. Carelynà Joues ai-so sang a lovely solo. A deliciaus lunch was senved bring- ing a very pleasant evening te a Guests' were present fromi Port Hope, Elizabethville, ý"Jewtonville and 'Orono. On1 Mondny, April 20th, Mr. Geo Jones xas preseuted with a chromiumn emokers stand by hie fellow workens o!ý the Track lune o! General Motors, Oshawa. Oîne-Armed Driver KiII-ed Near Pontypool Hi3a 5 curve niear Pont-ypool,S iaet Thursday, HIowa7,rd Hines, Lind- say, a onPe-arnmed drivýer, was lus- tautly killed when the car left thet rend and struck a tree.c Two passengers, Arthur Mnckin atnd Jim iMaguirel, also o! Lindsay, escnped witii cuie and bruises. LU1-nes, a, World War 'Il -veteran, ý je sur-vived by Mis wife, a daiightei, and two sons. Of United C r Blitz uiave your contiA)ution r ea4ljy it will be a gi-ent comvenlielnçe ta thie can-vas-1 es fit, is unjavoidabie,- tt ou m uet be anwudyou ho k,, iud en10u19h1ta lea\e your conitribultioni wih r.O.WR lpui. treaturer or1 Mr.-olphandlis staff will b. atl the Chur-ch on Wednesdny the 2t fri-0 p.m. ti 1i the 'close of the Cam- pag.if nable ta wait f'or the ca-- vaseoyu nmay C:111latthle Churchl ýaud leave your- contributiîon tee 'we desire ail1 people to be canvaesedi The Congregation aire invted te the Church ini the eveniug w hete mn varied program i be rendcered and ïe!rshmntsserv\edi. Coul Wemake t1his al red letter dayv in o!u-r commun-ý ity. Resits o! tbe can)ivas will be posted aýs they came in. i'resbytery And Conference Send Best Wishes FrSccs Dear Frîeiieds:- 1 would lihce very mu1,cir to bhave an opportunlity ta offer a word o! Conigratlat fi ons aid encoura ,gemenlt. When y]ý our beautiful Ciurh was in the courilse a! conistrution1«1, Iwas thec Chairnian o! Oshawa17, Presbytery and y7ou gave mie the houour o! lny- ing the Corner Stone. This 1 greatiy appreciated. I have md the higlest' esemfor the Or-ono people Who have gvnsa liberally ta, build a very beautifuî Sanctuary for the wor- shîp of' God. I congratulate -you on what you have.done. God bas blessed us with manyý wanderful giffe, bath ma1terial nndl spiritual. They are a loaita us; Hle exeects us ta be good stewar-ds of aeh Building Fund Commrittee Asks Co-operation Iw I- 1This debt, la view o! .tbe resulte îtnt Deanrid- bavebej aciiiev-ed is rma-irknly, emnaîl. To extinguish it will be amt At a Cnrgtoa ter o! hionour for the Oron10 peo)ple. oaur Chuirch lin Jnay t ma-y not be an entirely easy taskI, solution wý,as unainimoil but in view a! the past acmpili utb-oiiug th'leFiac ments o! the coagregution, 1 am per- of 'tie buildinig funid, ta fectly sure tinýt it will be dloue. The Bhits Camjéipaiga ig April, Orono cnrea bo ave set us-saenIrnest attem-pt ta netÏ pattera o! devotion and detemi a aning of eleven tl flan wbeuý a nlecessaf'y taeik bas to be lar <1100.0) !aced. We are cure they will trium-ph once again. It'-will be a day o! jubila- mety we poinit (ou t tii tion lu Preebytery and' Con! er enwe vr important subject ir whea the new church faces the futurel aur -commnunity. Your Ob And jbectivs o! Onai nes.inrouga Iitli tic -peopîe o! this My heurt wasb ed o! the finet renovated aid (C11U moy whjea s re on Sept. 9th, 1K service o! Dedic- benutiful and wor 1 shail have ni for your furtie Christian grace, special effort or tiie remiaining de] ta enlarged onr Kingdom of Cod. Withi great go success of vour wý the J.E. Grdf!: Message from Pr4e Bny o! Quinte Conlex I have vivid recoll wnve o! regret that Oshawa PreSbytery-V caÏme that the neý ciinrch in Orno was a A, great deal o! arou01sed, ai-d offere of miediately !ortiicoi:n eve-inomre inipnessed reaiction o! the Oronc wiio couruageouisly ,sel !lie task of rston Le Mz 0.1 the C( 0~o f 'onlgi-egaia: well. The ne ýI.nd now, in Spirit whicii 50 (IR1 Cross Drive Four Dollars Short 0f One Thousand API-WlL ý worsinDrui, ,

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