rea lot 0f 1 Ïus f amers lave te anout-of-date typeoffa- ing? True, many havea, pe Some himprved patcs fe Lised bett-,fer seed, applied miore friif'and Dadopted mroe machincry, bt are teir mnd open f0 the evoluion in farmîng that às going on ini the present aga? Somt-e f arms have beentire ly fturned iînto -grasslands, spoken of by One wvriter aDs "Grasslandus ail the wa , by another as "giv- igup our 0old corn hiosph, and by somne other.S, the real ex- t(-rmists rcutstas "orgni Thr sno sUuch lhng as b- ing "vrod on realgrsad farmng ny orethan o)n anyý wvell -klncdLroia l f ar prgrm nolving soil buflding, producin aawell m.planned cause these aejust what is meant by"graSsland fa'ýrming." None u0f théîî can be attained as out rcsorting lo the largescale use or grassands., man taeyaoýcrýe on flic farrn be turned into grasslands tQte .exclujsion of itrtlc rowcros.If does not mean thnat grascslands alone ,%ill supply ai! l te mnrielemlenit o min--ýîl tasous at the higheLcst degree of fertili ocs fot miean1 stock prodution, al fc nti ent osuredby Ivsokms cornle from gaslads Truc, itlias been shown tlat dair prouctscan be atic by going 'ail de way" wot sf Opsfalook oft'he f:iled wr "Duce" Beito ussolini's tille w hii i wsdctrof Iay ico, oce knon as "oro Ms PU2 ACiiO55 i. Minerai aprir g 4. Cheek-bon* 9. Distant 12. Scotch bat 12 Omit in prononocine 14 Mr Lincoir, 15. Bra~llien parro 16 Facia wrinkic~ il. Knock 18 For 2P Demoii~h Si. Spanit ~ar 21. Novel 25 E'-it;r, ~tatcsman 26. Harxe~t~ 25 Wiit*tl il Stree (ab i il Schene 53 Strong wlnd 115. i1xie~ ~7 Ecg i4, seboo 59 Bigot, bird 42 Short tor i5i"aheth '~ 44 Jjncooked 46. Soli.cltnd4 47 Inseers 48 Note fi e speej 50. 553 Si Chinet~ pagoda 52. Moel<gl stud~ 54. Cm e~ 55 Ponltry procinot 50 AIgus xthlst1~ 1~~2Y~t BY DOROTHfy MD PLENTY of younig, tnder cikeare con the mýash;t nw V er atrcieprces. So let% give ithe fniiyUS fi 0 cisp ie -hicýkEtn rf'sgood eating a41y way you 1üook ut it, whether b-otý or cold, sucdor Simple, Picnic or part'y st.yle.The morat hn is to "know vyour îchilkeni" md, ue f, etmtodo rpr- Toays odem ryeùýr'S do not 'ýreiselong, tediOus cooýkin1g Or sfeaming. They're at Iheir tender b3est enPlaeed un hof fat about %Adch deep, browned Over moerately lOw hea,à hMen finlshed off over fa 10w heat 1or bin the aven.ý Fryig chmeken need noVbe Las-ut fa i.Yo)u canïypre- brown the iecesa day in advance, then cool and wrap thena In waxed papes About a)n buw beforesevgti, bring pieces up ta room lmpera radarrange themm, one layer deep',nlaa sba-iiow bakinjg pan. pour eld bufferrmrgn veïh pee nd pop the p-an into- a moesafe oven (350' dege-'4S 'F.) for 30 to 40 minutes, eor until chieken is flork tenduer lif dinner is- delayed, reduc vn hleCa nd brushcken ,with me"ited butter s0 thaf if faysmo'is and tender Wvhen you give a fried cieken par.ty, you m ay pefro u eWAice by theplece, or eIse purchaýse ex',trabrd and t-aveth bonier wings and backs oýr lter family servi.e. ha'swhat ev docfor this lsinsLmnBarb&c'îue Chieken for a partyý The meatythglsdmusfck, ndbseasts arýe brOw%'ned i l o utr then coe l anylmo beu auce untlrktedr Serveetra lemn sauceon *the side. Hav e chcln drawn and cut ino servig pieces, or if qick-. fontbaw cco tneVodirecionson flcbox, Rbn"e hnco and ~ ~ W brwmciknsi sdlown, Tura and brown, Pourlemon grasslands. This desnoV nean that in a ajriy f ases týhis is the most profitableCprocedure. CGrasslandi ýs ihaves ad v anag in a farn rora tatcan--not be obtained ini,]an y o ,ervay, nd echone 0fthseshould Ube given )fuili consîderaition.) 1. Higliqaltpatrg an harvsted forage provide the low'est co-st fe viai o 2, As much as ;80 to 90 peopenf of fcdfor diycti a b e deriýîv ed 'pro'àita bl fromi the mrgncmatter frrg-o sou ts ih a high cro 4.d Graes and lepgumeÎs in fained inbupeoraent elm fcr,-tilîedp~ucs euc r oses und er achorgearen are lmostegligibe !- 5. s'cý 1undon eglcof rrn us-'edofin povd rase nd - e0 ms * * *Liîo11ý 6~~~~~~ T1ru11nelgetue0f S Soresgneî 55. Perceive ~Z.LE 6 Top piece ot a door fl T SolI drink 9 Electrîca Unit 60 iii * bot o 10. Hombits iL Be sorry 19 Wltherec i. Statiooar* 20. Put baçie pait 22 Hippie agamu S XX ord & lic not 24. Faise haîr 5, Wine ~ e-uc 21 Took e cissi' 4 Tha\ '01 flel'~, 41 AnO *05 24 Character 1* 'Unch Tome C ibis 55 Dînsi i 56 Etousehoid 58 Chareoter 40 Whîta toi 41 fies uired 45 Flatterie 45 Bro'iden 48 flepair 52 iiingiiah Iett*r 5.1 tiretoîty "roks about :30 ïto 41)minu-tes. _AjrralgE cýhic-'ken on platter 'Ifn pour suc over p)ieces.1 "l1 ýl1 lemon juice, 2 tbeposgrated onion kteaspoon celery sact, pktaspon bNacmpepper' , esondried thyme.- Manc garlicove wMthsit in a b4Wl Add remInig ingredints and mix tgthr f psile fo aue 1to stnd ovrnight f0 bled laors beore using, NOTE: Use a hayauiu rsanessteelc klît Goo Tate or een GOING STEADY: Dear Sally, 1 an siteen and very mucL i acee gong teay forthr-ee Lhunk 1ar n oyoung to go, steady andW;at1Ishould go oui wiétliother bo'ys, I fEel1Isliould bc truc to Bob and Mliat, onecisc. Whatdo you thînk?, I fhînk fliufyou arec ate young o go seady wth a boy) l'l s Or LBob Thi'Ps wouIdn't have Vomeantet you stop bs riy o eeh th î lydts hre mstli prtes n"W fren.the' U epe oft fiieUmtr Vo sledy winhBob wl h ornes hom !-e tounsi Wrt Bln, ewyetr aInd feuraih.m aoutwa yur doîngnn liw cci yu is oriecsiesporde a boxrofhme med cndes Thi w] ho lii, een houli ou dotgo wih li ang, eiss1Noi as asî10yordie ThsCHOOL-NI HTllDATESr not good teste for a Youn g gir 0f ourse, oni't ",!il îyou cd. cuayfleeisn'f narm nin weewring a lcyst:ripe end al you gangis wearing oune, youCo 'Uld ask youurnmofier V- o let you Wear a cess notîccable of your gang. I realizbuht bécbg teasnd by YourIssrsenocn make auible fo ifr wifý1 l hei makeL Upý an-d ý our mte e e cided Vodrwfiunwh te Changng te coof "yo'Ur bho daroiuetunlessmiomknw whiclicoutsV se ahr apnerm anetcOPs, nohr Sothalisii ofwîl henx Tes--endgesue %inviu.dSVo alsnd fInir prohcmfoSeally Mcr- Cfrtc a o ,123 Eis ighfeenfha W Vte-M0 na ýn t Womeît Take To e Whte men ad wonen i SouflAfrCeare turn a ing f0 moblackmge" Vu slv c eir lovke puroenirndcrethi lsS lias ban onliavatsndg of nTivc mdiinsLcotann o eaigbaVocoAin ftosrany par t ic od r ra o fa huan orc mynhîcaLprbing."ei- ptuisnni e-iorliflYe wth- goimcs or 'iq uono'ainge n PEIJ5U Ca4Ue. reLL ringing H. The next timeflicwfhdco turnd Up lie wastold curty tha his sevices were nof nceded, Withîn a wveek, fe!] on theý fn rmfor flcfirst time in livin mem-oryý. The witch-docfor wasU recallcd, He agreed Vo cast hié spdils again-for the iglier fce of- three oxen -ajyear. "There has been no more hal on my lands since thn" , h EaiyRaisedHeb diisage, and thymnearecesll raisd and sill do weH l r many, kinds of sou, but d1o best ono ,andy- ioam,. Thiey require plenty of sun f0 dcvclop the bect quli-. ty. So fhe secd in thieeay s-pring and thin tlhe planti-s le six inchfes aparf, Asý "The Gardei-eri'sHad book," avieg ut sumenrer sn-. or hnthe Lpiapý-t prod-uces, iifs oe budfs and before Uthc busopenj.Gthrsýagean thyme in the :al before heavy rains break down the plans, and sand fhmm. Ticherbs in bhes: of seea lnseaýC, anhang them Wh hcads down in a dak wvaurmwoef-ventilated plac s theyy ý;dr-y ouf rdai This is importsat inkde to re- tain Mfulfavour and colour. After they are dry riubo the leave7ýs off th-e Fikl, sand pilace il, gla-ss jars For futuretise,. Mi!nt is offen g rown ino-)theý gade i odinary soil,thul it Wil probabiy do bettes ini dapspot.-'t is prop)agaîted by n branches wvifh roots on. Plant mint in theery spring 'albout iFour ities deep, and pick the- lea-ves frm teplnasfyar nwede for use. i t A nswer Elsewb.ere on Thtis Page